She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 196: how dare you

Chapter 196 How dare you?

Pei Dai had a hint of bitterness at the corner of his mouth.

He knew clearly that the displeasure in Mei Yeqin's eyes was her distrust of him.

Her cold eyes glanced at him, looking at him like looking at a stranger, Pei Dai felt uncomfortable in her heart.


His arm was grabbed by Mei Yeqin, who said coldly, "I don't drink water."

Pei Dai looked at Mei Yeqin and said, "If you don't want to drink, you need to drink a little. The corners of your mouth are peeling, and it's too cold. You need to drink water to warm up your body temperature."

She hasn't eaten yet. This is just what Pei Dai said to herself in her heart, and she did not express it.

Mei Yeqin hated the current mood. There was an extremely cold color in her eyes, and she couldn't help but feel indifferent, "Pei Dai, I don't know, when did you decide my affairs?"

Haughty, cold, aloof and repulsive to others, this kind of Mei Yeqin is the Mei Yeqin that Pei Dai knew at the beginning.

His body stiffened for a moment, with a look of astonishment on his face, "Qinqin, are you blaming me?"

The blame in her eyes was undisguised, and there was even some disgust that Pei Dai didn't want to see.

This realization shocked Pei Dai's heart and made him feel very uncomfortable.

“You don’t have to look hurt, you know what I hate the most is like this.”

 The woman's red lips and white teeth spoke words that hurt people's hearts.

Pei Dai's eyes froze. He knew what she hated, so he never showed his emotions to others. Maybe it was because he couldn't stand the close relationship between the two in recent days. Any indifference or sarcastic remarks on his part, let alone such a tense situation now.

“Qinqin, don’t you listen to my explanation?”

His eyes were suffocating, and this silent guilt was almost overwhelming him.

“Explain what, explain, you, a police officer, can actually hypnotize?”

Mei Yeqin's eyebrows were raised fiercely. She never thought that the pure white boy before her could actually hide such a profound skill?

 Yes, this is a skill.

“Saving lives and healing the wounded is your job and your belief, but what about hypnosis?”

Mei Yeqin tried hard to see through Pei Dai's true face, but found that she couldn't see anything. Looking again, Pei Dai's eyes were still so clear, without a trace of filth, even though he was thirty.

Even the tall figure and white face still have traces of the young man from back then.

Pei Dai stiffened when he was asked. There were some things that Pei Dai thought he would never say. At this moment, the man's eyes cast a dark shadow.

“Qinqin, even if you are a death row prisoner, you should have a chance to defend yourself, right?”

 The loneliness in his eyes was seen by Mei Yeqin.

“Pei Dai, you don’t have to pretend to be pitiful. Don’t you know the dangers of hypnosis?”

“I’ve been with Asui for so many years, and I’ve known about his illness for so many years, but I haven’t even hypnotized him. How dare you!”

It’s not that it’s useless, it’s not that it’s useless, but Jiang Sui’s protective awareness is too strong and there is no breakthrough at all. If he forcefully or delusively tries to force hypnosis on the young man, his condition will only worsen and there will be no improvement.

 The worsening of his condition is what Mei Yeqin is most worried about.

She couldn't possibly try again. She couldn't bear the pain of losing a loved one. Her eyes were cold and without any luster.

Pei Dai twitched his lips a few times, wanting to step forward and grab Mei Yeqin's finger, but the woman quickly shook him away.

“Pei Dai, stay away from me.”

The darkness in her eyes was so deep that it couldn't be wiped away, and it was so sticky that it was scary.

With his hand half in the air, Pei Dai twitched the corner of his mouth and forced out an ugly smile, "Qinqin, I didn't mean to hypnotize Asui. His consciousness was shallow at that time, so I wanted to try it. "Aren't you worried about him? His condition is not very good. I want him to open up and receive treatment..."

 There is actually something hidden about hypnosis, but Pei Dai knew that he couldn't talk about it. He kept silent and spoke seriously and sincerely, which really did not win Mei Yeqin's approval.

 “Shallow consciousness, try?”

"Is Ah Sui a test subject? Pei Dai, have you ever had any successful cases? You asked him to open up his heart, you asked him to treat him. Why, you are an outsider, and I have been with him for so many years, ten years, and I am afraid that something will happen to him. , Don’t dare to use many extreme measures, why do you do so!”

 As an outsider, all the light in Pei Dai's eyes was shattered and it would never shine again.

Mei Yeqin growled in a low voice, with a look of pain and fear of loss. Pei Dai's heart was pulled by a pair of invisible hands, and the pain was so painful that he was almost numb.

His lips trembled slightly, "I'm sorry, Qinqin, it was my fault. I shouldn't have made my own decision."

At this moment, no matter what kind of explanation he gave, even if it was outrageous, Mei Yeqin would think that he was wrong.

 An outsider is enough to prove it.

Pei Dai's fingers dropped weakly.

Mei Yeqin's words were too harsh, and the anger was so intense that the indifference swept across her body, making Pei Dai dare not look directly at her, so he could only squeeze Mei Yeqin's hand a little closer.

 Trying his best to redeem and remedy, "Qinqin, you just saw it, right? The effect is not bad. Please forgive me, okay? I will never be so reckless again..."

His voice had a slight tremor.

Because Mei Yeqin did not avoid his hand this time, Pei Dai felt bitter and frightened like a single-plank bridge.

Mei Yeqin's eyebrows were raised fiercely. What she couldn't bear the most was the way he showed weakness. It was nothing like his usual cold demeanor. It was as if the world was abandoning him, as if she was a bad woman.

“Effectiveness, good or not, Asui cannot be used as a test subject.”

Mei Yeqin's eyes were deep and still as cold as ever. She glanced at Pei Dai's sad and unreal face.

"Pei Dai, I will never have love. Your love for me is of no use. I may never get married in my life."

 He knew and knew his thoughts, but the easing of the relationship in the past few days really made Pei Dai have unrealistic ideas again. This stick severely knocked him back to his original form.

 He knew all this.

 But when she said these words in person, Pei Dai felt like her ears were spinning.

 The man who is like a tough man is a little shaky at this moment.

“I know Qinqin, it’s okay, I can accompany you, I know you are lonely, it’s okay.”

It doesn't matter. It doesn't sound like it was said by Mei Yeqin, but it seems like it was said to himself.

Hearing these words, Mei Yeqin frowned fiercely.

 (End of this chapter)

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