She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 235: They have been separated for three years (four thousand)

Chapter 235 It’s been three years (four thousand)


Su Qing still didn’t let Jiang Sui see him off.

What she didn't know was that the young man stood by the window and watched for a long time until the car carrying her drove away.

Jiang Sui just leaned against the window, with a somewhat gloomy back, standing in a room without a trace of light, all day and night.

Mei Yeqin knew that it was already a week later when Su Qing went abroad.

 When she saw Jiang Sui again, the young man seemed like a normal person.

The two of them were sitting in the coffee shop, and Mei Yeqin looked at Jiang Sui.

 “Your illness is not cured.”

 Mei Yeqin used an affirmative tone.

Jiang Sui didn't refute or nod. He sipped the bitter coffee and couldn't feel any bitter taste. He even enjoyed it a bit. He pursed his lips and closed his eyes. .

“Auntie, I hope you can help take care of me over at the school.”

Jiang Sui's words were still talking about Su Qing.

There was a trace of bitterness in Mei Yeqin's eyes, "I know that there are also my former classmates in the school, and she will not be bullied."

 “You’ve made all the arrangements, and you’re still worried?”

Jiang Sui's small movements were naturally unable to avoid Mei Yeqin's gaze.

He arranged a homestay for Su Qing early in the morning. She was a single old woman who was also a researcher and a Chinese with a gentle temperament.

Of course Su Qing doesn’t know all this.

Jiang Sui pursed his lips, restraining his thoughts, and the expression in his eyes was extremely suppressed.

 “I’m out of reach here.”

“It’s out of reach, don’t think I don’t know that you have secretly told your mentor that you are going to run away.”

 “Can your body handle eating like this?”

Mei Yeqin thought Jiang Sui was crazy when he learned that Jiang Sui wanted to work and get a Ph.D.

These two things are energy-consuming things. His health is not good to begin with, not to mention that the disease has not recovered.

The good look in Su Qing's face was actually not good at all. He pretended too much, making Mei Yanqin think that Jiang Sui was actually good.

 “I’m fine.”

Mei Yeqin has seen the stubbornness of young people before, and she sighed softly.

“Why don’t you go to further studies with her? If you are willing, your instructor will definitely recommend you.”

Mei Yeqin knew Jiang Sui's intelligence and talent.

 It is recommended that even if you cannot be in the same school as Su Qing, it is definitely possible to be in the same place.

“She didn’t want to do it before, but now she doesn’t want to.”

Jiang Sui's words made Mei Yeqin stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't understand.

 “Before, you didn’t want to? Why?”

Jiang Sui pursed his lips and said nothing. He pinched his fingertips, tried his best to restrain the emotions that were surging out of him, and closed his eyes deeply.

"there is nothing."

 “What if she doesn’t want to?”

Jiang Sui didn't seem to want to discuss this issue. No matter what Mei Yeqin said, he remained silent.

The two of them did not have dinner together. Jiang Sui just said goodbye to Mei Yeqin this time, and Mei Yeqin knew that.

 Jiang Sui's illness was not cured.

  When parting, Jiang Sui specifically emphasized that Mei Yeqin would not be allowed to tell Su Qing about her condition.

Mei Yeqin knew that Jiang Sui was already terminally ill at this time.

If we had anxiety disorders before, now teenagers have turned those symptoms into paranoia.

 His paranoia about Su Qing has gone beyond the scope of ordinary people and is outrageous.

Mei Yeqin could not let go for a long time after going back.

The first night Su Qing left, Jiang Sui entered Su Qing's room and curled up.

 He is trying his best to restrain his love.

When Mei Yeqin told Pei Dai this, Pei Dai, who was coaxing the child, had some understanding in his eyes.

So Jiang Suizai was not surprised to receive a call from Pei Dai.

 The two of them made an appointment on the time and place the night before Jiang Sui set out.

Pei Dai didn’t say a word, but he seemed to understand Jiang Sui’s mentality.

"You are restraining yourself, Jiang Sui. You are afraid that you will hurt her, but you still want to be with her. You are afraid of her feelings for you. Is guilt greater than love?"

 You don’t know how much love you have, so you can restrain it.

 You don’t know how much love I have, and I would rather withdraw from you than make you feel guilty.

