She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 219: He is terminally ill

Chapter 219 He is terminally ill

 After the plane lands.

Along the way, Jiang Sui noticed the girl's pale appearance, so he took her straight to the hospital as soon as he got off the plane.

 “I’m fine, I don’t need to go to the hospital.”

Su Qing pursed her lips. The pain in her stomach made her feel a little heartbroken. Her mood was tinged with sadness, and her whole body was shrouded in deep sorrow.

Jiang Sui pinched her cold fingers.

“Qingqing, what’s wrong with you, tell me.”

The young man was very anxious and realized something was not right with her on the plane, but Su Qing kept telling him that it was okay.

 But his face was too pale, how could he be fine? The young man obviously didn't believe it.

Su Qing pursed her lips and looked at the driver in front of her with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

“You ask the driver to turn around first. I don’t need to go to the hospital. I go home.”

Su Qing raised her head. She didn't want to look at Jiang Sui, so she lowered her head and whispered something in the young man's ear.

 “I’m fine, I’m here, on my period.”

 After finishing speaking, Su Qing broke out in cold sweat on her forehead. She had not been in so much pain in the past, but this time it was so intense that it hurt so much that she couldn't help it.

Jiang Sui raised his head. After being stunned, he immediately understood and saw beads of sweat dripping from Su Qing's forehead.

 “Okay, let’s go back first.”

Su Qing just breathed out.

Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School is also in the suburbs, so the airport is not very far away.

Within twenty minutes, the two people had arrived at the gate of the community.

Jiang Sui wanted to hug Su Qing, but Su Qing refused. She squeezed his fingers and said, "Please hold me."

 The moment the girl showed weakness, Jiang Sui chose to agree.

Of course, he had learned some lessons in biology class. The young man’s brows were furrowed. After opening the door, he saw an apartment, not too big, with two bedrooms and one living room.

 The bedrooms are upstairs and the other is downstairs.

 The interior is very clean, and the decoration is simple with a touch of warmth.

Su Qing stood at the door. Although she was feeling uncomfortable, she still paid attention to the boy.

 Because of Jiang Sui's illness, Mei Yeqin had briefly mentioned things that were taboo for teenagers before.

It can be seen that in Jiang Sui's heart, what kind of status is Su Qing's status? She should be the same existence as Jiang's mother.

Jiang Sui couldn't wait to put Su Qing on the sofa.

When Su Qing exclaimed, she did not reject the young man.

 Such an action seemed to please the young man.

“Qingqing, wait a minute, I’ll heat up the water first.”

Jiang Sui carefully placed Su Qing on the sofa, found a blanket to cover her, gave it to Su Qing with a pillow, and then turned around and went to the kitchen.

It hurt a lot. Su Qing pursed her lips and gasped slightly.

 He has always taken great care of her.

As if he was worried that she was bored, the young man turned around and turned on the TV again, and put the remote control in Su Qing's hand.

“Qingqing, please watch TV for a while. If the pain is severe, call me.”

This kind of physical pain is something Jiang Sui can't feel, but Jiang Sui has learned about it before. When he opened his mobile phone, he saw that the pain during menstrual period is almost at the fourth or fifth level, which is equivalent to almost The pain level of a broken bone is gone.

 Worried, Jiang Sui searched many sources of information and compared the accuracy. It seemed that there was no brown sugar or red dates in the refrigerator.

 While the water was heating up, Jiang Sui placed an order on his mobile phone.

 Go out with the hot water.

“Qingqing, drink some water first.”

Lying on the sofa, Su Qing actually felt much better. She looked at Jiang Sui and said, "I have nothing to do."

 After drinking some water, Su Qing obviously felt much better.

Su Qing was startled when the doorbell rang suddenly. She felt a little uneasy because this was not her home after all.

“Qingqing, I have transferred the house here to your name, so this is your home.”

The young man looked at her with burning eyes. When the phone rang, the young man wanted to say something. He just looked at Su Qing and said "wait a moment", then he held the phone and went to the door.

The takeaway Jiang ordered quick orders, and even gave out red envelopes for expedited orders. When the young man walked in with the bag, he found Su Qing, who was lying on the sofa, already starting to cook. She looked at him with her eyebrows.

 “Jiang Sui, come here.”

 Her tone was calm and there was no expression on her face, but the boy knew that she was angry.

Jiang Sui held the contents in his palm, placed them on the coffee table, and then squatted down in front of him.

Jiang Sui seemed to like this action very much. This action made him feel the close relationship between the two, and he could also see all her expressions and emotions.

  There is a protective attitude.

“Qingqing, are you blaming me?”

The young man's voice was deep, and there was always a sense of indifference on his handsome face that never faded away. Even though he concealed it well, Su Qing could still feel it.

Su Qing shook her head.

“No, it’s just that this kind of thing is too expensive for me. This is...”

Su Qing really couldn't say anything, but the young man stared at her, and then slowly spoke out the words she didn't say.

“Qingqing wants to say this is what my mother left for me. Shouldn’t I be like this?”

Su Qing could clearly see the courage and desperation in the young man's broken pupils.

 He took her for granted.

“Qingqing doesn’t want to accept it, is it because she can’t accept me?”

Jiang Sui lowered his head, his face was a little gloomy, his eyes were deep, and the emotions he was holding back seemed to be on the verge of breaking out. Su Qing held his hand and shook her head.

"not like this."

 “It’s just that I think this is your most precious thing.”

It's not that Su Qing doesn't want to accept it, it's just that he knows how important this thing is to Jiang Sui, so he thinks it's unacceptable and cannot accept it.

“Qingqing, since my mother passed away, I didn’t have anyone close to me until I met you.”

 She was his medicine, and he was poisoned by her.

                      terminally ill.

 The boy rarely had serious mood swings recently, and Su Qing knew that his illness was getting worse.

He drank medicine and other things on time, but his heart was getting deeper and deeper. .

Su Qing knew that this was related to Su Rao's departure, but Su Qing couldn't find the most critical link, so he couldn't relieve his pain.

 He has been stuck in emotions that he has not taken good care of himself.

 So I want the best, or want to give myself everything.

Su Qing knows this feeling.

“Qingqing, lie down and I’ll make you some brown sugar water.”

 The thing that the teenager has recently learned is to escape.

Looking at the young man's back, Su Qing did not stop him, but just sighed softly.

 (End of this chapter)

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