She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 205: Where the light comes from 1

Chapter 205 The Origin of Light 1

Su Qing never thought that that jade-like person could have such a secret incident.

Her voice couldn't help but be slightly tense, and she looked at Mei Yeqin with burning eyes.

“Aunt Mei, I listen to everything you say.”

Her voice had a faint tremor that she didn't know she had.

Su Qing pinched her fingers tightly together, pursed her lips, and her whole body was filled with a kind of tension that could not be dissipated. She looked at Mei Yeqin not knowing what to do, not wanting to miss any details.

Mei Yeqin’s expression was extremely serious.

“Su Qing, Asuita has depression and mania.”

Su Qing was a little sluggish, her mouth opened slightly.

 “Depression? Mania?”

She was a little unbelievable, because she had some understanding of these things. Su Qing had never seen symptoms of this kind of mental illness in Jiang Sui.

“You find it unbelievable too, don’t you? I also found it unbelievable when I was first diagnosed.”

“Depression is characterized by continuous and long-term low mood as the main clinical feature, while the typical symptoms of mania are elevated mood, racing thoughts and increased activity.”

“It can be said that these two symptoms are completely mutually exclusive, and I didn’t want to believe it at the beginning.”

"Asui rarely, rarely behaves like this. It cannot be said that he does not behave like this. It should be said that he has always been like this since his sister passed away. He is not very emotional about anything, and does not have any interest."

Mei Yeqin had a hard time speaking, and every word she spoke was filled with care and concern for Jiang Sui.

Su Qing pursed her lips.

Sister, Su Qing bit her lip, "So did something happen to auntie that made Jiang Sui behave like this?"

She didn't want to ask about the boy's family affairs, and Jiang Sui had never told her that.

Mei Yeqin nodded, her expression was very indifferent, and her expression was very cold. It could be seen that for Mei Yeqin, it was also a past and past events that people did not want to recall.

"Asui watched his sister leave helplessly, so he suffered indelible psychological trauma. He wouldn't cry, and he rarely even cried. He didn't have any expression other than indifference. It wasn't like this at the beginning. At the beginning, Everyone is happy and happy.”

Mei Yeqin's eyes were about to be overwhelmed by the pain remaining in her eyes.

Su Qing bit her lip, not knowing how to comfort her, so she held her hands together tightly.

“Aunt Mei, do you need me to do anything?”

Mei Yeqin's depressed mood was brought back by Su Qing's words. She looked at Su Qing with very serious eyes.

"Su Qing, Asui has always had very few complications. It cannot be said that he has few complications, but he knows his condition, so he has been deliberately suppressing it and using his willpower to resist these things. exist."

“You know this condition, if not treated, will be very serious in the end. It can be said to be a very serious psychological and mental illness.”

Mei Yeqin tried his best to make the seriousness of the matter as clear as possible.

She pursed her lips and didn't want to continue talking.

Su Qing listened carefully to half of the words, and naturally heard Mei Yeqin's concerns. She carefully recalled the past few days.

 Previously, Su Qing had heard from Jiang Sui that Mei Yeqin had actually been transferred out of Wuzhen.

 So the chance encounter a few days ago was not a coincidence.

 A series of things seem to have guidance.

She thought of Jiang Sui's abnormal mood that day. Su Qing bit her lip and asked subconsciously.

“Aunt Mei, has Jiang Sui been sick for a long time? He has been sick two days ago.”

Mei Yeqin didn't expect the girl to be so smart, so she nodded.


“Su Qing, can you tell me what happened in Jiang Sui these days?”

Mei Yeqin asked seriously and cautiously.

"Of course, Su Qing, if you feel that your privacy or something is involved, you can choose not to say anything."

Mei Yeqin took Su Qing's emotions into consideration.

This kind of thing is nothing more than a test of the relationship between two people.

Su Qing pursed her lips and shook her head, "Aunt Mei, you don't have to be polite. If I can help Jiang Sui, I will be obliged to do so."

When Su Qing felt that the young man's mood was not right, Jiang Sui's eyes were very scarlet, and his whole person was a little scary. He was trying hard to restrain something.

  Su Qin felt a little guilty.

“I was careless. We had just finished the exam that day, but a girl who liked Asui asked me out to meet him.”

“I didn’t expect that she told Asui when she asked me out, so Asui went directly from Jiangcheng to Wuzhen to find me.”

 There is nothing wrong with this matter itself.

Mei Yeqin listened confidently.

"At that time, because of what happened before, he had always been very nervous about my safety, so he didn't want me to run around alone. When he saw me meeting that girl alone outside, Asui was very angry. ”

Su Qing bit her lip, thinking that if she could do it all over again, she would rather not meet him than have Jiang Sui get sick.

 Because at that time, she clearly felt the boy's discomfort and didn't take it seriously.

Su Qing fell into deep self-blame.

Mei Yeqin reached out and patted Su Qing's finger.

"Qingqing, you don't have to blame yourself. This kind of thing is normal. It's almost as I guessed. Asui was too nervous about you, so he did that."

Su Qing was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Mei Yeqin.

“So, Jiang Sui got sick because of me?”

Such a knowledge made Su Qing's eyes look a little confused, not knowing what to do or what to do.

 Her whole shoulders were shaking a bit.

Mei Yeqin didn’t expect Su Qing to have such an understanding.

She added anxiously, "That's not the case. Su Qing, your understanding is wrong."

“In medicine, if there are no clinical manifestations, doctors don’t know how to prescribe the right medicine, but now if Asui can expose the condition, it will be much easier to treat.”

Mei Yeqin's words gradually restored Su Qing's confused expression to clarity.

"So it was an accident. Can I help Jiang Sui?"

Her eyes were filled with a kind of light that made people unable to take their eyes away. At this moment, that sincere look made Mei Yeqin feel that her nephew had not chosen the wrong person.

Mei Yeqin nodded.

 During the whole process, Mei Yeqin did not see that Su Qing showed any reluctance.

Even willing to follow him to analyze, Jiang Sui's condition is too rare.

 (End of this chapter)

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