She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 244: Your fiancée (4,000)

 Chapter 244 Your Fiancée (4,000)

Su Qing was stunned by Mei Yeqin's words.

 “I’ve already seen him….”

Su Qing spoke out, looking at Mei Yeqin's walking back with a somewhat absent-minded look in her eyes.

At Mei Yeqin's words, Su Qing couldn't help but recall the pain of that night.

Within half an hour, Su Qing pursed her lips and clenched her hands tightly into fists. She seemed to understand what Mei Yeqin said.

Jiang followed him. Didn't his illness heal?

Su Qingqi initially made a guess. When she walked to Jiang Sui's ward, she found the young man sitting beside the bed with his back to the door.

 “I said, I won’t eat, go out.”

 His rejection, no matter what the reason, still made Su Qing feel uncomfortable for no reason.

Su Qing stood by the door. She originally suspected that Jiang Sui was getting better, but now she was sure that Jiang Sui was not getting better.

 “Jiang Sui.”

Su Qing's voice made Jiang Sui's body visibly shake, but he still pretended to be calm, "What are you doing here? Get out."

Su Qing was still very uncomfortable with the expulsion order he issued.

 “I am an intern here, you are the patient and I am the doctor.”

There was no emotion in Su Qing's voice, but Jiang Sui tried his best to restrain himself, clenching his fingers into fists.

“I’m fine, I just accidentally drank the wrong medicine.”

“So, you drank the whole bottle of good medicine?”

  After Su Qing's words fell, there was a gradual silence in the air.

Jiang Sui pursed his lips and never turned around.

 “You don’t have to worry about my affairs.”

His indifference made Su Qing curl up her fingers slightly and smile.

"Jiang Sui, I will definitely not care about your affairs, but the doctor will care about the patient's affairs."

“Then I don’t need your medical treatment. I have my own doctor.”

Jiang Sui lowered his eyes, and as soon as he spoke, his mood dropped a lot.

“Jiang Sui, do you really want to be a stranger to me?”

Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui's lonely back, biting her lip, and asked with a trembling voice.

 For a while, Su Qing didn't hear Jiang Sui's reply.

“Okay, then you should be alone for a while and think about the answer. I will come find you tomorrow.”

Su Qing's voice closing the door made Jiang Sui take off all his disguise at that moment. He fell to the ground and looked at the scenery outside the window. It seemed like it was snowing. It was white and snowy, and his heart felt cold.

 The man pursed his lips and leaned against the bed, whimpering in a low and hoarse voice.

 I don’t know how long it took.

“Jiang Sui, why are you crying and why do you have to drive me away? Do you think I am more grateful to you than I like you?”

After Su Qing's words came out, Jiang Sui was stunned. His eyelashes were still stained with moisture. For a moment, he didn't even know how to control his expression and emotions.

His face is so ugly, his handsome face is slightly pale, and his lips are almost colorless.

Looking at Su Qing now, she seemed to be frightened and pursed her lips.

Su Qing, who Jiang Sui thought had left, was now standing in front of him.

Su Qing half-crouched down. In her memory, Jiang Sui's favorite thing was half-crouching in front of her.

Jiang Sui lowered his eyes.


 His voice was low and hoarse.

"Jiang Sui, let me tell you, if you dare to tell me to leave again, I will go out immediately and find someone to get the marriage certificate."

The perseverance in Su Qing's eyes and the firmness in her words made Jiang Suimou Ran raise his head. The sorrow in his eyes almost overwhelmed Su Qing.

Jiang Sui thought he could drag this miserable body and say, "Okay, you go."

But there were so many emotions blocked in his throat that Jiang Sui couldn't speak no matter what.

 He finally reached out his hand.


He grabbed her sleeves. He was obviously so big, but she looked as pitiful as a child.

Su Qing pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Sui fiercely.

 “Didn’t you let me go?”

Jiang Sui pursed his lips. Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui's ugly face. When she got up and wanted to go to the bathroom to find a towel, Jiang Sui grabbed her hand.

 “Don’t go, Qingqing, I know it’s wrong.”

Jiang Sui's voice contained a slight tremor.

They haven't held hands for a long time. Su Qing could feel the coldness of Jiang Sui's fingers. She pursed her lips and looked down at Jiang Sui.

 “I’m not leaving, I’m going to the bathroom.”

