She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 223: Witness of Light (One and Four Thousand)

Chapter 223 Witness of Light (One and Four Thousand)

“Qinqin, what’s wrong with you? Is the fish not too clean? Is it uncomfortable somewhere? Let’s go to the hospital now, okay?”

Pei Dai’s nervousness is still visible.

Mei Yeqin pursed her lips and frowned, "I'm a doctor. It's okay. There should be some gastrointestinal problems."

No matter how nervous Pei Dai is, he is not the kind of person who would force Mei Yeqin.

 Back at the dining table, I could only eat that dish and change it to some lighter dishes.

 But because of the vomiting incident before, Mei Yeqin didn't eat much. He only took a few chopsticks and tasted a few mouthfuls and then stopped moving.

The look of sadness on his face made Pei Dai a little anxious.

 When the two of them returned to the apartment all the way.

Mei Yeqin suddenly wanted to eat ice cream, but Pei Dai was unwilling in her heart. However, Mei Yeqin didn't eat much, and she had a rare desire to eat, so Pei Dai bought a small bowl of ice cream.

 Unexpectedly, Mei Yeqin ate it deliciously.

Pei Dai's brows became tighter and tighter, and he still wanted Mei Yeqin to go to the hospital, but Mei Yeqin didn't go anyway. At the end of the talk, he looked like he wanted to quarrel with Pei Dai, and it wasn't a quarrel. It should be the last time. It looks like he is going to have a cold war.

Pei Dai said nothing more when he saw that Mei Yeqin didn't feel any discomfort in his stomach while sleeping at night.

 Early the next morning, after he cooked some refreshing millet porridge for Mei Yeqin, he quickly felt that he was in the situation.

Su Qing and Jiang Sui also went to the police station early in the morning.

 Things finally come to an end.

Transcripts and other things need to be done, and it is the best preparation for going to court, but the exam is coming soon, and there is no way to delay the trial time.

 In the interrogation room, the girl sat upright and answered questions.

“So, are you planning to miss the exam to attend this court hearing?”

The interrogator was still a little in disbelief, but Jiang Sui and Su Qing nodded. Although disbelief flashed across their expressions, they still recorded it truthfully.

When Jiang Sui and Su Qing came out, the sun in the sky was at noon. The sun in the sky was so red that it felt like it was melting the earth.

Su Qing, however, couldn't feel any heat. She even basked in the sun lazily and looked at Jiang Sui.

“Jiang Sui, things will be over soon, right?”

 All things were waiting for the dust to settle, and Su Qing felt an indescribable smoothness in her heart.

Jiang Sui looked at the girl, pursed his lips slightly, and then nodded.

“Jiang Sui, will you regret it?”

 “What do you regret?”

 Two people were holding hands and walking side by side on the sidewalk.

“I regret not taking the exam. Didn’t you see that they were in disbelief just now? Is it the decision we made?”

 It is not necessary to appear in court, but it is better to appear in court.

Jiang Sui actually didn't use it at all, but the young man was determined to do it.

If it had been in the past, Su Qing thought, he would have stopped Jiang Sui and let him take the exam, instead of going crazy with him and not taking the exam.

 It's just that Su Qing now seems to have a little more selfishness than Su Qing before.

Her eyes sparkled slightly, and the bright color inside made people unable to take their eyes away.

Jiang Sui shook his head.

 “I will regret it if I don’t go.”

Witnesses of light, both of them are indispensable.


 The days passed very quickly. In addition to the daily cooperation with the investigation, a month passed very quickly.

During this period of time, Su Qing and Jiang Sui were not only in the law firm, but also in the bureau.

 The two people were so inseparable that they envied many people.

 Their firm hearts make people who find it unbelievable at first feel that such a sincere heart will never be found again.

 Innocent heart.

 Finally, it’s time for the court session.

Su Qing stood in the court. She was a weak girl, her eyes looked so firm, and her whole person exuded a kind of light power.

The Li family's father and son have become disgraced, but they still don't seem to know what their fault is.

 They used all methods, expensive lawyers, powerful defenders.

How can evil defeat justice?

