She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 243: Unavoidable calamity (4,000)

 Chapter 243 The inevitable calamity (4,000)

Su Qing's voice was slightly trembling.

Even if she thought that the two of them would never be the same again, they wouldn't be that kind of resentful couple as others said.

Su Qing pursed her lips and spoke again.

“Jiang Sui, if you have anything to say, just say it.”

"You suddenly appeared in the world and broke my peace. Do you dare to say that the house opposite, the house I rented, has nothing to do with you?"

Su Qing tried her best to keep her breath calm. She didn't want to deal with her relationship with Jiang Sui in an extreme or hysterical manner.

 She felt that she had not reached that stage yet.

Even if they become strangers in the end, there is no need to break up like that. This is the last thing Su Qing wants to see.

“You said I’m easy to deceive, do you mean that you easily took away my entire youth, or do you mean that you spent your entire youth with me to have a love that was impossible at all.”

“Or, I am easy to deceive because I have always been played with by you.”

Su Qing raised her chin slightly, trying to raise her head, but she felt her eyes were sore.

"Jiang Sui, please speak clearly. I will never bother you again from now on."

 “You walk on your Sunshine Avenue, and I’ll walk on my single-plank bridge.”

Su Qing felt that she had never been the one who was entangled. Ever since she saw Jiang Sui and Xu Miaran walking together, she couldn't bear it anymore. No matter what, she knew that today's encounter was always going to happen. Go.

 An unavoidable disaster.

Jiang Suiduan sat opposite Su Qing. His eyes never moved away. His Adam's apple rolled several times, and his thin lips and corners of his throat felt obscure.

 Pinching his fingers, there was a hint of bitterness at the corners of his lips.

 “You won’t bother me from now on?”

Jiang Sui's words were cold, and there seemed to be endless emotions hidden in them.

"Qingqing, ask yourself, when have you ever quarreled with me? I asked you to go abroad. You blame me, but I accept it. Then ask yourself, have you ever quarreled with me since you went abroad?"

“Perhaps even Dr. Su might not be able to recognize me when I’m walking on the street.”

"Let me explain the flowers clearly, okay, Qingqing, I asked you to break up at the beginning, and you broke up unilaterally."

Jiang Sui pursed his lips, the accumulation in his heart still lingering.

Su Qing bit her lip and looked at Jiang Sui.

“So, Jiang Sui, with so many words, do you want to tell me that we have never had any entanglements since I left the country?”

Her eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes, and there were tears in them, as if they would fall down in the next second.

Su Qing's voice was not only trembling, but her body was also trembling.

Jiang Sui raised his eyes and looked at Su Qing.

“I didn’t expect, Qingqing, that you would think like this.”

“I think so, why, Jiang Sui, you think I don’t think much, then what should I think!!”

"Tell me, what should I think? We are already engaged. It's true. If nothing else happens, we should have gotten married long ago after you graduated as a doctoral student. You are doing it for my own good. You think you are doing it for my own good. It's not true." Let me go abroad!”

“You made me lose the environment I like and can’t stay with the people I like. Shouldn’t I blame you?”

Su Qing bit her lip. The depression in her heart could not be dissipated. All the emotions were unbearable from the moment they burst out, and they burst out completely.

“Qingqing, did you say you liked me? You felt guilty at the time. You were more grateful, or you liked me more.”

Jiang Sui growled. The question that had been lingering in his mind for so long finally came out.

 The brokenness in his eyes was so strong as he looked at Su Qing.

"Yes, I forced you away. It was I who forced you away. You can blame me and hate me, but what I'm afraid of is not your resentment and your hatred of me. What I'm afraid of is that after what I've done, you see The look in my eyes was filled with guilt.”

"Guilty, because of each other, I didn't go to Stanford. Guilty, I repeated my studies for a year. Your guilt makes me feel that my love for you and my dedication to you are like a joke. I don't want your guilt, I want your feelings. ”

Jiang Sui looked like he was crazy. The scarlet red in his eyes could drown Su Qing.

Su Qing pursed her lips, and her mind went blank in response to Jiang Sui's words.

She bit her lip and said nothing.

