She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 212: Breaking Dawn 6

Chapter 212 Dawn Breaking 6

 The moment when the girl fainted.

Jiang Sui's face was full of anxiety.


“Auntie, take a look and see what’s wrong with Qingqing.”

His emotions were so exposed and serious that his whole body was shaking uncontrollably and there was no way to control it.

Mei Yeqin looked stunned for a moment, but after checking, he gradually became relieved.

"It's okay, it's nothing serious. I still have to recover slowly. I just fainted from the stimulation."

 The girl's will is obviously very strong. Mei Yeqin did not expect that she could hold on for so long.

 The face of the person on the bed was almost bloodless, her fingers were dripping, and her meridians were all raised. She was already very thin, but now she is still losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jiang Sui sat on the chair, staring at the girl for a moment, refusing to leave.

After Mei Yeqin put away the stethoscope, he looked at the dark shadow under the young man's eyelids and the beard on his face.

“Asui, can you go wash up and eat something first?”

Mei Yeqin always felt that the young man would collapse before Su Qing recovered.

When Jiang Sui shook his head, it was within the scope of Mei Yeqin's knowledge.

"Asui, you can't do this. At least you need to change your clothes and eat something. Otherwise, I won't recognize you when you wake up."

Mei Yeqin’s words may be because he mentioned the girl’s name.

Jiang Suihan's relaxed expression gradually became clearer and brighter, and he stood up. There was an almost desperate look in his eyes.

 When Mei Yeqin was about to leave, she heard the boy's voice when her fingers were on the door handle.

 “Is she blaming me?”

 Jiangsu's voice was filled with intense pain.

 The boy's voice was deep and hoarse.

At that moment, Mei Yeqin turned around and looked at Jiang Sui's gray face. His face was also pale, and his lips were devoid of any color.

 “Does she blame me?”

  A voice that talks to oneself, a voice that abandons oneself.

Even after seeing the boy, Mei Yeqin was unwilling or did not dare to really look at the **** the bed.

“Asui, do you think it’s Mother Su’s fault? Do you think Qingqing is blaming you?”

Mei Yeqin spoke slowly and her voice was not so loud. She wanted to ensure that the boy's emotions would no longer collapse and he would no longer abandon himself.

Jiang nodded with dull eyes.

"No, Asui, you know Su Qing best, don't you? She won't blame you, she is just too tired and needs to rest."

Jiang's fingers on his side gradually tightened, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

 “I really want to do it for Mother Su…”

"Jiang Sui, there's no need to say such things. You have to go and wash up. Su Qing didn't blame you. You see, she doesn't let anyone move her wheelchair. Only you can move it. Have you forgotten that you only have yourself?" Only by taking good care of her can you take good care of her, right? "

Mei Yeqin knew that the boy had been suppressed for too long, and all his emotions were tied to a nerve, which could collapse at any time.

Mei Yeqin is so familiar with this emotion.

Looking at the young man's eyes gradually regaining their clarity, Mei Yeqin's heart returned to its normal state.

Jiang Sui looked at Su Qing reluctantly, then went to the bathroom to wash up.

 There was a deep bloodstain in the palm of his hand, which fell to the floor. The young man's eyes turned gray, and he knew that he had been ill again.

 He despised his body, but still suppressed all his emotions, then changed his clothes and went out.

 Looking at the things on the table, he ate some almost mechanically.

 Then he still stayed by Su Qing's side.

 Never leave.

Mei Yeqin knew that Jiang Sui would not do anything when admonished.

 Knowing that it was his medicine.

Pei Dai came many times while Su Qing was hospitalized, but was declined by Mei Yeqin. The reason was that the girl's body and emotions were still there, and she had to wait until she was stable before she could be investigated.

The same goes for the Li family. They came countless times, but were blocked by Mei Yeqin every time.

Mei Yeqin didn't know who Jiang Sui would feel if he saw someone, or what kind of things he would do.

 She could only wait until Su Qing was sober enough and well enough to make a decision.

 It was already a week later when Su Qing's health almost improved.

This girl has been feeling groggy this week, but she is extremely cooperative with the treatment. She seems not to know the pain of taking medicine and injections. She is so well-behaved that it makes people feel very distressed.

 The matter of Su Rao was never mentioned again.

Except for the girl who woke up leisurely that day and said not to let her mother be on the road for such a long time. When she took her to be cremated, she signed the cremation order. After Su Qing's eyes flickered for a moment, there was no trace of anything else. mood.

 She is like a machine, taking medicine, eating, and then cooperating with treatment.

 Finally, he was transferred to an ordinary ward a week later.

 Just with this transfer, many things are coming.

Mei Yeqin didn't expect that the news from the Li family would come so quickly. Su Qing was transferred to the general ward at noon, and the Li family came in the afternoon.

 Li Fuguang, standing at the door.

Su Qing saw it. She had seen this man before.

After not seeing each other for a few years, this man seemed to have aged a lot. I don't know if it was because he had become haggard in the past few days, or what happened. These were not things Su Qing had to consider.

 She was leaning on the hospital bed.

When Li Fuguang saw Su Qing, as the perennial leader, he was still condescending. However, Jiang Sui beside him made Li Fuguang wrinkle his eyebrows.

 He has always been unwilling to be an enemy of the Jiang family.

But he knew that the person his son provoked was inextricably linked to the young master of the Jiang family.

This is the biggest headache for Li Fuguang, because it can be solved with money. Because of the Jiang family, the Jiang family is not short of money.

 “Su Qing, I am Uncle Li.”

 When Li Fuguang put the flower basket and fruits on the table.

I have never seen Li Fuguang’s boy.

  The hand that was peeling the oranges for the girl paused for less than a second, and then directly threw Li Fuguang's things to the ground.

"go out."

His voice was low, without any emotion, and his cold eyes were filled with storminess.

Li Fuguang knew that he would be depressed, but he didn't expect that he would be depressed because of his junior. His expression suddenly changed, not to mention that he knew all about Su Qing's background.

  I was confident originally, but this made me a little angry.

“Jiang’s nephew, I’m talking to Su Qing about what’s going on with you here.”

His words were relaxed and he never looked at Jiang Sui but at Su Qing.

 (End of this chapter)

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