She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 245: Got what I wanted

Chapter 245: Got what I wanted

Su Qing’s words silenced Jiang Sui.

At this moment, Jiang Sui didn't know how to answer Su Qing.

 But Su Qing knew that Jiang Sui didn't answer him because he knew that he would give up, but he would make himself unhappy because of his giving up.

“Qingqing, those are not giving up, those are my willingness to love you.”

Jiang Sui squeezed Su Qing's fingers. Although he didn't look at Su Qing's eyes, Su Qing also knew what kind of kindness should be in the young man's eyes at this moment.

Su Qing pursed her lips, said nothing, and hugged Jiang Sui.

“Jiang Sui, you know, you always make me soft-hearted. You make me sad and distressed.”

Su Qing's words made Jiang Sui look at Su Qing nervously.

 “Don’t be sad, Qingqing.”

“I will listen to you no matter what you say in the future, okay?”

Perhaps it’s because Su Qing has always been by Jiang Sui’s side.

Jiang Sui was discharged from the hospital not long after, and his complexion became much better.

Although neither of them has anything superficial to say, their relationship is obviously much more relaxed than before.

Su Qing also lived opposite Jiang Sui.

 The two of them can still meet occasionally.

 It’s just that sometimes it’s too much of a coincidence.

When Su Qing went downstairs to throw away the garbage, Jiang Sui was also there.

When Su Qing went to work, Jiang Sui was also there.

Su Qing then realized that the car with the same number plate as his birthday actually belonged to Jiang Sui.

Although Jiang Sui often went to see Su Qing off to work, Su Qing acted as if he didn't see him.

 This kind of leisurely time passed like this for a year.

 The two of them get along like neighbors and occasionally have meals together.

Su Qing's schedule is very strict. She goes to and from get off work normally, and so does Jiang Sui. Basically, there are no extra social activities.

 So I don’t know when it started.

How did Su Qing know the password to Jiang Sui's house?

It doesn’t matter whether it was the left eye or the right eye that Jiang Sui caught when he opened the door that night.

Su Qing made excuses and went to Jiang Sui's house every day, asking for either salt or vinegar.

The two never mentioned what happened in the past, but Jiang Sui knew that there was still a faint scar in Su Qing's heart.

Although the relationship between the two has eased a lot, they are not very close. The two of them are more like reserved good friends.

until one day.

Su Qing was drunk. She gained courage and knocked on Jiang Sui's door.

  It is when two people do something serious.

 In a daze, Jiang Sui heard Su Qing's words.

 “Why don’t you marry me yet?”

 That whole night, Jiang Sui was completely alone, and his eyes were as bright as the stars in the sky.

  When Su Qing woke up the next day, Jiang Sui had already made breakfast before she got up.

 “My wife is up for dinner.”

Jiang Sui's deep voice always has a different flavor at a mature and stable age. Su Qing pretended to sleep and held her hands for a lifetime, while Jiang Sui took a small table and put it on the bed.

 “Get up and eat, or you will starve.”

 “Are you willing to let me go hungry?”

Su Qing pursed her lips, feeling shy.

“I can’t bear to part with it, but I need to eat. Let’s get the certificate soon, okay?”

 When Su Qing was stunned.

 “Get a certificate?”

Jiang Sui looked at Su Qing and nodded.

 “Good, good, good.”

Su Qingxiao was almost in tears.

She knew that the young man in front of her, who could no longer be called a young man, had never wanted to have further relations with her. Su Qing knew that his illness was not cured, and he also knew that his own illness was not cured.

 Nothing earth-shattering.

 It is simply the Chinese Valentine’s Day.

 That day, there was a sentence written on all the big screens in Jiangcheng.

Su Qing, thank you for being willing to marry me.

It’s not a proposal, it’s a thank you, and on that day throughout Jiangcheng, you can eat wedding candies and get red envelopes, more or less, anytime and anywhere.

 Many people don’t know this girl, but everyone envies her.

Jiang Sui arranged a lot of things ingeniously. For example, Su Qing wondered why the house she lived in and the house rented by Jiang Sui had two rooms on one floor, but the elevator was directly accessible.

 It turned out that Su Qing found out that the house had one elevator and one apartment, and the elevator directly connected to the door of the resident. It was just that Jiang Sui changed the two rooms into one room.

On the day of receiving the certificate, Jiang Sui had already prepared the ring and knelt down to propose. The car was filled with flowers, and the house was filled with relatives and friends who had arranged the proposal.

Su Qing would be lying if he said he was not moved.

Su Qing just thought that she had made many decisions secretly and suddenly felt powerful, but she didn't expect that Jiang Sui would never let her feel wronged no matter what.

Except for the day of receiving the certificate, Su Qing was hurriedly pulled by Jiang Sui to get the certificate.

Until the wedding day came, Su Qing knew that her wedding dress was actually made by Jiang Sui himself, and she was so shocked that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear.

Jiang Sui gave Su Qing all the love he could give to Su Qing.

Everyone in Jiang University’s hospital knows that Dr. Su has a good husband.

He is handsome and rich, so forget it, but he is extremely considerate and has been taking Su Qing to and from get off work every day for ten years.

Su Qing likes children, but Jiang Sui doesn't like them, nor is he willing. Su Qing suffered from the crime of childbirth and always said that she wanted to have a sterilization, but Su Qing disagreed.

Jiang Sui didn't finish it.

 In the second year of their marriage, they had a lovely baby.

Jiang Sui wanted a girl like Su Qing, and had said many times that he didn't want a boy. Su Qing suspected that Jiang Sui was partial.

People say that sour children and spicy women are sour, and Su Qing especially likes to eat sour foods, such as sour plums and pickled cucumbers.

She was in poor health and had severe morning sickness, so Jiang Sui simply took charge of her. He didn't even go to the company and served Su Qing at home.

Su Qing thought Jiang Sui was an eyesore until he was born as a fat boy.

Su Qing raised the baby well and did not suffer much, but Jiang Sui was terribly distressed and said he would never give birth again.

Su Qing thought the children were so cute, they were the symbol of hope.

But Jiang Sui looked at the ground and it was true that he didn't like children very much. He was still so unsmiling.

Even so, Jiang Sui did not hire a nanny to take care of the children. Instead, he had full authority to take care of the children and Su Qing himself.

Su Qing feels that in today’s age, confinement is no longer necessary.

I don’t know where Jiang Sui found the ancient prescription. Who told him that he must undergo confinement therapy?

 So Su Qing is not allowed to do this and Su Qing is not allowed to do that.

Su Qing was a doctor herself, but she still couldn't resist Jiang Sui and could only obey him. It was simply because the tiger cubs were born in winter, not summer, so even during confinement, Su Qing didn't feel so uncomfortable.

 You don’t have to leave your home and you are well taken care of.

 (End of this chapter)

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