She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 242: Are you easy to cheat (4,000)

Chapter 242: Isn’t it easy to cheat (4,000)

 “Xu Miaoran.”

Jiang Sui's slightly angry voice made Su Qing's eyes unable to stop looking in Jiang Sui's direction.

She bit her lip and was sure that the voice was Jiang Sui.

Xu Miaoran was stunned for a second after hearing Jiang Sui's voice, and then looked at Su Qing and Liu Ranran slightly apologetically.

“I’m sorry, my boyfriend has a bad temper. Let’s talk about it when we have time next time.”

After speaking, he batted his eyelashes at Su Qing a few times, then turned and left.

Su Qing pursed her lips, turned her head, and left.

 In order to avoid getting into trouble, Su Qing paid the order as quickly as possible.

 “Qingqing, don’t be sad.”

“It’s hard to find a toad with three legs, and it’s hard to find a man with two legs.”

 Liu Ranran had already scolded the pair of **** and scumbags in her heart.

 “I’m fine, I’m a little tired, Ranran, I’m sorry today.”

Su Qing felt a little regretful. Her mood today was really disappointing.

"Qingqing, please don't say that, otherwise..."

Liu Ranran wanted to tell Su Qing about knowing Jiang Sui's license plate number, but seeing Su Qing's tired face and lack of interest at all, she simply shut her mouth.

“Qingqing, then go back and have a good rest.”

Su Qing pursed her lips and stopped a taxi. After saying sorry to Liu Ranran again, she got in the car and left.

 Liu Ranran stared blankly at the constant flow of people on the road.

He restrained himself and wanted to go up to Jiang Sui to settle the score.

He simply flooded his anger on Chi Yu. Looking at Hu Yifan who kept calling him, he simply blocked his phone number, WeChat, and almost all the contact information that could contact him. Liu Ranran blocked him. .

 “There is no such thing as a good thing in a man!”

Liu Ranran stretched out her foot and kicked the stone pillar beside her. She grinned and felt that her foot was about to break.

When she turned around, she saw Jiang Sui just walking out of the mall. Xu Miaoran, with a smile on her face, pressed against Jiang Sui's body.

 The man still looked that cold and aloof.

 But nothing can change it, he has the face of a scumbag.

 Liu Ranran turned his head, not wanting to take another look.

Jiang Sui came out in a hurry, his face was so gloomy and terrifying that Xu Miaoran seemed not to notice at all.

“Jiang Sui, you are walking too fast, wait for me.”

Jiang Sui stopped without saying this, but turned his head and glanced at Xu Miaoran lightly.

 “Go back by yourself.”

Xu Miaoran has never seen such an ungentlemanly man.

“It’s not easy to take a taxi here, and you’re not driving anymore. Why don’t you give me a ride on the way?”

Jiang Sui didn't look back, and the anger on his face did not dissipate.

Xu Miaoran also walked a few steps away with anger, and then grabbed Jiang Sui's wrist.

"Jiang Sui, why are you so stingy? You just said that you are my boyfriend. Let me tell you, I am doing this for your own good."

Jiang Sui was forced to stop and pulled Xu Miaoran away from his arm.

 Looking at Xu Miaoran condescendingly.

 “For my own good?”

Xu Miaoran looked at Jiang Sui's straight appearance and wondered how he could fall in love with such an ignorant person when he was young.

 She nodded.

"Of course, I'm doing this for you. I'm testing whether Su Qing still likes you. I'll save you. I heard Uncle Jiang say that you should become a monk."

Jiang Sui's brows never loosened.

 “You are being too smart.”

Xu Miaoran was furious when he looked at Jiang Sui's handsome face.


“Xu Miaoran, do you think I don’t know how to find out if Su Qing likes her?”

"I just can't see my woman being so sad. Don't be so smart in the future."

Jiang Sui's face was always cold, like a **** and Buddha, with no expression at all. He glanced at Xu Miaran coldly, then turned around, leaving Xu Miaran with a confused look.

Looking at Jiang Sui's distant back.

 She was a little shocked by Jiang Sui's words.

 For a long time, Xu Miaoran thought that Jiang Sui didn't understand love and didn't know how to love someone.

 But now it seems that this may not be the case.

Jiang Sui started the car and drove all the way to the downstairs of the apartment.

 He was looking downstairs at the window where the light was still on.

At that time, when he caught a glimpse of Su Qing's shaky figure in the restaurant, his heart dropped a lot in an instant.

