She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 224: The light of protection (four thousand)

Chapter 224: The Light of Protection (Four Thousand)

 A bouquet of beautiful white chrysanthemums was scattered after the girl's words. As the boy and the girl left, a pink butterfly stayed in the center of the flower's stamens and on the wings of the cattail leaf.

 The space is bright, clear, and impossibly clean.

The back figures of Jiang Sui and Su Qing holding hands were scattered in the sunlight, making people feel that they were too beautiful to behold.

Because of the two of them, one is the first in the city and the other is the second in the city. Although both of them are very low-key as academic masters, they still caused a wave of uproar on the Internet.

 A lot of news was gradually revealed, and many netizens uncovered what happened a year ago.

The two people's bold and fearless deeds have attracted many netizens to like them.

I don’t know who said it, but the two top students are lovers and are about to get engaged.

A certain blog directly asked the two of them to open an official blog with tens of thousands of people's blood, saying that they were talking about CP. In the super chat, the number of fans of the two people also skyrocketed.

Su Qing rarely goes online, and she doesn’t know these things.

Not to mention that the two of them kept a low profile. Even in a series of interviews or school visits, they did not reveal much information.

Jiang Sui has always protected Su Qing very well, and this time is no exception.

 The young man obviously didn’t want to make any mistakes.

 A whole bookshelf is occupied with medical books.

Because Mei Yeqin may have had too many influences, she chose to study medicine directly.

As for Jiang Sui, he secretly changed his aspirations. He broke his promise and did not become a police officer, but instead became a lawyer.

 Until the two people’s admission notices come out.

Su Qing just found out that Jiang Sui secretly changed his major.

Both of them are from Qingbei College and are the best among them.

 Exactly the same admission notice, but with different names and different majors. The rest were exactly the same, including the gold cover and full scholarship. Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui with a crooked look on her face.

The two of them were in the study room at home. Jiang Sui was standing next to Su Qing. The girl looked up at Jiang Sui and closed the medical book in her hand.

 “Why did you change your choice secretly?”

She didn't even know that there was something indescribable surging in her heart, a kind of emotion. When it was poured out, she was moved. Su Qing didn't know, but she just felt her eyes warm.

"Our Doctor Su is going to study medicine because of me. How can I let her give up her grandeur and brightness? From now on, Doctor Su will save lives and heal the wounded. I will support our Doctor Su." Isn’t it nice to have a bright day?”

When Jiang Sui said this, his eyes were full of energy.

He doesn't feel the discomfort of being forced like no one else, and his eyes are full of willingness and the taste of willingness.

Su Qing stood up leisurely and hugged Jiang Sui's waist.

 “Jiang Sui, why are you so good? Why are you so good?”

Su Qing didn't know how Jiang Sui could see that he had regrets. Yes, even if he planned to major in two courses in the future, it was obvious that they were not in the same major, and it was not that simple. Regarding career planning, about the future It is impossible for her to shine in both the fields of medicine and law.

Su Qing told no one about this matter.

She occasionally struggled before going to bed. She was deciding whether to be a lawyer or a doctor, but in the end she chose a doctor because she felt it was compared with her dream.

Su Qing felt that Jiang Sui was more important at this moment.

For the first time, Su Qing could clearly feel the beating of her own heartbeat. It was the feeling of putting Jiang Sui first.

However, Jiang Sui always puts Su Qing first. He uses his own methods to protect this girl, her dreams, and her light.

Jiang Sui pursed his lips and lowered his head to see Su Qing's hair.

Even though the two of them were about to get engaged, she still rarely got close to her. Her natural shyness kept her in a closed state.

The look of her blushing at every turn swayed in his mind.

 The soft embrace, when Jiang Sui's throat rolled.

Su Qing clearly felt the changes in the boy's body...

If I didn’t know clearly, didn’t understand, and didn’t understand before, then I can’t understand these reactions anymore after I studied medicine.

Su Qing lowered her head, and the tips of her ears turned pink.

Jiang Sui found that the man in his arms gradually became stiff and stalemate, and his eyes turned dark.


Jiang Sui's rolled Adam's apple, his warm breath, and his voice of swallowing saliva made the tips of Su Qing's ears feel very hot.

