She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 225: It's like and love

 Chapter 225 is like and love

Jiang Sui pursed his lips and smiled.

 The words "it's too late to work hard" really don't apply to him.

Looking at the young man who turned around and went out to get a towel and came back, he was rubbing his head, without any method, but his movements were gentle.

 Halfway through typing, Jiang Sui's phone suddenly rang.

Su Qing, who turned her face sideways, saw the name Hu Yifan written on the caller ID, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

“Hey, didn’t you just call me? Why did you call me all of a sudden?”

Jiang Sui listened to the girl's words and looked at Su Qing with half-lidded eyes dangerously.

 “When did he call you?”

 Naked Tangtiao's jealousy was not concealed at all. Su Qing was stunned for a moment before she realized that Jiang Sui was jealous. She put the towel on the table aside and looked at Jiang Sui with interest.

 “Are you jealous?”

Jiang Sui nodded, the unhappiness in his eyes self-evident. He rarely concealed his emotions in front of himself.

Especially when the young man knew that Su Qing had a love for him in his heart, he did not hide it and always wanted to get more affection and attention from Su Qing.

 Su Qing knew that he was a little paranoid.

 Looking at the young man suppressing his unhappiness and looking downcast, his desire to tease him became less intense.

Pinched the tip of Jiang Sui's nose, Su Qing leaned on the table nearby and looked at Jiang Sui.

“It was Ran Ran who called me just now, using Hu Yifan’s mobile phone.”

With this explanation, Jiang Sui's wrinkled brows relaxed a little.

“In this case, he can call me if he insists on calling you.”

With such a small mind, Su Qing pursed her lips and smiled, looking at Jiang Sui, "Hurry up and answer the phone. Is there something wrong with them?"

Jiang Sui picked up the phone and when he was about to answer the call, he found that it had automatically hung up. He looked at Su Qing...


 The words he said were a bit innocent, and he obviously didn't realize that he wouldn't be like this if he hadn't been jealous all the time.

 “Then go back to him.”

Before Su Qing could finish her words, her cell phone rang. Jiang Sui squinted and saw that this time it was not Hu Yifan's, but Liu Ranran's.

Isn’t the phone broken?

Su Qing didn't think much before answering the phone.

“Qingqing, why didn’t Hu Yifan answer Jiang Sui’s call?”

The moment Su Qing answered the phone, she was forced to turn on the loudspeaker under the helpless look of the young man, so Jiang Sui could hear clearly what Liu Ranran said.

 The young man still had that expressionless look on his face.

“His mobile phone is not with him. What can I do if I call him?”

Su Qing blinked at Jiang Sui and lied directly in front of the boy. Jiang Sui stared at Su Qing, and Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui with an extremely innocent look.

It seems to mean that your hand will not be around at that time.

Jiang Sui just looked at Su Qing, his thin lips obviously a little unhappy.

 “Like this, nothing happens.”

Liu Ranran's voice made Su Qing suddenly confused, thinking that the mobile phone number that called was Liu Ranran's.

“Ran Ran, didn’t you lose your mobile phone?”

“Qingqing, you’re right, I came to Jiangcheng and lost my phone, so I remembered Hu Yifan’s phone number...”

Su Qing was stunned when she heard Liu Ranran's words.

 Liu Ranran said that he had come to Jiangcheng and had lost his mobile phone.

"Yes, Liu Ranran is such an idiot. He even lost his cell phone. Fortunately, I am in Jiangcheng. Otherwise, it depends on what you will do."

There was a faint audible smile in Hu Yifan's voice leaning next to the phone.

Su Qing heard Liu Ranran say from the other end before Su Qing recovered.

"Qingqing, I came to Jiangcheng to see you. I originally wanted Hu Yifan to call Jiang Sui to surprise you. Who knew that Jiang Sui's phone number couldn't be reached? I have already reissued the card and bought a mobile phone. "Where is your home address? I'll find you."

Ran Ran's cheerful voice seemed to have not been frightened, so that Su Qing gradually returned in his heart.

 “Okay, can I send the address to your WeChat?”

When Liu Ranran said yes, okay, Hu Yifan seemed to have snatched the girl's mobile phone, "Asui, okay, I don't know where you live. Now I can easily tell Liu Ranran that women are important, It’s still important to be a buddy!”

Su Qing naturally heard that Hu Yifan was making fun of Jiang Sui.

Su Qing was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting how Hu Yifan knew Jiang Sui was with him.

 While she was in shock.

 Liu Ranran on the other end of the phone seemed to be yelling at the boy because Hu Yifan snatched the phone.

Jiang Sui lazily leaned on the rocking chair and looked at Su Qing.

"Of course women are important, not to mention this is not my home. I am staying in our Qingqing home now. Of course you must report if you want to come."

Jiang Sui's words were taken for granted. He was originally speaking from the other end, but his eyes were always staring at Su Qing.

Su Qing was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Jiang Sui. She never heard Hu Yifan and Liu Ranran arguing over there again.

  I didn’t even know the call had been hung up over there.

When Su Qing heard Liu Ranran said he wanted to be a guest, she instinctively wanted to see what Jiang Sui meant, but it only took a moment and she decided on her own.

  After she made the decision as if she were a hostess, Su Qing clearly saw the light in the young man's eyes light up and the color of his forehead.

 She seemed to gradually understand the young man's thoughts.

 He likes that all his things belong to her, and he likes to regard this place as his own home, rather than the relationship between host and guest.

Su Qing always felt a little guilty in her heart, but she also knew clearly that this guilt was slowly diminishing. Because of the gap between the two, she always felt that she had gained a lot of benefits because of the youth. To be honest, , I wanted to get conveniences from Jiang Sui that ordinary people couldn't get.

Hearing Jiang Sui's words again, Su Qing pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Sui. The few words of gratitude in her mouth could not come out, and she remained silent for a moment.

Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui.

“Jiang Sui, why do you like me so much?”

She likes her so much that she has no principles, and Su Qing can't explain it. Anyway, whenever he looks at the boy's eyes, Su Qing feels as if his heart is empty, and then it beats hard. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s enjoyable.

“Qingqing, if you know why you like it, then you don’t like it.”

 “But now I not only like it, I like it and love it.”

 The young man's eyes were soft and bright, making Su Qing's heart tremble.

  Hold your fingers hard to stand firm.

 (End of this chapter)

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