Jiang Sui's eyes were always looking at Su Qing as if to make sure. It wasn't until Su Qing actually entered the bathroom that Jiang Sui relaxed a lot.

When Su Qing came out of the bathroom, Jiang Sui was still looking at the door blankly.

She washed the towel and came out, pulling Jiang Sui to sit on the edge of the bed. Jiang Sui did not sit down.

 “I just sat on the floor, it was too dirty.”

Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui.

“At this moment, I’m still thinking that I have mysophobia. Why didn’t I mention it when I was sitting on the floor just now?”

Su Qing spoke in a slightly high-pitched voice, as if scolding him. Jiang Sui lowered his head. For such a big man, Jiang Sui was much taller than Su Qing with his head lowered.

“Have you got a change of clothes? Once you’ve got them, go to the bathroom to change, then come over and sit down.”

Jiang Sui was not wearing hospital clothes, but his own clothes. Jiang Sui shook his head.

“Then you’re wearing something underneath, so you just put it off, and I’ll go out and buy some clothes for you.”

Jiang Sui looked at Su Qing, looking at Su Qing in disbelief that he actually let himself take off his clothes.

“It doesn’t matter even if you’re not wearing any clothes. I saw so many corpses in medical school. Isn’t the structure of the human body just like that?”

As soon as Su Qing's words came out, Jiang Sui's eyes flashed with a look of indifference and loss.

“So, there is no difference between me and those people.”

Su Qing pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Sui's temper. She did not calm down and did not explain to Jiang Sui.

 “Don’t you insist on letting me go, insist on rejecting me?”

But Jiang Sui seemed to be frightened by Su Qing's words about getting the certificate, and Jiang Sui, who had just woken up, was not in a very good mental state and was still in a dissociated state.

 “No, it’s because you don’t like me.”

Jiang Sui looked straight at Su Qing.

When Su Qing wanted to defend herself, she heard the man talking.

“You said there is no difference between me and those corpses.”

  ? !

 He was very careful. Su Qing pursed her lips and looked at Jiang Sui.

 “Bow your head.”

Jiang Sui bowed his head obediently, and then Su Qing wiped his face.

"Jiang Sui, let me tell you, don't think that you are sick. I can't do anything to you. Let me tell you, I am still angry."

Su Qing knew that somewhere in her heart, she always left a word for Jiang Sui, which was called soft-hearted.

 She couldn't see Jiang Sui being sad, suffering, or suffering.

 I can’t help but feel heartbroken, and I can’t say how happy I am at this meeting.

 In so much time without each other's presence, there are still some gaps and traces.

Jiang Sui didn't wake up for long, and the effects of his medicine took effect quickly, so under Su Qing's supervision, he pulled off his coat with a blushing face and fell asleep on the hospital bed.

 Because Su Qing was there, Jiang Suizhen unexpectedly fell asleep after a while.

When Su Qing wanted to go to the bathroom to put away the towel, Jiang Sui grabbed Su Qing's wrist in her sleep.

Su Qing now had time to look at Jiang Sui closely.

 He has matured a lot, but his handsomeness and charm remain the same as before. He is still as good-looking as before.

It’s just that there are also large areas of black and blue at the moment.

Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui's hospitalization time and speculated that it would be the time when he came out of his home and he drank the medicine.

 Such a lack of care for her own body made Su Qing wish she could...

Su Qing let go of Jiang Sui's wrist and put the towel in the bathroom. When she left the ward, she saw Mei Yeqin still sitting on the bench, as if waiting for her.

 “Qingqing, come and sit.”

Mei Yeqin waved to Su Qing, and Su Qing sat on a bench nearby and looked at Mei Yeqin.

“Aunt Mei, Jiang Sui’s illness is not cured, right?”

Mei Yeqin nodded.

 “Yes, his illness has never recovered.”

“So he has been using a kind of self-deception to pretend that he is well?”

Su Qing has seen many medical cases, but she knew it clearly before, especially since they lived together at the time, so she could see that Jiang Sui was fine.

"Qingqing, you don't believe me. Jiang Sui, he is good in front of you, but at other times, he is not so good. He pretends not to worry, so he pretends to be good."

Su Qing does not understand what Mei Yeqin said, and it is not true that this phenomenon does not exist in medicine, but it is extremely rare.

Su Qing found it hard to imagine that this kind of thing would happen to him.