She didn't know what to do, so she could only let Jiang Sui hold her blankly. The girl lowered her eyes and batted her eyelashes.

 “Are you feeling uncomfortable...?”

Su Qing's voice was like a mosquito, but in the quiet air, the flowing sound still reached Jiang Sui's ears.

“No, Qingqing, just wait for me and I’ll take a shower.”

 The young man's forbearance had reached its limit, so he let go of Su Qing.

 It looks like he is running away from a deserted place.

 Left Su Qing alone in the study.

Su Qing held her chin, blushing fiercely, but the mobile phone on the desk kept buzzing. It was Hu Yifan's call. She was stunned for a moment. Hu Yifan called her. Su Qing rarely met her, but Su Qing still answered it. Telephone.

 It’s just that the voice on the other end actually belongs to Liu Ranran.

"Qingqing, you are too awesome to return Jiang Sui!"

After Liu Ranran took the exam, her parents took her to the countryside to experience life. For a long time, she didn't have a mobile phone or a way to contact Su Qing.

Like Su Qing, she also reviewed for a year. Her grades in the previous year were too poor, so she directly chose to repeat because Liu Ranran wanted to get into a school in Beijing, and the scores there were too high.

Liu Ranran's parents were quite open-minded about studying, so it was okay for their daughter to review. However, they were afraid that she would not do well in the exam and would be depressed, so they took her on a country vacation directly after the exam. .

Su Qing heard Liu Ranran's voice. In this year, the two did not get along much, but the relationship did not become weaker with time, but became stronger.

“You’re not bad either. I heard that you were admitted to the Normal University.”

It can be regarded as one of the best. Liu Ranran was praised by Su Qing for being a little shy, but she rarely knows what shyness is, "Who says it's not the case? Qingqing, I am too good. I told you before, that Hu Yifan is still Discourage me and say that I am so stupid!”

Liu Ranran became extremely angry when she thought of Hu Yifan hurting her, and her whole body was filled with irritability.

Su Qing pursed her lips and squinted her eyes, "Ran Ran, have you always been in contact with Hu Yifan?"

"Qingqing, this is wrong. What does it mean that I have always been in contact with him? It's that noodle that I can't get rid of. You don't know Hu Yifan. When the national team came to select places, he twisted his foot. I didn’t get the choice, so I tried to comfort him with good intentions, but I got yelled at by him!”

 Liu Ranran was indignant, but fortunately, the girl had always been the kind of person who didn't hold grudges, so she just laughed off everything.

“He is also very powerful. I feel relieved to have him take care of you.”

Su Qing also found out from Jiang Sui that Hu Yifan liked a little idiot. Idiot, I took a guess and it was Liu Ranran.

 Just listening to the **** the phone, she didn't seem to know anything at all, as if she didn't know anything at all.

“Qingqing, what are you talking about? He still takes care of me. Forget it, he is just a fool..."

Before she could say another word, Su Qing heard Hu Yifan's angry voice on the other end.

“Liu Ranran, you are eating the ice cream bought by the employer and making calls on the employee’s mobile phone. How dare you scold me?”

Liu Ranran was a little dumbfounded by the furious Hu Yifan's voice, "Qingqing, I'm hanging up, I'm hanging up, I won't tell you anymore, I'll tell you after I buy a mobile phone."

Hearing the sound of hanging up the phone, Su Qing pursed her lips and smiled, thinking that the two of them were quite funny together.

They are all very lively.

 The smell of fireworks is very strong.

When Jiang Sui opened the door after taking a shower, he saw this scene. The girl was holding a mobile phone and giggling. He couldn't help but frown.

“Qingqing, what are you laughing at?”

The young man looked jealous easily. Su Qing pursed her lips, smiled even brighter, and waved to Jiang Sui to sit on a chair nearby.

The boy has never been in the habit of wiping his hair after taking a shower, and it's not that he doesn't wipe it. He just wipes it casually, as if he didn't wipe it at all.

 The broken hair on the forehead is too wet.

Su Qing looked at him and said, "Why don't you wipe your hair? Wait for me."

As he said that, he was about to go out to get a towel, but Jiang Sui held Su Qing's finger and refused to let her go. The young man leaned on the chair with a pitiful expression.