Pursing his lips, Jiang Sui pressed the lighter a few times.

 The flickering light could not quell the anxiety in his heart.

Took out his cell phone and called Hu Yifan.

Hu Yifan picked up the call very quickly.

 “What’s the matter, Brother Sui?”

Hu Yifan's voice was a little weak, not high-pitched.

“Liu Ranran and Su Qing will go to dinner then. Ask Liu Ranran how Su Qing is feeling now.”

 Jiang Sui has always been direct.

“Brother Sui, to tell you the truth, Ran Ran, my baby has blocked me, all the contact information has been blocked, and I can’t even contact him.”

Hu Yifan was in a low mood.

Jiang Sui couldn't help but be stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then thought that half of the reason why Liu Ranran blocked him was probably because of himself and Su Qing.

 It’s more about expressing anger.

Jiang Sui frowned at this move.

“Generally, this kind of blocking is just waiting for you to coax her. You are still drinking to relieve your sorrows like Shabi. Do you hope that she will not block you but ignore you?”

“No, no, no, Brother Sui, you are so awesome, you are so awesome. You must not ignore me, wouldn’t you become a stranger?”

Hu Yifan said thank you and hung up the phone.

Jiang Sui held the steering wheel.

 Hearing that sentence, wouldn’t he be a stranger?

 That's right, Qingqing would never play with her in such a petty manner, nor would she play with herself.

 She has not blocked herself or deleted herself, and all her contact information is there.

 Just in the circle of life, in life, and in the traces of growth, each other's existence suddenly disappeared.

 Yes, this is no different from a stranger.

Jiang Sui looked up and saw that the light in the window went out before he walked out of the car.

 His house is opposite Su Qing.

Su Qing’s daily routine is never chaotic.

Jiang Sui always went home after Su Qing left the house, and went upstairs only after the lights in Su Qing's house went out.

 So when Liu Ranran kept complaining about the neighbors he hated.

Su Qing was also happy, saying that he didn’t know who lived across from him, but he should be a cultural person.

 There is no noise, it is very quiet, there is no shoe cabinet taking up space at the door, and there is no garbage.

 All in all, this place is very comfortable to live in.

When Su Qing saw Jiang Sui, she couldn't remember how she walked out of the restaurant.

 I just felt that all the strength in my body had been drained away.

turn out to be.

For so many years, he has been alone, and he has never forgotten it, and he already has someone else by his side.

That person, it wasn’t anyone, it was Xu Miaoran. Unexpectedly, they came together again by accident.

Su Qing took a cold shower as soon as she returned home.

 Let her thoughts and thoughts gradually become clearer.

His back looks like a perfect match for Xu Miaoran. That fiery red woman, Su Qing pales in front of her.

Pursing her lips, Su Qing looked at herself in the mirror.

 The expressionless face looked like a corpse, indeed he had an unflattering face.

Su Qing was very irritable and couldn't sleep, so she simply turned off the lights and planned to go downstairs for a walk.

 I heard Liu Ranran say before that the scenery and safety factor of the community are very high.

Su Qing took a coat and went out.

 The moment he opened the door, Su Qing saw a familiar and familiar figure from behind.

That person…


 Her quiet, highly qualified, and good neighbor.

Jiang Suizheng was skillfully pressing the code for the door opposite her. Naturally, Su Qing couldn't believe that this man was looking for her and not living here.

Jiang Sui, who thought Su Qing had rested, heard the sound of the door opening behind him.

His fingers were slightly stiff, but he still decisively opened the door and wanted to go in.

 Just his wrist was grabbed by a pair of white fingertips.

Su Qing's hair was half wet. It could be seen that she had just washed up. The dreamy face appeared in front of Jiang Sui at this moment.

Jiang Sui lowered his eyes.

 “Aren’t you going to explain it?”

Su Qing said she was calm, but she absolutely didn't believe it. Jiang Sui lived here for no reason. Su Qing didn't believe such a coincidence.

Hearing Su Qing's voice, Jiang Sui felt that his throat was clogged.

Su Qinghaobai's fingers had no strength at all, and it was very easy for Jiang Sui to break free.

 Just for a long time, Jiang Suidu stood there motionless.

"You didn't dry your hair." Jiang Sui said, but it was a topic that had nothing to do with Su Qing's question.

Su Qing frowned.

"It's very cold outside. It's winter now. If you don't blow your hair, you'll catch a cold easily."

