She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 195: she has no love

Chapter 195 She has no love

"I know that your aunt has always had no love in her heart due to the influence of her family. She has never believed in love."

When Pei Dai said this, his face looked a little melancholy, and his mood was low.

"That's why, I can let her do whatever she wants, because I know she has no love, not me or anyone else."

Because of family matters, these words made Jiang Sui's eyes tremble undetectably for a few seconds before returning to normal.

His fingers hanging on the ground involuntarily tightened a bit.

 He was obviously a young man who knew something, and his emotions were not easily exposed. His whole body tensed up.

Pei Dai also felt something strange about Jiang Sui. He casually glanced at Jiang Sui's face and said in a cold and calm voice, "A boy can't fall down just because of something. I believe your aunt will not You would like someone who can be destroyed easily, as well as other people, don’t you think?”

 If the young man doesn’t know what he said, he would be stupid if he means anything.

Jiang Sui pursed his lips and didn't say anything. Pei Dai was happy to pretend to be dumbfounded and continued to talk about the past as if there was no connotation.

"So, I am so strong, I have not been knocked down by your aunt's departure. I have been thinking about when we will meet again. In fact, if your aunt didn't call me, I also planned to come to Wuzhen to find her."

"I was young and too confident at that time, not in myself, but in your aunt. I thought she would never have love. But later on, I was so hesitant when I was alone, but I didn't dare to disturb it. I just Being able to pay attention to her secretly, knowing that she has no love, is a bit relieved, but also a bit sad. "

Pei Dai smiled to himself.

This story is not full of sadness, nor is it too exaggerated. If it is about two people, it is better to say it is about Pei Dai alone.

His hesitation, his loneliness, his fear, Jiang Sui could feel it in an instant.

 But Jiang Sui was not the one who felt the same way. He looked at Pei Dai with his glazed eyes and said very seriously, "If I were you, I would never let her leave me."

 Seriously, as if talking about something.

Regarding Jiang Sui's words, Pei Dai looked at Jiang Sui without surprise, "Even if one day, your things or your troubles block her steps, your love and your likes block her from moving forward. His footsteps have blocked his dream, would you say the same?"

Pei Dai's eyes were so serious, as if there was a multiple-choice question of fate for Jiang Sui to choose at this moment.

 Your matter, your reasons, such words obviously silenced Jiang Sui.

 He was obviously not so sure now. All his tentacles were retracted into his body in an instant, and he was wrapped in a stiff and thick wall, making it impossible for others to enter and for him to get out.

 “Then, even if it’s because of myself, I won’t leave her.”

 After the young man's tone of voice changed, he became more paranoid, his voice became deeper, and his eyes were as deep as ink.

 He changed the sentence "I won't let her leave me" to "I won't leave her".

ˆ With the change of subject and object, the sentence and psychology will change a lot.

Pei Dai's words were not meant as encouragement, but simply stated his troubles at the time. He must have gone from not wanting Mei Yeqin to leave to simply not leaving Mei Yeqin.

 The confidence he had before is certainly gone now.

Mei Yeqin has no love because of family affairs, but Su Qing is different. Although she is not good at talking, she is very lovable. Jiang Sui has no way to guarantee...

He closed his eyes deeply, and his whole face was filled with indifferent refusal, "So, what exactly do you want to say?"

 Let him know that as a sick person, doesn’t he deserve love?

Jiang Sui clenched his hands into fists.

Pei Dai looked at Jiang Sui's indifference. Looking at the young man's expression, he became a little evil. His breath was completely shrouded in darkness. "I don't want to say anything, I just want to say that you should become a good person." Only in this way can you protect the person you like for a long time. "

Pei Dai spoke calmly, without any educational overtones. His role at the moment was both a talker and a listener.

 He is like a bystander.

Jiang Sui's eyes opened in vain, "I will protect her."

 Muttering to himself, more like he was trying to tell himself something, his eyes were terrifyingly firm.

“Yes, you will protect her, but first, you must protect yourself.”

Pei Dai is like a guide.

 “Is that so?”

Pei Dai nodded, "Yes, Su Qing is a good girl. She must like you and hope you are well. Think about it carefully."

The young man's eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes began to wander, as if he was thinking about something far away.

Pei Dai's voice continued slowly. Under the dim light, the young man's expression could no longer be seen clearly. His pure white eyes asked again.


Pei Dai responded softly. The young man's consciousness finally blurred and his eyes gradually closed.

Knowing that the young man had mysophobia, but having no other choice, Pei Dai still stretched out his hand to cover his head.

 “You’re hypnotizing him.”

 A heavy voice sounded behind Pei Dai. The voice was not high, but the emotions inside were complex and the tone was so cold.

 In the dim living room, Mei Yeqin had been standing for who knows how long.

She came in a hurry, and her body was stained with the air-conditioning of the night. Her whole body exuded a strong coldness, which was very inhumane.

Pei Dai's hand holding Jiang Sui's head paused, and he pursed his lips, "Qinqin, let's help Jiang Sui into the bedroom first."

The voices of both of them were very slow and low, for fear of waking Jiang Sui.

 After closing the bedroom door.

 The two stood looking at each other.

The lights in the dim living room only turned on the spotlights, which were not dazzling and were even a little dim.

Mei Yeqin folded his hands and glanced at Pei Dai's face with a pair of narrow eyes. It was very cold and without any emotion. It was like looking at a stranger at this moment.

Pei Dai couldn't stand such indifference. There was a look of silence in his eyes and he pursed his lips, "Qinqin, are you tired? I'll get you a glass of water first."

He checked and found that although the distance from Jiangcheng to Wuzhen is not far, there is no expressway and he can only take the provincial road, which takes almost two hours.

 When Pei Dai turned around, Mei Yeqin's brows wrinkled, and different emotions finally appeared in his eyes.

 That is displeasure.

  Displeasure filled the eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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