"Qingqing, go out, I want to rest. Your answer is yes. The house opposite you is in my name. I still can't let you go, so I have been planning it for a long time, regardless of other people's anger."

Su Qing was stunned by Jiang Sui's expulsion order.

She stared into Jiang Sui's scarlet eyes, "So, you want me to leave now, right?"

Jiang Sui felt like he had a splitting headache, and his whole body was about to explode. He lowered his eyes and said coldly.


With a hoarse voice, Jiang Sui sat on the sofa without daring to move. After hearing the movement near the door, Jiang Sui became furious.

  I threw everything on the coffee table that could be thrown. It wasn't until my hands were dripping with blood that I gradually calmed down.

Su Qing returned to her room.

She leaned against the door, slowly sat on the ground, hid her face, and began to cry.


Su Qing thought she would never cry again, but unexpectedly, she couldn't stop her tears.

 Her mind was in a mess.

 She no longer had the energy or thoughts to sort out things between her and Jiang Sui.

 I just feel that the sweetness in the past is more like salt on the wound, which makes people feel painful and heart-burning.

Su Qing spent the whole night in a muddle.

 It was time to go to the hospital for internship soon, and she couldn't get back on track.

 Lied at home for three days in a row.

 Gradually, she began to sort out what Jiang Sui had said.

The reason why he asked her to go abroad was because he felt guilty about him, didn't he like her?

Su Qing never thought that her feelings would be misunderstood in this way. She did not deny that she felt guilty, but it was more of love and pity.

Since he has already let himself go and issued an eviction order, not to mention that he already has a girlfriend.

Su Qing made up his mind not to show off anymore.

 Don't provoke Jiang Sui anymore.

It's not that everything has to be clear about right and wrong. What's more, emotional matters are inherently voluntary. Since the other person is no longer willing, there is no need for her to rush to him.

It would be a lie to say that I am really not sad and sad.

Su Qing is not a saint, she can only swallow all the pain in her heart.

 Looking at her house, it had the same furnishings as Jiang Sui's. Her rent had already been paid, so she couldn't just give it up, not to mention she hadn't found a good house yet.

 As adults, we no longer play house like children.

Su Qing put on light makeup, and when they met each other in the corridor, her pace couldn't help but speed up.

  She simply didn’t meet anyone she didn’t want to meet.

 The rapid heartbeat is followed by disappointment.

 Su Qing walked to the hospital and before she could find the report, she heard a little girl talking in the corridor.

“Vice President Mei’s nephew is so handsome. How could he drink so many sleeping pills?”

"I almost couldn't wake up. You didn't see Dean Mei's nervous look."

“My little brother is so handsome, and he is actually a partner in a law firm. He has a very successful career. Why can’t he think so hard?”

Su Qing pinched the cowhide bag in the palm of her hand. Vice President Mei, there must be no vice president with such a special surname in Jiangda Hospital.

 Not to mention, the little brother is handsome.

 Partner of a law firm.

This characteristic is that he is the nephew of Vice President Mei, and there are not many of them. Su Qing can determine who that person is on the spot.

 The anxiety in her heart was not caused by herself.

I want to go up and ask him, just as he saved me in the past years.

Su Qing explained to herself this way, but when Su Qing was about to step forward, she saw Mei Yeqin in a white coat walking towards her.

"Qingqing, are you here? Why didn't you say call me? I was worried that you would get lost."

Mei Yeqin had a dark blue under her eyebrows. When she walked through the aisle, many people greeted her and said hello to the vice president.

Su Qing's heart felt as if a large piece of ice had been scattered, and it was extremely cold.

She pursed her lips, unable to show a smile. She looked at Mei Yeqin, but never asked Jiang Sui if something had happened.

Mei Yeqin was still looking at Su Qing and felt something was not right.

“Qingqing, it doesn’t matter if you feel unwell. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you are doing internship. If you don’t feel well, I will give you two days off and you can report back in two days.”

Su Qing shook her head.

“Aunt Mei, I’m fine, I can just report now.”

Su Qing is not the kind of hypocritical person. Now that he has decided to become a doctor, how could he give in so easily?

So in one day, she learned a lot from Mei Yeqin, and it was neither too hard nor too tiring.

