She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 221: Qinqin I love you

Chapter 221 Qinqin I love you

Su Qing's heart felt as if a knife had been slipped, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

The death of Su's mother was a blow to her. Although she never said anything, she was very indifferent, but Jiang Sui knew that Su Qing was no longer the innocent girl before.

 She has fear, sadness, and something to be afraid of.

These things are difficult to dissipate, Jiang Sui knows.

I don’t know how long it took before Jiang Suicai gradually fell asleep.

In the dark night, no one could see the full moon rising quietly outside the window, gradually scattering on the faces of the two people, indicating something.

 Because of the case.

 Both of them have already asked for leave.

 Because the subsequent cases required Su Qing to appear, she still had most of the things to do, so she had to ask for leave.

The young man has been following her all the time. Although Su Qing didn't agree with it, she still acquiesced to Jiang Sui's condition.

 The college entrance examination is about to take place, and two of the top students in Jiang University have asked for leave.

 Although it is very regrettable.

 There are always some rumors, but the voices are very small.


In the police station, several investigations were carried out day and night. More than half of the matter was carried out. The information and evidence were almost sorted out. Because Su Qing had just grown up, but for the sake of fairness, Pei Dai did not let Su Qing. As a litigant, Qing directly submitted all the information and evidence to the Public Security Bureau.

Everything is waiting for a trial.

In the night, Pei Dai took a deep breath and looked at his cell phone, but there was still no call. He pursed his lips to cover up his disappointment, and then dialed the number.

The other end picked up quickly.

“Qinqin, have you eaten?”

 Pei Dai turned his head and saw the clock. It was actually already early in the morning. He was a little annoyed. He should not have been entangled, but should have called Mei Yeqin earlier.

He was always wondering whether Mei Yeqin would call him at 7, 8 or 9 o'clock on the hour, waiting until the early morning.

Pei Dai also asked Qinqin if she had eaten. Pei Dai felt a little stupid.

Perhaps Qinqin thinks she is stupid or sick?


  There was a little bit of fatigue in her deep voice, and I could tell that she must be very tired.

Pei Dai's sense of guilt was even stronger now. He held his cell phone and lay on the chair. "Are you tired? You haven't eaten yet. Can I ask someone to send some over?"

 He ​​remembered the Cantonese restaurant last time. It seemed to be open 24 hours a day. You could order some takeout and order something she liked.


When Pei Dai was thinking like this, he had already begun to think about what to order for Mei Yeqin. However, the woman's sudden refusal made Pei Dai not know what to do for a while.

“Qinqin, do you have no appetite? Then I’ll go over to your place and make you some egg drop soup or something?”

He spoke cautiously, as if he sensed that she was not in a good mood, and lowered his voice a little.

Mei Yeqin leaned against the car window, looking at the full moon hanging in the shadow of the swaying trees, which was so bright.

 Is egg drop soup worth a trip?

"Need not."

Her refusal was so complete that Pei Dai felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. After returning from Jiangcheng, they had been in contact intermittently. However, because of Su Qing's sudden accident, Mei Yeqin became busy, and he was also busy because of the case. He was extremely busy, so he would occasionally call Mei Yeqin.

But it shouldn’t be considered occasional, but rather every day. When the woman is off work or at meal time, Pei Dai will call and ask her what she wants to eat.

Only today, Pei Dai didn't know why, he just kept thinking that if he didn't call Mei Yeqin, Mei Yeqin would also call him.

 So I kept putting it off and put it off. Unexpectedly, it actually took such a long time.

Hearing the unhappy voice over there, Pei Dai was no longer in the mood.

“Qinqin, are you unhappy?”

Pei Dai's voice was a little trembling. In this relationship, he had always been the one who rarely had a say. He just wanted her attention too much and wanted to prove that he was different in her heart.

 That’s why what happened today.

Mei Yeqin sipped the end of his cigarette, puffing out a faint ring of smoke, and pursed his lips.

“No, I just wanted to see you suddenly.”

Her voice was cold and hoarse, and her appearance was as indifferent as it was heart-stopping.

But when he heard that Pei Dai's ears were indeed so hot, his heart suddenly became excited, as if he had been thrown directly into scalding water from ice water.

“Qinqin, I, I, I’m still in the bureau, can I go over to find you now?”

If it were Pei Dai before, he would still consider whether such words were too unrestrained or not reserved enough, but now, he doesn't think about anything.

 In my mind, everything is what Mei Yeqin just said, I miss you.

 He wished that he could fly to Mei Yeqin right now.

In a panic, Pei Dai accidentally bumped the corner of the table while wearing his clothes. He frowned in pain, but it did not stop him.

 The rustling sounds were clearly heard in Mei Yeqin's ears, and even the sound of Pei Dai gasping in pain from hitting the corner of the table just now was clearly heard by Mei Yeqin.

 She is a doctor and can tell the difference quickly.

"What's wrong?"

 “Are you injured somewhere?”

She rarely spoke two sentences together, perhaps with some urgency, but Pei Dai, who was more anxious than him, could not care about the emotion and anxiety in Mei Yeqin's tone at the moment.

“It’s okay, Qinqin, I just bumped into her. I’ll drive to find you now.”

Under the moonlight, Pei Dai walked out of the gate and was about to find a car. The moment he raised his head, he saw a thin figure on the other side of the road. She was leaning against the car window, her chin raised, her expression as arrogant, cold and cold as ever. Looking at him.

Like a queen looking down on the world.

Across the road, Pei Dai could clearly hear the indescribable sound of his heart beating.

 “Qinqin, I love you.”

His eyes were full of enthusiasm and eyes, and he looked at Mei Yeqin closely. The woman did not hang up the phone.

  Let the tiny bits of beating in his chest be different, and he looked at the man who obeyed the traffic rules with such eagerness in his eyes.

 When the light turned green, he rushed towards her impatiently.

Pei Dai has never felt that sixty seconds is so long, and every second is so painful.

 More afraid, everything in front of me is an illusion.

 Even more frightened, Mei Yeqin suddenly opened the car door and sped away.

 Because he knows how difficult it is to wait for that woman to take the initiative.

 (End of this chapter)

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