She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 222: A rare initiative

Chapter 222 A rare initiative

All this, until Pei Dai hugged Mei Yeqin, breathed and felt the cold air spreading around Mei Yeqin.

Pei Dai took a deep breath and felt that his heart had returned a lot.

Maybe Mei Yeqin didn't like this kind of intimacy, so after Pei Dai hugged her for a few minutes, Mei Yeqin frowned.

Pei Dai was naturally able to feel Mei Yeqin's emotions immediately, so he let go without entangled.

His hot beating heart in his chest was so lively that his whole body smelled of fire as he looked straight at Mei Yeqin.

“Qinqin, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Have you waited for me for too long?”

He spoke in a garbled way, and was so excited that it was hard to take his eyes away, just like the moon in the sky, so bright in the dark night.

Mei Yeqin pursed her lips.

 “What about you, have you eaten?”

 She rarely cared about people, basically she didn't care much, so she didn't know how to speak, and she felt a little inferior. She pursed her lips, and her eyes and eyebrows were still light.

Knowing that it was no longer easy for her to take the initiative, Pei Dai, who had experienced the psychological activities just now, dared to expect more. He looked at her with burning eyes.

“Qinqin, let’s go to the Cantonese restaurant last time. I remember it’s open 24 hours a day.”

His brows and eyes were filled with unstoppable enthusiasm, and his words were a little excited.

These are things that Mei Yeqin cannot understand, but her mood seems to follow Pei Dai's mood, with a trace of joy, not as dark as when she was alone just now.


After agreeing, Mei Yeqin handed Pei Dai his car key.

 “You drive.”

Pei Dai naturally had no doubts. He took out the car keys and did not rush to get in the car. Instead, he went around to the other side, opened the door for Mei Yeqin, put on her seat belt, and then walked out. into the driver's seat.

Mei Yeqin has long been used to all this.

 Leaning on the seat, her eyebrows were still calm, but Pei Dai's heartbeat was too fast, and she turned to look at Mei Yeqin.

 "Qinqin, I can...can..."

He was extremely nervous. In the entire closed space, it was clear that the two of them had already experienced such intimate things, but now he was a little embarrassed and couldn't say anything.

Pei Dai is handsome, but he is not as handsome as he was in his youth. He has the kind of handsomeness that has settled down over time, but I don't know if it is because his face looks too young, so he has that boyish look. It was always lingering on him.

Mei Yeqin stared at his rolled Adam's apple and nervous face.

 When Pei Dai's eyes widened, he did what Pei Dai wanted to do most.

 “Let’s drive.”

 A shallow kiss, the moment the taste stopped, Pei Dai's heart burst out like a volcano, there was a blush under his eye sockets, he pursed his lips, took several deep breaths, and said a good word in a deep voice.

 Fortunately, the air conditioner was on in the car, and Pei Dai felt that the heat on his body had not subsided much during the whole journey.

 When I arrived at the place and stopped the car, I felt much better.

Mei Yeqin is obviously such a cold person. No matter what kind of intimate things she does, people can't feel any enthusiasm.

 But it was just such a person. In Pei Dai's eyes, Mei Yeqin's actions always had a provocative aura.

 He is so difficult to grasp, unable to control himself, and extremely out of control.

 Pei Dai, who parked the car, nervously held Mei Yeqin's finger.

 The waiters who were dozing next to them already knew Mei Yeqin, the ice beauty, and Pei Dai, so they were not surprised when they saw them.

Pei Dai asked Mei Yeqin to go to the seat first, and then looked at the waiter, "Same as usual, just add soup."

Knowing that she usually eats very little, Pei Dai is particularly cautious when choosing dishes, just to make Mei Yeqin eat more.

 She is too thin for such a tall person.

Sitting on his seat, Pei Dai felt a little distressed when he saw the faint shadow under Mei Yeqin's eyes.

“Qinqin, have you not had a good rest recently?”

 In fact, since the last incident with Jiang Sui, the relationship between the two has entered a dispensable state and can be broken at any time.

Today, it may be because of Mei Yeqin's sudden initiative that awakened Pei Dai's heart, and his eyes no longer suppressed his emotions.

Mei Yeqin pinched her eyebrows and gave a faint hum.

Pei Dai pursed his lips and thought about what to do when he heard something in his ear.

 “You move in with me.”

Mei Yeqin said with an expressionless face and drank a little water. Apparently, he didn't realize how much impact these words had on Pei Dai.

Pei Dai looked up at Mei Yeqin, a little unbelievable. There were too many surprises today. He didn't know what to do, so he looked at Mei Yeqin at a loss.

“Qinqin, can I move here?”

  He said it a little cautiously, and he obviously wanted to be sure of this sentence.

Mei Yeqin put down the water glass and raised his eyes at Pei Dai, "If you don't want to, then forget it."

She spoke coldly, and her eyes were obviously much colder than before.

Pei Dai was stunned for a moment, a little anxious, "No Qinqin, I don't have it, I am willing, I am willing, can I go there today?"

She is not enthusiastic to begin with, nor is she such an enthusiastic person, and she is a person who can't stand rejection. This is Pei Dai's opinion.

Pei Dai believes that no one can refuse Mei Yeqin, and so does he.

 In addition to paying secret attention to Mei Yeqin, he also wanted to give her enough freedom.

Pei Dai felt very tortured for quite a while. When the first dish was served, Mei Yeqin said one word, "good".

This made the frightened Pei Dai feel relieved.

Mei Yeqin still had a bad appetite as usual, and her expression was also gloomy.

Pei Dai carefully arranged the dishes for her.

“Qinqin, please eat more.”

When a piece of clear fish meat was placed in Mei Yeqin's bowl, Mei Yeqin pursed her lips and frowned. There was obvious nausea in her stomach, which made her a little uncontrollable.

Her face was very ugly. Before she could say anything, she moved her chair and rushed to the bathroom.

These made Pei Dai worried, so he quickened his pace and followed.

 Outside the bathroom, Pei Dai was waiting anxiously.

The intermittent sound of vomiting inside made Pei Dai anxious.

 Hearing the sound of pumping water inside, the door was opened, but my heart was still high.

 (End of this chapter)

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