She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 206: Where the Light Comes 2

Chapter 206 The Origin of Light 2

Mei Yeqin even felt that she was judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Su Qing looked at Mei Yeqin with burning eyes, "So, what can I do to help him?"

 She spoke eagerly, a little impatiently.

Mei Yeqin pursed her lips, pinched her fingers, and looked at the door of the bedroom not far away, "Qingqing, don't be anxious about this matter, because Asui is very repulsive, and he never wanted you to know about it. "

Such news made Su Qing's active heart feel as if it had been dashed by cold water. She looked at Mei Yeqin blankly.

 “Is he afraid that I will be worried?”

Su Qing seems to be able to understand the young man. Just like when she was asked for leave before, she tried her best to hide it, fearing that Jiang Sui would know.

 At this meeting, it seemed that I could empathize with him.

"You can say that, but on the one hand, he also felt that there was nothing wrong with him. He always felt that he was not sick. But because of your incident, when his complications appeared, he called me that day and said, After the investigation of the case is completed, he will go to treatment. "

 This is also good news.

 Just when Su Qing heard it, it was so sad.

 Because Jiang Sui always seems to put his own affairs first.

 His words, waiting for the case to pass before seeking treatment, deeply shook Su Qing's heart for a few seconds.

“So, this vitamin is not a vitamin, right?”

He rarely takes vitamins. With his kind of temperament, how could he take vitamins? Su Qing had thought it strange before.

Su Qing held the vitamin bottle on the coffee table and held it tightly in the palm of her hand.

Mei Yeqin was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Su Qing to observe so carefully. He nodded, "He didn't want others to see it, so he changed the vitamin bottle."

Su Qing felt as if a cold wind was whistling through her heart, leaving a large emptiness in her heart.

Thinking of the boy’s behavior in the playground yesterday, taking vitamins.

“Aunt Mei, if these symptoms remain untreated, will there be other complications, such as fear of heights?”

Su Qing's eyes trembled slightly, and her whole person was a little dazed.

“Well, that may be the case, but there is no such clinical confirmation.”

 “But it cannot be said that it does not exist.”

Su Qing's heart hurt a little, and she pursed her lips. So in order to make herself happy yesterday, Jiang Sui overcame so many difficulties, and she didn't want to know about it?

 She couldn't even do anything for him.

This knowledge made Su Qing feel a little helpless.

She bit her lip and said, "You said I can help Jiang Sui. Do I need any help?"

Mei Yeqin was stunned by Su Qing's words.

“Su Qing, are you really willing?”

Su Qing nodded, her eyes so serious and so bright that it was scary.

"Yes, Aunt Mei, I really like Jiang Sui. We agreed to be together."

It is rare for Su Qing to reveal her inner feelings. Mei Yeqin knows that this girl is reserved, even slightly shy sometimes, and is generally unwilling to take the initiative to tell others what is in her heart.

 It is not easy to be able to do this at this moment.

 “Su Qing, thank you.”

Mei Yeqin looked at Jiang Sui very seriously, and she felt uneasy in her heart. At this moment, she felt like she had landed on land.

“No wonder, Pei Dai keeps telling me that you are a good girl.”

As an adult, Mei Yeqin does not object to anything Jiang Sui does, but because she cares so much about Jiang Sui, she is cautious about everything about Jiang Sui and does not want Jiang Sui to get hurt.

 Even Mei Yeqin admitted that she was not a good person, if Su Qing was not sincere.

 She may also be like those extreme adults and do some unbelievable things.

At this moment, Mei Yeqin felt that she was not as good as Su Qing.

The moment Su Qing was praised by Mei Yeqin, her face turned slightly red, but this did not change the firmness in her eyes. She looked at Mei Yeqin.

“Aunt Mei, isn’t Jiang Sui unwilling to let me know? Then don’t tell him that I know, and I won’t tell him either.”

The girl’s soft smile contained infinite power.

 Her thoughts are so meticulous that she is even willing to take on everything herself, just for the sake of the boy.

Mei Yeqin nodded, "Okay, I understand, I won't tell him."

Mei Yeqin was selfish in this regard, and her conscience was condemned because she did not keep the agreement and told Su Qing what the young man did not want Su Qing to know.

 No matter what the purpose, there is always some betrayal.

“The initial plan is to rely on medication, but if it’s serious, like Asui’s case, you have to let him open his heart first. Hypnosis is also a treatment method.”

 “Open your heart?”

Su Qing's words were filled with confusion and light, and then she looked at Mei Yeqin.

“Doctor Mei, can you teach me how to treat this disease?”

“I think I can be his doctor, and I think he would be willing to open his heart for me.”

 His complications are because of himself.

Su Qing grasped the key point at this moment. She said that there was no turning back. Such courage made Mei Yeqin's pupils radiate a trace of shock and then a stunning color.

“Su Qing, are you really willing?”

It was not that Mei Yeqin had never thought about directly asking Su Qing to help Jiang Sui as a doctor, because the young man's closed heart had not been opened for a long time, so it always had to be opened by the closest person in his heart. It's a foolproof method.

 But for this kind of thing, first of all, Su Qing's consent must be sought, and secondly, this process is too difficult.

She never expected that Su Qing would actually say this herself. The light and heat in her eyes almost burned Mei Yeqin.

Su Qing nodded without hesitation.

"Aunt Mei, I am willing. In fact, many times, before, my thoughts were not as simple as you think, but Jiang Sui changed me."

Su Qing rarely talks about her inner feelings.

She once felt that she should grab Jiang Sui as a life-saving straw, let him protect her, and use him as a chess piece so that she could study smoothly.

 Many, many times, when thoughts are pulling.

 She used to hate herself because she could clearly see the liking in his eyes, and she really looked like a clown.

  Not so pure white and clean.

 Young men are good either when they are cold or when they are hot.

 Whether you love it or hate it.

Light and darkness are so distinct.

It was he who pulled her out of the abyss and led her towards the light.

 You can also be his light.

 Light up those dark places.

 They can all be a source of light to each other.

 (End of this chapter)

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