“What was Qingqing laughing at just now? Has it become a secret to me?”

The young man lowered his eyes, and the unhappiness in his eyes was so naked.

Su Qing was dumbfounded, then looked at the jealous young man, stretched out her hand to touch his handsome face, "I was just laughing at Ran Ran and Hu Yifan."

Jiang Sui frowned, "What's so funny about them, two little brats."

 “Just like playing house.”

 Both of them are immature and careless.

Su Qing could see a hint of disgust in the young man's eyes, and his lips were slightly curved. He obviously wanted to smile but didn't.

Su Qing stood on one side and took out her fingers.

“Okay, did you like Hu Yifan for a long time and didn’t tell me, huh?”

The girl pursed her lips and stood there with a somewhat majestic look. Jiang Sui was stunned for a moment, as if he was thinking about whether Su Qing was angry, and then looked at Su Qing blankly.

“…I didn’t know that I knew it early on, that is, I only found out about it during the college entrance examination last year…”

Jiang Sui pursed his lips, his eyes still looking at Su Qing, not daring to miss any expression on Su Qing's face.

Su Qing was stunned for a moment after hearing Jiang Sui's words.

“When was the college entrance examination last year?”

 After Jiang Sui said it... he felt something was wrong, and then looked at Su Qing.

“Qingqing, I have a headache, won’t you wipe my hair?”

 Young men always use their appearance and are good at pretending to be innocent.

 However, Su Qing squinted her eyes and put her hands on her hips, but she didn't want to eat him.

“Don’t change the subject for me. Do you know something that you haven’t told me?”

She pursed her lips and was thinking about whether the boy's headache was true, but looking at him, Su Qing felt that he was lying to her again and teasing her.

 There are people with headaches who are still holding on to their fingers and playing with them without letting go.

“I just heard Ran Ran say that when the basketball team went to Wuzhen to select players, Hu Yifan sprained his foot. Did he do it on purpose?”

Jiang Sui's eyes were obviously stunned.

Su Qing knew he was right when he looked at Jiang Sui.

 “So it’s true?”

Jiang Sui nodded stiffly, "Qingqing, how do you know?"

Su Qing pursed her lips, "Ran Ran told me just now that Hu Yifan was a fool or something, and then she mentioned this matter. From Ran Ran's look, she didn't seem to know yet."

Although Ran Ran was heartless, she still accepted death. Knowing that Hu Yifan actually did such a thing for her, she would definitely feel sorry in her heart.

"Hu Yifan, let me keep it a secret... I didn't do it on purpose."

“Qingqing, you are really amazing.”

Su Qing guessed from the clues that she was indeed a lawyer. Jiang Sui couldn't help but tighten his fingers on Su Qing's.

"It's not me who's great, it's Hu Yifan who did this. Does he know how much Ran Ran will blame himself if he finds out? That's Hu Yifan's future. Even if he is a famous star, a world star, he has not been at his peak for many years. This is a waste of a year.”

Su Qing felt a little sorry.

There is also Ran Ran, that silly girl. I am afraid she doesn’t know that the person who was scolding her just now has paid so much for her.

 If you know how you can bear it in your heart.

“Qingqing, if one day I face such a choice, I will definitely choose you.”

The young man's eyes were firm and he looked straight at Su Qing.

Su Qing pursed her lips and lowered her head. She felt a little ashamed for a moment. She was used to analyzing the pros and cons first. Without the momentum of others, Jiang Sui was her only one, which was considered a deviant track.

 It’s just that the boy’s redemption and contribution to her far exceeded his own.

She looked so ashamed, "Jiang Sui, is it so hard to like me?"

 For my own sake, I would rather reread it.

 For himself, he chose law.


There were too many things that could not be said. The young man's eyes were always on her and never moved away.

“Qingqing, please don’t talk nonsense. I like you and you never make me feel hard. It makes me feel that life is so good. It’s so fresh.”

 Maybe it was because of that time in the office.

Her lack of hesitation and the stormy look in her eyes made him identify this girl in an instant and without knowing it.

  Has never changed.

Su Qing pursed her lips, "Even if it is, it's too late after all the hard work."

Her rare witty words made Jiang Sui smile and curl his lips.

 (End of this chapter)

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