"Back then, when you went abroad, Jiang Sui felt that his love might have caused trouble to you, and you also knew about his illness. He thought that you didn't like him that much, and he only wanted to fulfill you. of studies.”

"I don't know these things. When you left, Jiang Sui was in too much pain, so I had no choice but to hypnotize him."

Su Qing's eyes widened as she looked at Mei Yeqin, her fingers trembling.

Hypnosis is a thing that, if it goes wrong, Jiang Suihui may not be able to wake up, or he may become a fool, or his memory may be confused, and he may not be able to bear it mentally.

Su Qing only knew that Jiang Sui had to let her go at that time. She didn't know anything about this. She pursed her lips.

  The two of them had missed so much time, and each of them lived a very painful life.

"For so many years, he has always been by your side, whether it's your boarding family or school. Su Qing, as long as you are willing to pay attention to it, you will know that he is actually by your side."

After hearing Mei Yeqin's words, Su Qing couldn't help but think about it. She remembered that when she was abroad, the old lady of the host family went out to have a party, and then she was left alone at home. Then there was a power outage and water leakage. .

 The wife found a man to fix the water pipes.

It stands to reason that in places like foreign countries where labor is extremely expensive, you will definitely not be able to find anyone reliable in the middle of the night, but that time it was very fast, and at that time, Su Qingming knew that the person in the polar area was very strange. , wearing a hat, wearing rags, not willing to drink water, taking off gloves, very weird.

Until Mrs. Mary came back and said that it was a good friend she knew, Su Qing was able to dispel her doubts.

Also when she was in the library, Su Qing occasionally felt that someone was looking at her, but every time she turned around, there was no one. It is not easy to have delicious Chinese food abroad.

  But there is one restaurant that she always likes to eat at, but she may not always get the same taste every time she goes there.

Now thinking about it carefully, Su Qing pursed her lips and naturally understood the reason.

Mei Yeqin looked at Su Qing.

"Qingqing, you two have missed each other for too long. I don't know if you can still be together, but I hope you can open up your hearts and not be closed off or retreat."

 “Life is gone in just a few decades.”

"Don't regret it. Regarding Jiang Sui, I also wanted to talk to him and explain him, but he takes you too seriously and no one is allowed to mention it."

“You thought he didn’t go to the dinner party that day. He went and was downstairs watching you go home.”

Mei Yeqin said a lot of things, which made Su Qing's mind confused and clear at the same time.

When Su Qing returned to the ward, Jiang Sui had already woken up, and he looked at Su Qing blankly.

 “Qingqing, I’m sorry.”

Jiang Sui was obviously much clearer now than before, having slept for almost four or five hours.

 “Why apologize?”

Su Qing pursed her lips and sat beside Jiang Sui's bed.

Although Jiang Sui was a little dazed at that moment, he didn't have amnesia, so he still remembered everything that happened in the afternoon. He looked at Su Qing.

"Qingqing, I can't let you get married. I know that you are not in love and have no boyfriend. I am happy and sad at the same time. But if you say you want to get married, I think I will do something bad."

Jiang Sui blinked his eyelashes, and Su Qing discovered that Jiang Sui's eyelashes were longer than those of girls, long, dense, and black. It's very beautiful, like a cattail leaf fan.

 “What bad thing to do?”

Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui, as if she didn't care what he said.

Jiang Sui pursed his lips and looked at Su Qing.

“Qingqing, you can’t get the certificate with others, you are my fiancée.”

When Jiang Sui said this, his voice was extremely low, and his whole person was full of irritability. In fact, for so many years, despite Jiang Sui's illness, Su Qing had never seen Jiang Sui and those clinical patients. The medical symptoms are the same, but now I feel they are somewhat similar.

 “Don’t you want your fiancée anymore?”

 “Who said I don’t want it anymore!!”

Jiang Sui held back his emotions, stretched out his hand, grabbed Su Qing's fingers, and interlocked with hers.

“Qingqing, I just, I just want you to like me more.”

“So, just push me away, aren’t you afraid that I will never come back?”

Su Qing's words made Jiang Sui feel depressed.

 Emotions were rolling, "Qingqing, I didn't push you, I just wanted to go with you."

Su Qing thought that Jiang Sui had actually left the country at that time.

“So, can you give up everything for me?”

 (End of this chapter)

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