 Almost everything is done by myself, including picking up medicines, dispensing medicines, ward rounds, and recording operations.

 At the end of the day, Su Qing thought she could forget about Jiang Sui.

But when she took off her white coat, Su Qing was in the locker room and was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Mei Yeqin walking in for a long time.



  After Mei Yeqin called out twice, Su Qing came back to her senses.

"Teacher Mei." Su Qing reflexively thought that this was the name she called Mei Yeqin as an intern.

 “It’s time to get off work, just call Aunt Mei.”

Mei Yeqin smiled and changed the name of Su Qing.

Su Qing pursed her lips and nodded, but she always looked at Mei Yeqin thoughtfully.

Mei Yeqin looked at Su Qing as he hesitated to speak.

“Qingqing, do you have anything to say to me, or do you have anything you want to ask me?”

Su Qing nodded.

“Aunt Mei, why are you so nice to me? Jiang Sui and I used to... but now we have almost nothing to do with each other.”

Su Qing didn’t dare to look into Mei Yeqin’s eyes after she finished speaking.

She knew that most of Mei Yeqin's care for her was due to Jiang Sui. Regarding her mother, her studies, work and life, Mei Yeqin actually provided her with many things. An unprecedented help.

Su Qing knew that without Mei Yeqin, her life would not be so smooth.

There are many subjects in medicine. It was Mei Yeqin who helped her analyze what she liked all night long.

Su Qing was both grateful and ashamed.

Mei Yeqin obviously didn't expect that Su Qing would ask this matter. She was stunned for a moment and looked at Su with a bit of embarrassment.

"Qingqing, to tell you the truth, when I suggested that you treat Jiang Sui, I had some selfish motives, but I didn't expect that a little girl like you really used cleanliness, hard work, and perseverance to treat me. Impressed."

"If I were to say that I don't like you as much as Jiang Sui, it would be unrealistic, but I do like you more and more simply."

"You and Jiang Sui, that's the fate of you and him. As adults, we can't say too much. You two are too arrogant. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it. It's not that you don't like each other, but you like each other too much. , one is restrained, and the other is too restrained, which leads to such consequences, no one is to blame. "

Mei Yeqin is very tolerant. In fact, occasionally, when she knew that Jiang Sui's illness was not cured, she still wondered whether she should not have let Su Qing go to Jianshui for medical treatment.

After all, becoming a doctor for Jiang Sui changed the life trajectory of the two children. One who originally wanted to be a lawyer became a doctor, while the other became a lawyer for the other.

 But as time has passed, it has become longer.

Mei Yeqin didn’t think too much.

Su Qing never thought that Mei Yeqin could be so open-minded. She bit her lip.

“Aunt Mei, Jiang Sui has a girlfriend, so it’s impossible for us.”

Su Qing's words stunned Mei Yeqin, who was obviously surprised.

“Qingqing, what are you saying, Jiang Sui has a girlfriend? Why didn’t I know? Who is it?”

"How is that possible? Asui hasn't had a girlfriend in so many years. What's more, he looks like that. How can he possibly find a girlfriend?"

Mei Yeqin's thoughtful words made Su Qing feel a little doubtful.

Su Qing knew that Jiang Sui seemed not to care about anything, but actually he cared about Aunt Mei. Although he didn't say it, he cared about his aunt very much.

 So generally, Mei Yeqin also knows a lot of things that are not said to others and things that are not known to others.

But the shock and confusion in Su Qing's eyes when she looked at Mei Yeqin at this moment were not fake.

Moreover, what Mei Yeqin said about Jiang Sui's current behavior made Su Qing's heart suddenly twitch.

 She still couldn't control her heart.

“Aunt Mei, Jiang Sui, why did he drink so much soothing medicine?”

Mei Ye was stunned for a moment, "You know?"

Su Qing nodded, "I listened to the nurses when I came in the morning."

 Even within one day, Su Qing knew about Jiang Sui's ward, but had never been there.

 She even saw his case.

Having had her stomach washed, nothing happened, but Su Qing still couldn't help but ask.

 “Have you not met Asui yet? Once you meet him, you will know why.”

 (End of this chapter)

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