She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 220: She has fear

Chapter 220 She is afraid

From the environment inside the apartment, it can be seen that no one has lived there before, or the people who have lived here have taken good care of the place and everything is new.

It was only when the young man felt that he was uneasy that he revealed the fact that the house had become his own.

Su Qing pinched her eyebrows, and the throbbing pain in her stomach made her clearly realize that her actions had affected Jiang Sui.

It should be the last time, when he was in the hospital, when he said he wouldn't come here, maybe even earlier than this, Jiang Sui should have decided to give this place to him.

 In a daze, the young man paused next to her and put a warm baby in her hand.

“This is hot, please take it Qingqing.”

 He handed her a pink rabbit-shaped warm baby, then turned around and left.

 As if he was afraid that he would ask him anything again, or reject him again, he quickly left his back.

Su Qing looked at Nuan Baobao, and couldn't stop the warmth and sourness in her heart.

The two of them are now scarred people, but Jiang Sui has always been thinking about how to care for himself.

She knew that if she wanted to untie Jiang Sui's knot, she had to untie her own knot.

The boy was wearing an apron and came out of the kitchen with a small cup of soup.

His eyebrows were picturesque, which did not match the pink apron, but he was so serious about his work, squatting down to serve her soup.

“Qingqing, drink some and your stomach will feel better.”

The young man seemed to be used to taking care of her, so he held the bowl and spoon, and blew on Su Qing while trying to feed her.

 But after a moment, the young man came to his senses in despair and wanted to put the spoon down.

He has obviously forgotten that Su Qing is no longer the patient and does not need his comprehensive care.

Jiang Sui's depressed mood was visible to the naked eye, when Su Qing pursed her lips and opened her mouth.

 The young man's eyes were all alive.

 He was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed being able to take care of her.

The young man was cautious, and the warmth kept flowing into Su Qing's heart. After drinking a small bowl, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Su Qing's forehead.

The belly is obviously much better than before, and Su Qing's face is also much better, with a faint blush.

"I was worried that it would be useless. It seems that sometimes Du Niang is reliable."

The young man saw that Su Qing's complexion was getting better, and he felt slightly relieved, because he saw many examples of people who had to be sent to the hospital to drink some painkillers or something like that when they were in too much pain.

Su Qing had just recovered from her illness and her wounds. He was worried that taking medicine would affect the healing of Su Qing's wounds and develop drug resistance.

Jiang Sui knew that his worries were unfounded, but he seemed to enjoy them very much.

 “Useful, much better now.”

Su Qing pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Sui. When his eyes lit up for a moment, it was because of herself.

 The young man pointed to the bag on the coffee table on one side.

“Qingqing, there are still things you need in here, as well as some baby warmers, and some things for day and night use.”

 Such a big bag of things, the young man thought of everything he could think of.

 Just doing these things made people feel a little embarrassed, so when he said these words, his voice was particularly low.

Su Qing pursed her lips. She was already feverish after drinking the brown sugar water. When she heard Jiang Sui's voice, she was already overwhelmed by shyness.

Jiang Sui looked at Su Qing and his expression had improved a lot.

 He pointed to the layout of the house.

"Qingqing, this is two bedrooms and one living room. One bedroom is upstairs and one is downstairs. The kitchen is downstairs and there is a bathroom upstairs. If you live upstairs, that is the master bedroom."

“Qingqing, don’t worry, no one has lived in this house.”

 It was just as Su Qing thought, it was too new.

 It's next to the school. I think it was Jiang's mother who bought it for Jiang Sui.

 “This is actually my adult gift, and now I’m giving it to you.”

The young man blinked and put the key in her hand. Su Qing knew that she had to take it. The young man's mood finally became more stable at this moment, so she held the key tighter.

“Although it is a fingerprint lock, the key must be held carefully.”

 After the young man ordered something in a low voice, he looked at Su Qing.

“Qingqing, you should rest early, I’ll go back first.”

Su Qing looked at the air outside and it was actually dark. She pursed her lips and thought about it for a long time before grabbing the hem of the young man's clothes to leave.

 “It’s too dark outside, you can stay here.”

This was his place originally, and it was the most precious thing he gave to himself. From the beginning, Su Qing actually had no intention of letting Jiang Sui go.

 It’s just that my thoughts are always pulling me.

 In the end, I agreed.

The young man looked at Su Qing with burning eyes, pointing his finger at himself in disbelief, "Qingqing, do you let me live here?"

 The surprise in his eyes was so obvious.

Su Qing is actually worried about Jiang Sui.

Su Qing knew the young man's qualities, his sense of proportion, and his suppressed emotions.

Su Qing nodded, "Well, there are two bedrooms. You stay here. I'm a little scared to be alone."

 Fear is actually real.

 Su Qing actually rarely lives alone, basically none.

Since Su Yao left, Su Qing felt more and more lonely when she was alone.

Jiang Sui's eyes flashed when he heard Su Qing say that he was scared.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here. There is a night light in the bedroom. I will take you up."

 He seemed to have considered all the possibilities.

When Jiang Sui pulled Su Qing up, there was an orange night light on the girl's bedside table, as well as a calling phone. When he pressed 1, the boy's cell phone rang.

“Qingqing, have a good rest, I’ll be downstairs, don’t be afraid.”

The young man was very reluctant to let go, but he still hugged Su Qing gently.

Su Qing sat on the bed.

Her eyes were very clean and clear. As soon as the young man left, the feeling of loneliness started again and enveloped her.

She lowered her eyes and went to the bathroom. After a simple wash, she lay on the bed when the phone rang.

Su Qing pressed the answer button.

“Qingqing, I’ve washed up, have you washed up?”

 It was Jiang Sui's voice. She felt inexplicably at ease and answered the boy's questions slowly.

His voice has always lingered in Su Qing's ears.

That faint feeling of loneliness seemed to dissipate so quickly.

 Slowly, Su Qing began to fall asleep.

 The boy never hung up the phone. He looked at the ceiling.

 Thinking of the girl's eyes trembling slightly when she said she was scared.

 (End of this chapter)

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