She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 234: I don’t want you to give it to me

Chapter 234 I don’t want you to give it away

 When everything is finally settled, it is the winter season.

Su Qing confirmed the date of the plane.

 Full scholarship for three to five years of study, possibly longer.

“Qingqing, why did you suddenly go to such a far away place? Wuwuwuwu, I can’t let you go.”

 Liu Ranran cried so hard that her whole body was lying on Su Qing's body.

“Qingqing, what will Jiang Sui do when you leave? He is so handsome..."

 Liu Ranran was obviously drunk and spoke a little garbled.

 “Qingqing, I wish you a bright future.”

 Wen Wan's voice is cold. Since they are always in the capital, they have not lost contact and occasionally have dinner together.

 The relationship between several people is quite good.

Su Qing pursed her lips and smiled.

 The atmosphere and pressure of the entire party were very low.

Su Qing didn’t drink at all, and Jiang Sui was the same. They were both very sober when they left the party.

On the way home, it was still the same, each going his own way. Su Qing knew that Jiang Sui was standing beside him, ever since the two had a cold war.

 He stood behind her and was no longer by her side.

“Jiang Sui, I have a flight at around ten o’clock tomorrow.”

The cool night breeze hit her face, and Su Qing felt a severe pain.

She lowered her eyes, feeling the uncontrollable sadness in her heart that she couldn't control no matter what.

After being silent for too long, Jiang Sui felt that the strong wind kept blowing on his ears, making it difficult to hear any words.

 The spasmodic fingers hung down feebly.

 “Can I send it to you, Qingqing?”

 He felt uncomfortable with his heart being clogged, and Jiang Sui's throat was hoarse beyond words.

“Don’t give it away to me, Jiang Sui, I don’t want you to give it away.”

Su Qing’s words were brisk, so fast that no one could hear the sadness in her voice.

 Not allowed to be sent.

Jiang Sui's eyes dropped weakly.

 Silence, and endless silence.

Ever since Su Qing said that the two of them need to calm down, it has become like this. As long as Jiang Sui doesn't take the initiative to speak, Jiang Sui rarely speaks.

 But she also knew it.

This silent young man secretly covered himself with a quilt when he fell asleep.

Knowing that even if she didn't let him pick her up, he still stood at the bottom of the laboratory in all weathers.

 Prepare snacks, buy clothes, and prepare food for her.

 She was so considerate and caring that he even remembered her menstrual period.

Su Qing could feel the boy's sadness when she said she wouldn't let him send it away.

Su Qing pursed her lips and felt fierce in her heart. This was the price for pushing her away.

 But in the end, I still couldn’t bear it.

 “I won’t let you give it away, because I’m afraid I’ll be sad.”

Su Qing's voice was deep, and her emotions couldn't stop overflowing.

Jiang Sui pinched his fingers and said, "Qingqing."

 His voice is too hoarse.

“Jiang Sui, we can be together all night tonight.”

Su Qing suddenly breathed out a breath and took the initiative to hold Jiang Sui's finger.

It was only then that Su Qing discovered that the tips of the young man's fingers were so cold. How had his fingers been so cold that he couldn't warm them up no matter what?

Jiang Sui was stunned, letting Su Qing hold his fingers and warm him up.

 The emotions in my heart were turbulent.

 “It’s nice to be together all night long.”

Jiang Sui's eyes were filled with emotion, but he just lowered his head and stood beside Su Qing. The boy was a head taller than the girl. Su Qing did not see Jiang Sui's emotions clearly, but was aware of his mood swings. Very powerful.

Hands are trembling and so is the voice.

“Jiang Sui, what if I want to do something else?”


 The young man’s tired voice was too hoarse to speak.

"Are you still rejecting me now?" Su Qing squeezed Jiang Sui's fingers. His fingers were so beautiful, so green and white, and each one had distinct bones. It looked like the kind of hand that plays the piano.

But I can’t keep it warm no matter what.

Jiang Sui pursed his lips.

 “Qingqing, don’t hurt yourself.”

 “Is being with you really harmful to myself?”

Jiang Sui was speechless. Su Qing's words made him sad and sober.

“No, Qingqing, don’t make trouble, let’s go home.”

 The word "go home" made Su Qing's eyes warm a little.

“Jiang Sui, do you have any reason? Why do you have to...”

Su Qing bit her lip and did not ask.

“Jiang Sui, don’t regret it. I’m telling you, tonight, after passing this village, there won’t be this store. Don’t regret it.”

Jiang Sui held Su Qing's finger with his backhand.

  She tried her best to restrain herself, and every bone ached.

 In one night, the two of them did not talk as much as they did on the road.

They just cuddled together. Su Qing had no idea what was playing on the TV, and Jiang Sui had no idea.

What he knows is that the girl next to him will leave tomorrow.

“Qingqing, please check your suitcase. The things I brought you...”

He didn't want to say goodbye, but Jiang Sui couldn't help it and said it several times throughout the night.

Su Qing pursed her lips, "You've said it eight times, Jiang Sui, and we've just gone upstairs to check seven times."

Jiang Sui lowered his head and said nothing.

Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui.

 “Jiang Sui, kiss me.”

 The two of them actually don't get close very often. It can be said that they have always had a sense of distance.

 The young man's eyes were hot, as if they were on fire.

After hearing Su Qing's words, I couldn't hold it back anymore.

 Protect the people around you.

 His heart and soul.

Su Qing thought Jiang Suihui would really do something, but in the end the young man did nothing and showed great restraint.

 His eyes were scarlet.

 The corners of her mouth hurt from the pulling, and there was blood inside her mouth.

Even so, Jiang Sui simply hugged her all night.

 It’s that simple.

The TV was left on all night.

From dusk to dawn, the two of them still cuddled together.

When it was time to buy breakfast, Jiang Sui stiffened his neck and looked to see if the person in his arms was asleep, but what he saw was an extremely cold face.

“Qingqing, I’m going to buy breakfast.”

Su Qing grabbed Jiang Sui's finger, shook her head, and then looked at the time on her phone, which was seven o'clock.

"No, Jiang Sui, I'm leaving at eight o'clock. I won't buy it. I don't want to eat. I'm not hungry."

 She was in a low mood, with reluctance in her eyes.

 “Qingqing, I get airsick.”

 Yes, Su Qing is a little airsick.

 “Jiang Sui, I don’t want to eat.”

Helping, the young man lowered his head and held Su Qing in his arms. Su Qing looked at the broken corners of his mouth, and then went to untie his collar...

 “It’s so crazy, why not.”

 In Jiang Sui's eyes, the hidden storm could sweep everything away.

 Pressing Su Qing’s fingers.

  kissed the corner of the girl's eye.

Jiang Sui never said what he said, "Can I not leave?"

 There is also the sentence about having a blockage in the throat.

I love you…

 Finally swallowed.

 (End of this chapter)

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