 Winning the lawsuit is expected.

Li Su is now an adult. He was sentenced to life imprisonment for intentional injury and murder.

Li Fuguang was deprived of his rights on various charges of bribery and was also sentenced to life imprisonment.

Tian Shasha was sentenced to five years for not reporting the crime and intentionally causing harm.

 All the truth was revealed just like that.

 Going through a long time.

 It gives a feeling of weakness after overexertion.

After the court adjourned, Jiang Sui saw the girl, sitting lazily on the chair as if she had lost all her strength.

 Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at Jiang Sui.

 “Jiang Sui, the truth is clear.”

The tears in her eyes suddenly poured out of her eyes. She was caught off guard, leaving Jiang Sui with nowhere to defend herself.

Su Qing felt the sunlight breaking through the earth when she saw Tang Lihui when she left the court.

Tang Lihui had been standing for too long. She found Su Qing in the crowd and walked straight towards her.

Tang Lihui looked at Su Qing. Her clear eyes seemed to always know why she was being targeted.

"I'm sorry, Su Qing, I have wrongly blamed you all these years."

Tang Lihui's eyes were filled with guilt, which made Jiang Sui frown.

 I don’t know why this person is apologizing.

"Su Qing, I always thought that she was soft..."

It was always Su Qing's fault. Like her sister and the others, as a righteous person, she felt that it was Su Qing's fault, and she even thought it was Su Qing's fault.

  Until she found out that her sister and her family had taken the money, Tang Li would know that she was wrong, but she would never have a chance again.

 To this day, when everyone is trying their best to dissuade Su Qing.

 While her sister and her family were muddle along, Su Qing was the only one struggling to find the answer. Such things made Tang Li feel a little confident and ashamed.

 Her guilt was evident all over her face.

This is especially true for Hu Ruoruan's parents who got the truth.

They all avoided talking to reporters, which is why Pei Dai chose to let the prosecutor prosecute.

The reason is that Hu Ruoruan's family no longer wants to pursue the case, but Tang Lihui, as Hu Ruoruan's aunt, indeed believed that this matter was inseparable from Su Qing when she saw Su Qing. .

She was filled with guilt and felt so embarrassed when she saw Su Qing.

Su Qing pursed her lips and her eyes were clear. She seemed to be the same girl she saw for the first time, but she seemed to have changed again.

“We all have to look forward. The truth will never be extinguished. Time will tell us all the answers.”

 Do you hate it? Hate it.

Su Qing couldn't tell. Her senses, emotions, and inner depths were all blocked at all times.

 When they went to find Rouan’s family, they had already chosen to compromise.

 Are you angry?

Su Qing couldn't tell. When Su Qing was reading a law textbook, he read a very ambiguous sentence.

 It is to choose or learn to forgive, because this is the life of a person who lives.

Su Qing didn’t understand much at the time, but when she saw Ruan Ruan’s parents, she suddenly understood everything.

Her family may be even more miserable than her own.

  Not to mention the loss of my daughter, my father has always been bedridden, there is a younger brother at home who has to go to school, and my mother is also extremely weak.

With such a family that cannot even provide for themselves, what right does she have to ask them to find out the truth?

 So, Su Qing chose to donate all the compensation to Ruanruan’s family.

In her mind, she always had a different kind of tenderness towards that smiling girl who was just like her and didn't dare to do this or that. She couldn't describe it.

Perhaps Su Qing felt that she might be similar to her.

 After the court adjourned.

This case caused quite a stir in public opinion.

 It was not only this case that caused a sensation, but also Su Qing and Jiang Sui.

The media didn't know where they got the news, saying that Su Qing and Jiang Suizhen, students from Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, studied extremely well.

 But because of this incident and the conflict with the exam, both of them still chose to pursue their true dreams and gave up their own futures.

 So this matter has had a lot of influence, and public opinions are both good and bad.

However, before these things could reach the ears of Su Qing and Jiang Sui, they were stopped by Jiang Chenghua.

 He sat in front of the TV with a wry smile.

Looking at the camera, there is a young man holding the girl's finger, but he still doesn't have any strength to walk to Jiang Sui's side.

