She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 194: Jiang Sui’s condition 2

Chapter 194 Jiang Sui’s condition 2

Mei Yeqin took a few deep breaths and dialed the phone number.

When Pei Dai received the call from Mei Yeqin, he was still sitting in the office sorting out the case and preparing for a arraignment.

 When he saw the word Qinqin written on the flashing screen of his mobile phone, his tired eyes lit up after scanning it.

Mei Yeqin, who rarely called him, made Pei Dai very happy.

Seeing that the work at hand was almost done, I quickly picked up the phone.

“Qinqin, have you finished get off work? Are you tired? You rest first and I’ll call you a meal.”

Knowing that she didn't like cooking, Pei Dai looked for a Cantonese restaurant before going on a business trip and told her that she wanted to order a meal.

 “Pei Dai.”

  The voice that made a stop was full of worry. It was obvious that something had happened. It was not the usual cold Mei Yeqin.

"What's wrong, Qinqin?" Pei Dai's voice was very concerned, and there was even a slight tremor in his voice.

Mei Yeqin rubbed his eyebrows and pressed the elevator, "Pei Dai, there is something I need to trouble you with."

Mei Yeqin rarely bothers others with matters involving privacy at home, so her brows are always furrowed and her voice is slightly hoarse.

 Pei Dai's behavior was completely different from Mei Yeqin's. Pei Dai, who was very worried about Mei Yeqin, was very willing to help. He was even a little anxious, "Qinqin, what happened, tell me."

Mei Yeqin didn't think too much, she just thought that nothing could happen to Jiang Sui, who was, after all, her sister's only flesh and blood in the world.

“It’s Jiang Sui. I’ll send you his address. Please help me go to his house and watch him. Don’t let him do anything. I’ll drive there right now.”

"By the way, he usually likes to put the keys to his home under the carpet at the door. I'll send you his address. If you have nothing to do, please rush over now."

 Pei Dai extracted all the key information.

Probably something happened to Jiang Sui, and Qinqin had to drive at night.

Pei Dai frowned, "I'll go right away, Qinqin, but it's too late to drive to Wuzhen now..."

 “That’s it, I’m dead.”

She has always acted vigorously and resolutely, and what she said will be done. Pei Dai looked at his hung up phone with a bit of a wry smile. Fortunately, he hung up the phone, otherwise Pei Dai would doubt that Qinqin would definitely give him Say, you are not willing to help pull down this kind of thing.

No matter how worried she is, Mei Yeqin will not stop. Pei Dai knows this better than anyone else, so the only thing Pei Dai can do is to go find Jiang Sui quickly, make sure he is okay, and then let Qinqin drive. slower.

Pei Dai didn't dare to stay too long. He was not in Wuzhen. He was just transferred here for a few days. He borrowed a colleague's car and hurriedly arrived at the address of Jiang Sui's home in Mei Yeqinfa.

After arriving at the place, Pei Dai actually took out a handful from the carpet at the door. When Pei Dai was about to unlock the door, he touched the door and found that the door was unlocked and open, so he walked in directly.

 In the room, there was no trace of light, and the dark air was mixed with low emotions.

Pei Dai slowed down and opened his mouth, "Jiang Sui, are you at home?"

I don't know what happened to the young man, but Pei Dai's voice was very soft. He took out his mobile phone and turned on the screen. He did not rush to find the switch position. Instead, he followed the light of his mobile phone screen. After searching for a while, I wanted to find Jiang Sui.

 Perhaps because of his occupation, he quickly discovered the young man hiding in the corner of the balcony.

There was still a trace of light outside. The young man's aura was strong, and there was no trace of life in his whole body. After seeing the person clearly, he looked at Pei Dai with cold eyes.

 “My aunt asked you to come?”

The young man was already smart, and Pei Dai didn't want to hide it from Jiang Sui, so he nodded, took his mobile phone and sent a text message to Mei Yeqin, saying that he had found Jiang Sui, he was fine, and drive slower. .

Then he sat down directly with the young man, but Jiang Sui raised his head and glanced at Pei Dai, then moved away expressionlessly.

There was a vacant space, which is exactly where Pei Dai is sitting now.

Pei Dai saw this and said, "I heard your aunt said you have mysophobia. Why, isn't it dirty sitting on the floor?"

Pei Dai didn't play his cards according to the routine. Jiang Sui was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect him to say this, but the young man didn't answer his words, "I'm fine and I won't do anything. Tell my aunt to go back. "

 The eviction order was soon issued.

Jiang Sui's eyes were dark and devoid of any emotion.

 He doesn’t seem to care about others occupying his space and air at this moment, and wants to be alone.

Pei Dai read from the emotion in the young man's eyes that this was his greatest courtesy, and sighed quietly.

 “You are trapped by love, and I am trapped by love too.”

Jiang Sui frowned and looked at Pei Dai. The meaning in his eyes couldn't be more obvious. Aren't you here to look after me for my aunt? What nonsense are you talking about?

When he met Jiang Sui's eyes, Pei Dai was not alone. He still said to himself, "How come you are allowed to look at me like this, children, trapped by love, but we old people are not allowed to do so." ?”

“Let me tell you something about your aunt and me, so that you can have some reference. Don’t be like me.”

Pei Dai's words finally gave Jiang Sui a hint of look in his eyes, but that look showed that you were crazy.

“Your aunt and I have known each other since college. Actually, no, I’ve known her since I was in high school, but I was too shy at that time to dare…”

There was an expression of undisguised disdain in Jiang Sui's eyes, and Pei Dai still had a slight smile on his face, "Later, you also know that when we were in college, the process was very simple. She said she wanted me to be her My boyfriend, I agreed, and then she wanted to study abroad, so I agreed.”


Jiang Sui couldn't believe it, it was his aunt who confessed, and Pei Dai didn't seem to do anything in this.

 There is a way that Pei Dai is just a passer-by of Mei Yeqin.

In his eyes, when he saw Pei Dai cooking for Mei Yeqin so diligently, he thought that Pei Dai should be the one who took the initiative in this relationship. He never expected that the plot of the story would be like this.

 “Do you feel that I am like your aunt’s guest?”

 Listening to Pei Dai's words, Jiang Sui nodded without hesitation.

"I thought so at the beginning. I thought she didn't like me and I was a burden to her. I liked her, so I should support her no matter what decision she made. Of course, I think so now."

 (End of this chapter)

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