Jiang Sui, this young man just wants Su Qing’s pure love,

Pei Dai's words made Jiang Sui's eyes turn scarlet, and he looked at the sky with burning eyes.

There was a whimper in the throat, like a wounded animal.

 There was a trace of crystal flashing across the corner of his eyes.

 When did Su Qing feel so much guilt in her eyes when she looked at him?

Jiang Sui didn’t know when he saw it.

  When treating him, the girl always had a kind of suppressed pity. Because of her mother's affairs, she also had that look when she looked at herself.

 This is not what Jiang Sui needs at all.

 Also, since when did Su Qing look at him with more guilt?

 From the end of the college entrance examination?

Is the case over or should I give up direct blogging?

 This is not what Jiang Sui wants.

"I don't want her guilt. If she is tight to me, it will be guilt and pity. I would rather not have this kind of love."

"don't want?"

Pei Dai looked at Jiang Sui, his eyes broken, and his mouth a little helpless, "Even now, I don't know whether your aunt is responsible or loving for me."

Some of the Pei family's bloodline is written in the word "love", and some are simply against it and dare not touch it.

Jiang Sui pursed his lips, drank wine, and his eyes were unfocused.

 “My aunt, I love you.”

"Then I don't think Su Qing feels guilty towards you."

 They are both from the mountains, and they cannot see clearly in the chess game.

Jiang Sui flew to San Francisco when night fell.

 It is colorful and brightly lit as if it were daytime.

The thought of being under the same sky as Su Qing made the young man's eyes glow with a hint of light, and his heart moved.

Holding the phone in hand, Jiang Sui, who was somewhat restrained, couldn't stop himself. He found a quiet place and called Su Qing. He couldn't wait to hear Su Qing's voice.

 Hello, I am in the laboratory. If you have anything, please leave a message. 】

   is Su Qing’s formulaic voice.

 Since she went abroad, the two have had less and less contact.

 From once a day, to once every two days, to three days, to five days, to a month.

Su Qing called him back every time after leaving a message.

As the number of messages became fewer and fewer, the messages between the two of them also became fewer and fewer.

 Time flies, three years have passed.

Su Qing was walking through the campus holding her textbooks.

The bachelor's hat on her head showed her achievements in the past few years. While walking on campus, Su Qing thought that she was walking on the campus in Qingbei like this three years ago.

 Today is her graduation.


When someone stopped Su Qing's steps, Su Qing stopped and saw a blond and blue-eyed boy speaking stumbling Chinese.

Su Qing's eyes were stunned for a moment, obviously she didn't expect anyone to block her way.


Out of politeness, Su Qing responded.

“Hello, I like you, can we date?”

Even though Su Qing has been abroad for many years, she is still not used to such straightforwardness. There is a hint of astonishment in her face and eyes.

Before she could respond, the blond boy looked at her intensely.

“I fell in love with your beauty at first sight, can you date me?”

Su Qing was even more stunned and shook her head.

"Excuse me."

The blond and blue-eyed boy seemed to be unable to understand what Su Qing said. Only then did Su Qing speak out her direct rejection in English again.

 The young man left in disappointment.

Su Qing shook her head.

On the day of graduation, it was not that she was nostalgic for this place, but that Liu Ranran kept saying on the phone that she would take a good look at her college life and internship life when she went back.

Su Qing was worried that she, a boring person, had spent too much time in the laboratory and had nothing to say to Liu Ranran, so she had to take advantage of her last moment to take a walk here.

 After staying in this place for three years, Su Qing still feels that every place feels strange.

 So many awards and offers were rejected by Su Qing.

She didn’t know why she had to go back to China.

 What exactly is there in the country?

Su Qing pursed her lips. After completing the formalities, she did not stay in San Francisco for a day. The instructor's reluctance made Su Qing burst into tears. The woman who stayed with her family also burst into tears when she saw her off. It's hard to see, but none of this seems to be able to stop Su Qing.

While on the plane, a long-lost strangeness ignited in Su Qing's mind.

Su Qing, who had already opened her mobile phone, slid to the familiar yet unfamiliar contact information.

How long has it been since they last saw each other and how long have they not contacted each other?

