She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 207: Breaking Dawn Part 1

Chapter 207 Dawn Breaking Part 1

 A place that Jiang Sui doesn’t know.

Su Qing and Mei Yeqin had the same information.

 But when it was implemented, it was not as simple as imagined. First of all, there were a lot of professional terms that Su Qing didn't understand very well. She needed to constantly look up the information.

Su Qing put a lot of effort into sorting out some of the obscure and difficult concepts in it. She wanted to learn them all quickly.

Mei Yeqin always asked her not to be too anxious.

Su Qing actually doesn't have the kind of anxious temper. It's just that when she encounters Jiang Sui's incident, she sometimes becomes different. She is still a little impatient when encountering the boy's incident.

 There is also the matter of taking medicine.

  She found that Jiang Sui was somewhat dependent, just like that time he wanted to go to the amusement park with her.

 The boy always felt that if he ate it, he would feel better and become a normal person.

Su Qing did not deliberately stop this matter. She and Mei Yeqin discussed it. When Jiang Sui gets better, all the contents in the bottle will be replaced with vitamins.

 Of course, this matter cannot be done now.

 The winter vacation went by so fast.

Su Qing's grades were still not as good as those of the teenager. His total score was nine points lower than Jiang Sui's. During the winter vacation, Su Qing read a lot of medical books.

For this reason, the young man was still a little dissatisfied. Why was she so busy? Su Qing made up for all the excuses with the nine-point score difference.

 The young man knew that she valued study more, so he didn't say anything about it and had no doubts.

 During the winter vacation, some exciting things happened.

For example, the principal of the school was temporarily suspended due to some problems.

 But these things are not the mainstream trend of news, and everyone spends most of their time studying.

 As school is about to start, students who are about to take the college entrance examination are slowly making some adjustments, including those who have to take the art exam and those who have to do a review sprint.

Due to the issue of school status, Su Qing still needs to transfer back to Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School for a period of time to adapt.

Time seems to really be able to erase people’s pain and scars.

When Su Qing went back to class again, the classmates in Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School seemed to be unfamiliar with this new transfer student.

Su Qing transferred to another school by herself this time. Su Rao's health was not good, so Su Qing didn't want her to have any trouble, so she simply lived on campus.

 In the life of Three Points and One Line, the only difference is her relationship with Jiang Sui.

It was still noisy by the students in the school.

 But about these two students, the first and the second, no one has anything to say.

Two top academics, one with perfect scores in mathematics and the other with perfect scores in English, are simply unmatched.

The most critical thing is that he meets Li Su occasionally. The young man always stares at Su Qing with an angry look. Su Qing is not afraid. Her eyes are open and clear, leaving the darkness nowhere to hide.

Li Xu never expected that Su Qing would still show up and transfer back to another school.

 He stared at the girl coldly, but this time there was a troublesome person beside her, and that was Jiang Sui.

 The young man hiding in the dark.

Jiang Sui protected Su Qing so well that he was almost inseparable.

 In the dormitory, several roommates would be envious if they chatted occasionally.

"Su Qing, Jiang Sui is so good. No wonder he didn't agree to anyone who wanted to pursue him before. It turned out to be a combination of a top student and a top student. You two are so enviable. This time it's the first and third place. "Two."

“Su Qing, Jiang Sui is waiting for you downstairs, looking for you, why don’t you get down quickly!”

Several roommates chattered, Su Qing pursed her lips and smiled sheepishly.

 “Has he been waiting for me downstairs for a long time?”

Su Qing looked confused and saw that there were no text messages on her phone.

 She has been doing physics papers.

Jiang Sui usually sends her a message in advance when he comes to find her. Is there something wrong with not sending her a message this time?

Su Qing was a little hesitant and confused, thinking about whether to call Jiang Sui and ask.

The girl who lowered her head to answer the question hesitated for a moment and pursed her lips, "Really? I saw that he had been standing there for a long time. He was just over there when he was fetching water!"

 “Thank you, then I’ll go down and find him.”

Su Qing thanked her and left the door. She walked quickly, not wanting to keep the boy waiting for such a long time. She must have been there when she started doing physics papers.

 The roommate said that he would be there when it was time to fetch water, so he must have been waiting for a long time.

“That’s not right, Bai Lulu, I didn’t see Jiang Sui downstairs when I was fetching water.”

 Another person in the dormitory tilted his head from the bed, leaned out and looked at the girl named Bai Lulu, and said with some confusion.

Not everyone can notice Jiang Sui.

 It’s just that this young man is too young to be ignored, so it is inevitable to focus on the young man.

The girl named Bai Lu pursed her lips and said, "That was my mistake. I just saw Jiang Sui..."

She was a bit arrogant, but also hesitant and timid.

“You saw it wrong, and you said you saw it, so Su Qing’s trip was in vain.”

“It’s okay if you read it wrong, Zhang Xiaoli, Bai Lu, you two, stop arguing, Bai Lulu, just apologize to Su Qing when she comes back.”

The person who came out to be the peacemaker was Cheng Xuening, the president of the dormitory.

Bai Lulu lowered her head and hummed, and said nothing more, but her face didn't look very good.

When Su Qing went downstairs with her mobile phone, she found that Jiang Sui was not downstairs. Instead, she saw the person she least wanted to see.

Li Su, who was wearing a hat, didn't expect to be able to take down Su Qing.

Hold up the brim of his hat and rush out from the shade of the tree on the side.

 At noon, there will be no one here at all.

Su Qing didn't even think about it. The moment she saw Li Su again, she ran towards the dormitory without raising her head.

 It's just that her movements are not as fast as Li Su's.

 Her mouth was covered.

"Su Qing, you'd better not shout, you know!"

Su Qing's eyes widened, and she looked at Li Su in fear.

 The young man’s pupils were sinister.

"Su Qing, you said, if the woman is gone, she will be gone. Why do you insist on making some trouble or settling an old score?"

 His words were extremely ferocious and extreme.

There were some unknown scars on his face, and he looked very fierce.

Su Qing was a little scared because she was in the shadow of the woods.

 Her eyes were filled with tears and she was frightened.

“Su Qing, why don’t you go down and accompany her.”

 When it was dark, Su Qing only felt a little pain in her stomach.

 It's like something has been cut apart.

 She grabbed Li Su's arm hard, but the young man pulled it away...

 (End of this chapter)

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