She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 197: Keep your voice down

Chapter 197: Keep your voice down

Jiang Sui is Mei Yeqin’s reverse scale.

 Not only Jiang Sui, but also her sister, Pei Dai knew all this.

 Pei Dai walked out of the house in despair, stretched out his hand and patted his cheek, "Don't be discouraged, Pei Dai, Qinqin is sick. You know, none of what she said was intentional."

Perhaps this way of making up for Mei Yeqin can make the man feel better.

Mei Yeqin stood on the balcony and did not move until Pei Dai left.

Her thoughts were very confused. Pei Dai had been hypnotizing Jiang Sui for a long time. She didn't actually see the process, and she didn't know if there was anything bad about the boy.

 It was just her subconscious rejection, rejecting Jiang Sui for hypnosis.

 Because she had failed once, she was very worried.

 So even when she got to the living room, Mei Yeqin didn't dare to express her anger, or even breathe, because she was worried about what impact she had, or whether something was wrong.

 However, the result was unexpected. Jiang Sui actually fell asleep, so unprepared that Mei Yeqin was more shocked than angry.

 In her heart, she does not trust anyone. Even if that person is Pei Dai, it is her second best choice.

 Perhaps, it is really like what the man said.

 She has really been alone for too long.

Mei Yeqin rubbed her eyebrows. She knew that her words were wrong, but she would never admit it, because Jiang Sui would not allow any accidents or mistakes.

Since her sister is gone, she has to protect her child for her sister and not let him suffer any harm. This is Mei Yeqin's bottom line.

 Listen to the sound of the door being closed.

Mei Yeqin knew that he was gone.

Her heart suddenly felt empty and out of control, causing her eyes to wrinkle slightly.

  She thought it was caused by habit.

 For a long time, Mei Yeqin stood by the window, her thoughts a little confused.

When the door rang again, Mei Yeqin subconsciously turned to look at the door.

The man was in a hurry, with snowflakes still on his body, carrying a large bag of things, and then tiptoed. When Mei Yeqin looked at it, he couldn't help but froze.


Pei Dai's voice was a little hoarse, with unspeakable emotions in it.

Mei Yeqin looked at his hair covered with snowflakes, frowned, pursed his lips, and said nothing, but he also looked in the direction of Pei Dai from the balcony.

She stretched out her hand to brush the snowflakes off the man's head, but Pei Dai grabbed her wrist.

“Qinqin, it’s cold. I’ll just go out and shake it off.”

It was too cold. Pei Dai was worried that the cold air on his body would reach hers too much, and wanted to stay away from her, but he didn't think much about it.

 I can only stand there stupidly.

 Let Mei Yeqin help him brush the white snow from his hair.

At that moment, Pei Dai's heart felt warm, and it gradually warmed up for a while.

He was half a head taller than Mei Yeqin, so in order to make the woman more comfortable, he could only lower his head slightly and bend his knees a little.

Mei Yeqin pursed her lips and looked at the lunch box he was carrying, as if to prevent the snowflakes on his head from scattering on it, he held it far away with one arm.

 “Put the things on the cabinet first.”

Pei Dai also felt that his behavior was a bit childish at this moment, and the heat in the room made his face a little warm.

 “Okay, Qinqin.”

 He never said a word without adding her name.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but Mei Yeqin withdrew his hand, thinking that the man who left had returned.

“Qinqin, I bought you some food. You eat some first and I’ll see if it’s still hot. If not.”

 Minding his own business, Pei Dai walked to the kitchen, carrying lunch boxes and other things, and tested the temperature with his hands.

“Qinqin, it’s still hot. Come over and have a few bites first.”

“Pei Dai, please lower your voice!”

Mei Yeqin frowned and looked at Pei Dai. Her low roar made Pei Dai's smile freeze, and then nodded, "I understand, Qinqin."

 The disappointment in his eyes flashed so quickly, but Mei Yeqin still caught it.

Mei Yeqin rubbed his eyebrows, walked to the seat, and endured the slight discomfort in his heart, "At that time, what I said was a little too extreme."

Pei Dai paused for a long time while unpacking the package and looked at Mei Yeqin in disbelief.

 Being used to her indifference and arrogance, Pei Dai's sudden apology made Pei Dai's heart stop beating, and he looked at the woman quietly.

Mei Yeqin placed the unpacked chopsticks in front of Pei Dai, "You haven't eaten either, so sit down and eat together."

These words made Pei Dai even more stunned.

 He couldn't help but pinch his fingertips. In fact, he bought a double portion, so he was a little cautious. I wonder if Qinqin noticed it.

Mei Yeqin, who was sitting on the chair, was really talking quietly.

She eats without talking or sleeps without speaking. This woman has a good upbringing.

 Pei Dai helped her remove fish bones, bones from ribs, and served her various vegetables. Although Mei Yeqin only frowned slightly, he did not refuse.

But after the meal, Pei Dai clearly found that her appetite was much less. When he wanted to tentatively ask her if she wanted to eat more, looking at Mei Yeqin's ugly face, Pei Dai still didn't. Say it.

Mei Yeqin, who had put away the garbage and supported her head on her elbows, half-closed her eyes, could see that she was very tired.

“Qinqin, would you like to take a rest outside? I have booked a room at a small hotel not far away.”

Pei Dai observed that Jiang Sui's room was one bedroom and one living room, and he couldn't stay awake all night.

Mei Yeqin opened her eyes and looked at Pei Dai, "No, you can go back and rest. Thank you for the meal, and thank you for Asui. I'm not in a good mood today, I'm sorry."

Her politeness, alienation, and apology made Pei Dai's eyes suffocate, and the hands at his sides could not help but tighten.

 Feeling that I might really be seriously ill.

 She scolded him and he was unhappy.

  She apologized, but he was still unhappy.

The sadness in his heart was a little sour. Pei Dai tried his best to suppress it and looked at the woman's tired expression, "Qinqin, go to bed, otherwise Asui will be worried when you get up tomorrow. Come back tomorrow, I'll call you when he wakes up and I'll watch from here."

 Pei Dai always handles things in an orderly manner.

Mei Yeqin frowned tightly and thought of something, "You can go and have a rest with me."

 Those who are hypnotized cannot know that they are being hypnotized, especially those as smart as Asui.


Pei Dai was a little unbelievable and felt that he had heard wrongly.

 It's just that his voice was a little loud again. He covered his mouth and looked at Mei Yeqin.

 (End of this chapter)

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