Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 265: Gather sand into a tower

This is also a very reasonable thing. There are very few people in the world who have such tyrannical strength and wealth as Chen Chen at the same time, and he has spent a considerable part of the accumulation on the defense of the shelter.

With such a large amount of strength, if it is still broken by this group of distorted beasts, it is really outrageous, and everyone else doesn't have to live.

However, there are still some problems. When he built the outer wall, he only expanded it by three meters outside the observation room. At this moment, more than 80 distorted beasts attacked the defensive outer wall together, and a few stood outside the distorted steel bars. This place is relatively easy to destroy. After a long time, maybe they can really turn around and break into the interior of the shelter.

He no longer hesitated, lifted the distorted steel plate directly, killed a few bugs that were still alive with a knife, then opened the window completely, released two waterspouts and attached them to the distorted beasts outside, trying to roll them away.

But these antelopes were much larger, and the tornado couldn't get any of them away except for the third and fourth.

Chen Chen was not in a hurry, took out his bow and arrow and shot three golden sharp arrows into the waterspout in a row.

The arrows immediately turned in the direction of the waterspout, guiding the three arrows to the three fourth-level aberration beasts wrapped by the waterspout.

In this case, the aberration beast can't dodge, and it is difficult to block. The golden arrow exploded inside the antelope's skin, causing serious trauma to its internal organs and muscles.

Only one of the three arrows hit the neck of the aberration beast, which completely cut off the supply of head and body, and the aberration beast struggled twice before falling.

However, none of the three aberrant beasts died, and their powerful vitality could persist for a period of time even if they were severely injured.

The intelligence of the fourth-level aberration beasts is still quite high. After discovering this situation, they immediately changed their strategies. The five antelopes rushed up directly, blocked the bars, hooked their hooves on the steel bars, and tried to stop Chen Chen from shooting arrows.

He didn't care about this Chen Chen at all, he directly fired five arrows, the arrows shot his head, and then the waterspout swept the five antelopes away.

Afterwards, he released five waterspouts, and shot thousands of arrows in succession without seeking to kill the opponent, but slammed into the aberration beasts at the extreme ends.

The injured aberration beasts still wanted to climb up again. Chen Chen directly lowered ten vital arrows and slid past them, detonating the aura of life in the beasts, causing their blood to boil to the extreme.

This is the power of the third-level wooden element. In the past, if you wanted to detonate, you could only hit it, but now you can attack in a small area.

The blood in the body of the deformed beast below slammed and slammed, and many of them penetrated directly from their tough skin, and then evaporated into white gas by the huge heat, and the snow under them was also melted, but the snow water just flowed down, It was frozen by low temperature again, and the snow layer below became harder and harder.

Seeing that this method is easy to use, Chen Chen used it as usual, and after releasing more than fifty thousand arrows, he finally knocked down all the deformed beasts.

The arrows of vitality shot indiscriminately, and then the waterspout surrounded the aberrant beasts, and rolled them into the sky when they erupted too much and were unstable.

In the place where there is no leverage in the air, the huge power of these fourth-level aberrations can't be exerted. Chen Chen shot the Jin Rui arrow again, poured it from top to bottom, and after repeated many times, almost all the antelopes were killed!

He did keep three third-level aberration beasts, but they have been triggered by the life arrow, and now they seem to be dying, and I don't know when they will die.

More than 80 aberrant beasts of the third and fourth levels directly increased Chen Chen's points by 1210, and the total points reached 3257, ranking second.

The first place is still Li Qinglan. This guy took advantage of this period of time to earn points frantically. Now the total points have reached 3753, which is even higher than Chen Chen. It is estimated that he has already fought the seventh wave of distorted beasts.

And this time, Chen Chen didn't look at the points at all, he directly accepted many transactions, and got a lot of wood cubes from everyone.

While accepting the transaction, he went to the hive. When he arrived at the destination, the transaction was completed. At this moment, there were 4,000 more wooden square stones in his item space.

With a move of spiritual sense, all these wooden square stones were taken out and laid on the ground. Chen Chen stood up directly and absorbed them.

Soon these wooden stones were absorbed. Chen Chen walked off the gravel, stood in front of the beehive and stretched out his hand and pressed it. A large amount of wood vitality floated out and landed precisely on the bee eggs. flew out.

Chen Chen's reproduction of the golden ring bee was cut off a few days ago. They are the bee species that have been eliminated. It is the golden bee that needs to reproduce vigorously.

The bees are used to deal with the extremely cold environment. Before the big golden bee came out, Chen Chen tried his best to breed the golden bee.

Before, the catalyzing golden bee was mainly due to emergencies, and the power of the wooden line was not enough, so it would not be bigger.

Now that the power of Muxing has reached the third stage, the number of bees that can be ripened by the power of Muxing has increased, and he will ripen the giant golden bee.

The power of more than 4,000 square wooden lines was quickly exhausted, and 2,400 adult giant golden bees were exchanged.

The size of the giant golden bee is more than four times larger than that of the golden bee, and its combat power is more than four times stronger. Chen Chen has tested it, and it takes about 20 golden bees to kill a giant bee without poison. If you use poison, the giant golden bee can also hit five at a time.

At this moment, 2,400 giant golden bees appeared, which meant that he could save at least 60 people, and 30 per person might not be enough to kill the aberrant beasts in the third round, but there was no problem in delaying for 20 minutes.

In this way, at least the majority of players in the alliance can be out of danger for the time being.

During the period of his comprehension and battle, more than 30 players successfully survived the third round of the beast tide. In this way, the number of people he can rescue this time has reached nearly 100!

There are even vacancies.

[Chen Zhen: Enough of the golden bees, send me the clothes of the seeker. 】

Chen Chen sent the message to the relevant personnel, who in turn passed the message to those who were waiting for rescue.

People who saw the news were all ecstatic, and then they also received a notification from Chen Chen that he needed wooden square stones. Many people happened to have wooden square stones in their hands, so they took them out together.

"Brother Chen, come on!"

"It just so happened that thirteen golden-ringed bees died in my hands. I compensated Brother Chen with wooden square stones, and you will accept the excess. The kindness of saving my life is much heavier than these."

"Brother Chen, wait for me, my friend is not from the alliance, but I know he has wood cubes, so I'll buy them now!"


The news spread all over the alliance. After learning the news, everyone took action and spontaneously raised wood cubes for Chen Chen. All kinds of private messages and transaction requests immediately overwhelmed his information reminder.

It is worth mentioning that, because of the mandatory challenge rules, even if Chen Chen and others are famous, there are basically no players who are idle to send private So much information poured in together, he still See you for the first time.

When dealing with ghosts before, there were not many people who had corresponding props to help him, and there were fewer people in the area, and the information panel did not reach 999.

While instructing the bee to trade, Chen Chen received the trade of the wooden square stone. After the trade, he threw it directly under his feet, and then absorbed it.

The number of square stones traded continued to increase, and his wooden power continued to grow, from 12,000 to more than 16,000.

Seeing that the bee transaction is almost over, he can immediately ripen new giant golden bees, but at this moment, the system prompts him.

【Ding! You have passed the fourth round of beast tide, please select the reward type and the time of the next beast tide. 】

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