The call record remains on that night three years ago. Since no one answered the call, the two have never spoken again.

 He never called her.

 She has never contacted him proactively.

 In WeChat, apart from those messages I sent in college, there are no more messages.

When she couldn't help it, Su Qing also cried secretly at night and opened Jiang Sui's circle of friends again and again.

His circle of friends is as indifferent as he is. It is pitifully clean, except for a piece of news about the establishment of a law firm last year.

Have you established a law firm?

I heard that he graduated with a doctorate a year earlier than me. He is simply a model in the industry. He received a particularly big case as soon as he graduated and became famous in the legal field. At the end of last year, he became an upstart partnership. The identity of a human lawyer has caused waves of rage in the entire lawyer circle.

 These are what Liu Ranran told her.

Su Qing thought that she had been able to change from the discomfort of leaving before, to missing him later, and later, when she heard the news about him, her face was expressionless, and there was no trace of waves in her heart.

Even Liu Ranran sighed, saying that the two of them were so good, why did they break up?

  Why did it break up?

 In the past, Su Qing didn't understand why Jiang Sui insisted on letting him go, insisting on letting him leave.

 Looking at it now, maybe the boy doesn’t love her anymore.

 What is love? She studied medicine. She should have the clearest understanding of this feeling, right? It's just a secretion of hormones.

It was just a momentary excitement. After the excitement passed, there was nothing left.

 It was the winter season when I left, and it is still the winter season when I came back.

Su Qing got off the plane and felt a cold wave running over her body.

  She was in a hurry to come back, so she didn’t tell anyone, and no one came to pick her up at the airport.

 But a familiar feeling that had not been seen for a long time, surrounded by Chinese, made Su Qing feel a sense of intimacy.

After booking a hotel, Su Qing wanted to get off the jet lag first and have a dark sleep.

Su Qing, who was extremely tired, drank the medicine and slept for a whole day and night.

  She doesn’t know when her insomnia will be cured. People say doctors can’t heal themselves, but she can. She clearly knows that she has insomnia and is very dependent on medicine.

 After waking up, Su Qing still felt confused and helpless for a long time. It had always been like this, and she had long been used to it.

 When I turned on my cell phone, it was nine o'clock, and there were quite a few missed calls on it.

 There were those from Liu Ranran, Mei Yeqin, the tutor, the hospital, and the aunt from the host family, but there was no one from that person.

Su Qing went into the bathroom, washed up briefly, and called them back one by one when she came out.

First, the tutor and the host family aunt were worried about her comfort. Su Qing pinched her eyebrows and was so tired that she forgot to tell them that she had arrived safely.

 Then there is the hospital. The hospital where I work is Jiangda.

 When he was abroad, Su Qingduo had actually been an intern in the subject of clinical medicine for a long time, and it was not as strict abroad as it was at home.

 You will be asked to do an internship very early.

 So Su Qing had already stood in front of the operating table early, although only as a note taker.

 But she has gradually become less afraid of surgery and has seen many joys and sorrows. She doesn’t know whether these are good or bad.

 After knowing his tenure and the location of the hospital, Su Qing twitched his lips. In fact, he was just an ordinary intern doctor, so there was no need for the hospital to go into such a big fight.

 Then he called Mei Yeqin back.

The two of them were still in contact during the many years Su Qing went abroad. Moreover, Su Qing was going back to China, and he was still working at Jiangda Hospital. He couldn't hide it from Mei Yeqin, and Mei Yeqin naturally knew about it.

  When Mei Yeqin called Su Qing and asked her to help Su Qing, Su Qing declined, but Mei Yeqin insisted, so Su Qing had no choice but to agree.

 It’s not that she doesn’t want to go, she just doesn’t want to see that person.

Who is it? She hasn't seen him in three years. Su Qing knows that he can't avoid it, but he still has an ostrich mentality and wants to avoid it.

 The last call was to Liu Ranran.

“Qingqing, you didn’t even tell me when you came back, you came back secretly!!”

When Liu Ranran called Su Qing, she found that her phone was turned off, so she called Su Qing's host family directly. Only after calling did she find out that Su Qing had returned to China.

Su Qing smiled and said, "I didn't come back secretly, I just didn't have time to tell you, so don't be angry."

 (End of this chapter)

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