She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 189: Jiang Sui is here too

Chapter 189 Jiang Sui is also here

Seeing Su Qing's lack of reaction, Xu Miaoran pursed her lips and said, "Maybe it was wrong from the beginning, otherwise I think we might be friends."

Her look made Su Qing stunned for a moment, and she shook her head, "I'm a very boring person, and the gap between us is too big to be friends."

Xu Miaoran is too confident and youthful, but he is timid and cowardly. Even with friends, he has too many collisions.

 Things are over.

 “He likes you very much.”

Su Qing knew who Xu Miaoran was talking about, and it was naturally Jiang Sui.

Su Qing was a little surprised.

 She wasn't used to talking about Jiang Sui with others, and she didn't want to talk about it.

Xu Miaoran saw that Su Qing was unwilling to talk, "You know, I sent a text message to Jiang Sui before I came to see you. What do you think his reaction will be now?"

The girl curled her lips and smiled. Her smile was really pretty. She did not belong to the kind of girl with a light face, she was extremely thick-faced.

When Wei Wei came in front of Su Qing, Xu Miaoran grabbed Su Qing's arm when she wanted to step back.

"do not move."

Su Qing was not used to being at such a close distance from others. She was a little embarrassed, "You..."

 Can you let go? I haven’t said a few words yet.

 “Xu Miaoran, let her go!”

  I heard a roar behind me, and all the eyes of the surrounding people were instantly focused on the three people.

It was Jiang Sui's voice. Su Qing's whole body froze, and Xu Miaoran's warm tone came to her ears, with a little smile, "I just want to test how much he likes you."


Su Qing didn't like these two words and frowned.

Jiang Sui had already walked over, pulled away Su Qing's hand and brought it into his arms. He glanced at Xu Miaoran very coldly, and then looked down at Su Qing.

“Su Qing, don’t you have a long memory? How dare you come out even if someone calls you?”

Su Qing was stunned.

When she just heard from Xu Miaoran that Jiang Sui was coming, she thought Xu Miaoran was lying to her. She had no idea that Jiang Sui was really coming.

 And it came so quickly.

 Standing in front of yourself now.

Su Qing was in a daze. She reached out in disbelief and tugged at the hem of Jiang Sui's clothes. He was still wearing the same down jacket as hers.

 The real touch in her hand brought Su Qing back to her senses, and her lips raised into a smile.

 “Jiang Sui, come and find me.”

There was joy in his voice. In fact, they had not seen each other for some days.

Hearing the girl's voice, Jiang Sui's wrinkled brows relaxed a little, but not completely, "Su Qing, don't act coquettishly for me, I won't accept sugar-coated bullets like yours!"

 “Tell me clearly, who asked you to come out alone to meet such a dangerous person!”

He was obviously worried, his eyes were dark, and his whole person exuded a strong displeasure, unhappy, and even extremely angry. Even the girl's smile at him could not dispel the panic in his heart.

At this moment, Su Qing had been pulled away from Xu Miaoran by a large, even safe distance.

 “No one is alone….”

 “Isn’t this on the street? There are many people there.”

Su Qing defended herself in a low voice. Seeing the boy's brows knitted into the Chinese character "Sichuan", she stretched out her hand to tentatively grab the boy's finger. Not only did the boy accept it, but he held it very hard.

Su Qing's face was filled with joy, and she felt that Jiang Sui's anger should have dissipated a lot now.

Who knew, the boy would be even more angry!

“Su Qing, there are so many people on this street, who do you know, eh?!”

“Are you trying to make me mad by playing such a clever trick? Now look at who dares to help people on the street. Tell me that these people on the street are people, huh?!”

The young man was so angry that he wanted to yell but suppressed it all in his throat. His face turned red because of the anger.

Su Qing choked and froze.

Because Jiang Sui was telling the truth, she bit her lip and shook Jiang Sui's arm subconsciously, "Jiang Sui, I know there is no one to help, but you and I will help, right?"

The girl’s hot and innocent eyes are like a close follower, so bright that it’s hard to look away.

Jiang Sui nodded, reluctant to hurt her, "Qingqing, don't change your mind. I'm not talking about whether you can help others or not. I'm talking about you coming out alone, with strangers and dangerous people." people."

His voice was tight, even his fingers were trembling, and there was detectable fear in his eyes.

Su Qing's guilt suddenly came up. She wanted to reach out and hug him, but she felt embarrassed. She looked at her toes and said, "Jiang Sui, don't be sad. It won't happen anymore. Don't think about it. Don't be afraid."

She knew that he was probably thinking of himself in the rain last time.

"I know, I won't do anything stupid, you, you, you, don't be sad, don't be angry, okay, I was wrong, I know I was wrong."

The girl bowed her head obediently and surrendered. She really knew she was wrong, and her eyes were about to turn red when she looked at Jiang Sui.

Still reluctant to be aggressive, Jiang Sui, whose voice was a little louder now, was already blaming himself, "Blame me, blame me, blame me for not taking good care of you, don't cry."

  His voice had softened a few degrees, and it was unbelievably low and hoarse.

Su Qing naturally didn't want Jiang Sui to blame himself. She bit her lip and shook his arm, "Don't blame yourself. I won't do that anymore. I want a hug, but outside..."

Girl Yunxia's crimson cheeks, Jiang Sui didn't think much, his heart moved, and he gave Su Qing a light hug.

Su Qing put her hands on his chest, feeling quite embarrassed.

Su Qing felt even more embarrassed, especially when she saw Xu Miaoran's interested eyes, which were always focused on their side.

 “Let go first….”

Seeing that the tips of Su Qing's ears turned red, Jiang Sui's hug didn't last long. In the eyes of the young man, it was so short before he let go.

 He didn’t even hold it enough.

Xu Miaoran, who had been watching for a long time, looked at them teasingly, "In this large audience, please pay attention!"

 Xu Miaoran's eyes flashed with unhappiness and relief, but Jiang Sui didn't look the same as she did. The young man's eyes never left Su Qing, but simply glanced at her.

 “I warned you not to cause trouble with her.”

There was no politeness in the young man's words, and his eyes looking at Xu Miaoran were very cold.

Xu Miaoran felt confused in his heart. He really didn't like himself.

 And I really saw how much Jiang Sui liked Su Qing.

I like her so much that I can no longer hold anyone or anything in my eyes.

 In Jiang Sui's eyes, everything was Su Qing's background.

 At that moment, Xu Miaoran felt that he envied Su Qing.

Although she has nothing, she can have Jiang Sui.

 (End of this chapter)

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