Su Qing's intuitive and conscious trust was used up in an instant. The little breath squeezed out of her heart and lungs felt like the air was extremely tight.

 “Jiang Sui.”

 Her voice rose.

 “It’s too cold outside, come in and talk.”

Jiang Sui opened the door and was about to go in. Su Qing was stuck in her mouth, and for some reason, she went in with Jiang Sui.

Su Qing stood at the entrance, and Jiang Sui had already closed the door.

Su Qing was in a very bad mood.

She didn't expect that she would enter Jiang Sui's house so easily. A kind of annoyance and remorse swayed in her chest, and she couldn't get rid of it.

But at this moment, I have already come in, and I can't just go out.

 Appears to be so useless.

 Suppressing her discomfort, Su Qing followed Jiang Sui to the living room and sat on the sofa.

 “I’ll get you a cup of tea.”

Su Qing wanted to say no, but when she turned around, Jiang Sui had already left. She pursed her lips and took a look at Jiang Sui's room. The layout was exactly the same as hers.

Su Qing’s eyebrows couldn’t help but jump up and down.

 Obviously there was no need to ask anything, she already had the answer in her mind.

  That is to say.

Such a good house was a new one, even if it was in the urban area. The price was still low, and all the things had not been used yet. When Su Qing saw it for the first time, she felt that the house seemed to be packed and waiting. The arrival of the master is the same.

At this moment, seeing that Jiang Sui's house was exactly the same as the one she rented, Su Qing naturally couldn't help but think a lot.

When Jiang Sui came out with a cup of hot tea, he also had a hair dryer and a towel in his hand.

 Putting the tea on the coffee table, Jiang Sui looked at Su Qing and was about to blow dry her hair.

 It was just decisively rejected by Su Qing.

 “Jiang Sui.”

Su Qing restrained herself from saying those unpleasant and rejecting words. She tried her best to control her expression and took the towel from Jiang Sui's arm.

 “I’ll just use this, thank you.”

Her alienation made Jiang Sui's eyes froze for a moment, and he found a place to sit down.

 The slowly steaming tea made Su Qing's eyes look a little blurry.

Jiang Sui's appearance, it's not like she hasn't thought about it for so many years. Just by looking at his back, she was sure that the person was him.

When I looked at his face at this moment, I realized that the young man from back then seemed not to have changed much, but everything seemed to have changed.

 He is mature and handsome, and his face is still handsome. He looks like a dragon or a phoenix among men.

Su Qing took a sip of tea, moistened her throat, and looked up at Jiang Sui.

“Jiang Sui, you rented the house opposite to me.”

She used an affirmative sentence. When Su Qing spoke, Jiang Sui was stunned for a moment, pinched his fingertips and pursed his lips.

“Qingqing, what are you talking about? You’re joking, not me.”

The word Qingqing was tossed around in his mouth for a long time. When he said it, it didn't seem so unfamiliar. It was just that the person sitting far away was too far away from him. Jiang Sui's eyes flashed with a faint silence.

Su Qing thought Jiang Sui would admit it, but she didn't expect Jiang Sui to be tough. She pursed her lips.

 “Why are you here?”

 “This is my home, Qingqing, I have lived here for a long time.”

He didn't look like he was lying. Su Qing didn't expect Jiang Sui to deny it.

“So, you want to tell me that you live here, and then I accidentally rented the apartment opposite, and I am your neighbor. Is this all a coincidence?”

Su Qing pinched her fingertips, trying not to let her emotions fluctuate too much.

“If I said it was a coincidence, Qingqing, would you believe it?”

Su Qing watched Jiang Sui say this, and the annoyance she had been holding in her heart suddenly surged up.

“Jiang Sui, do you think I am a three-year-old child, so easy to lie? Jiang Sui, when did you become such a liar?”

“What a coincidence, what a coincidence, the layout of your house is the same as mine, with the sofa, coffee table, TV cabinet and everything else exactly the same?”

Su Qing's voice rose slightly, and she stared at Jiang Sui for a moment.

 They never quarreled or blushed.

Su Qing never imagined that seeing the two of them again would be like this after not seeing each other for many years.

Jiang Sui pursed his lips, with a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

  “Aren’t you easy to lie to?”

Su Qing was stunned by these words. She looked at Jiang Sui with an extremely serious expression.

“So, Jiang Sui, what do you want to say?”

I originally wanted to go under the knife, but after much deliberation, I decided to finish it at the end of the month~~~



 (End of this chapter)

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