In the eyes of the young man, he should be a heinous sinner who failed Mei Yehua.

Jiang Chenghua's protection played a very good role, but neither Jiang Sui nor Su Qing knew it.

Pei Dai had thought about revealing it to them, but he still wanted Jiang Sui to discover everything by himself.

When Pei Dai knew that Mei Yeqin was pregnant, he was so happy that he looked at Mei Yeqin blankly.

He was a little unbelievable, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Mei Yeqin didn't seem surprised at all by Pei Dai's expression.

 It is said that doctors cannot heal themselves.

Mei Yeqin didn't know about herself, so she secretly went to draw a tube of blood and found out about the pregnancy.

At this moment, looking at the stupid person, I feel a little funny and warm inexplicably, but I don’t know how to say it.

Pei Dai took Mei Yeqin's hand.

 “Qinqin, let’s get married.”

At home, Pei Dai took a look inside his pockets and finally found a ring in the pocket of his pants. Pei Dai knelt down on one knee without even thinking about it.

Mei Yeqin was also shocked and didn’t know.

 The man who rummaged through his pockets in a panic was actually able to find a ring inside.

"Qinqin, I have kept this ring for a long time. It has been a long time and I have never had the chance to take it out. I have always kept it in my pocket, thinking about when I would confess to you or propose to you. ”

Pei Dai was not confident when facing Mei Yeqin. He felt so weak, so he always felt that he was not well prepared, let alone being in such a hurry.

 But there will never be a better opportunity than now.

Pei Dai thought, if he could take advantage of someone else's danger or take advantage of someone else's situation, he would do it now.

Mei Yeqin pursed her lips, her expression was very difficult.

Mei Yeqin has always been reluctant to touch marriage because of Mei Yehua's willingness. Let alone marriage, even if it is love, it is not considered it.

Pei Dai knew her worries, so the man on his knees looked straight at her.

"Qinqin, I know that you are afraid and worried. You can accept the ring. Even if we are in love, okay? If you want to get married, tell me when you want to get married. I can do it at any time."

 The man's eyes were intense, and he spoke too cheaply.

 But those eyes were so sincere and hot that Mei Yeqin felt like there was no way he could escape.

Since she found out she was pregnant, Mei Yeqin knew that the little life in her belly might be the size of a soybean sprout, but she always felt that she had lost two hearts.

 When one heart shrinks, the other heart tells itself.

 Go and accept it, accept it boldly.

So under Pei Dai’s explanation, Mei Yeqin took the ring, and Pei Dai was not disappointed in the end.

The man was as happy as a child. He picked up Mei Yeqin and started spinning and flying around. However, he seemed to be afraid that Mei Yeqin was about to vomit, and then he carefully put Mei Yeqin down.

“Qinqin, you’re fine.”

Pei Dai is a bit like a fool, very cautious.

Mei Yeqin also felt for a moment that this feeling was good.

She pursed her lips and smiled, but said nothing.

Pei Dai was stunned by just such a smile. He kissed Mei Yeqin on the corner of her lips. He felt like he was living in a honey jar. It was worth dying now.


 The summer of the following year.

 When the college entrance examination scores come out.

Su Qing was reading a medical textbook, while Jiang Sui was lying on the sofa, looking at Su Qing lazily.

 In the past year.

Jiang Sui's condition has stabilized a lot.

 Because the two of them are already adults, they plan to get engaged when the results come out.

 One is first in the city, the other is second in the city, the best.

 The two of them did not stay there for a long time because of the past events.

 They are both so good.

On the day the scores came out, Jiang Sui brought Su Qing to Mei Yehua’s grave.

The young man stood in front of the tombstone, his eyes softer than ever before.

“Mom, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Jiang Sui's voice was still a little low and hoarse. His condition had stabilized, but he was not fully recovered yet. Su Qing stood beside the young man.

“Hello, Mother Jiang, I am Su Qing, Jiang Sui’s fiancée.”

When Su Qing spoke, Jiang Sui turned around and looked at Su Qing closely. His mouth was slightly open and he couldn't close it...

 (End of this chapter)

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