Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 266: Level 5 Aberration Beast Tide! (in 1)

[Does the player start the fifth round of beast tide? If enabled, select the next coming time. (Please make a choice within three minutes)]

[Players complete the third round and get rewards, please choose one of the following three rewards. 】

Chen Chen looked at the panel, and the three options above were: items, resources, and super power.

Without hesitation, he directly chose super power, the light flashed, and there was an extra module in his palm.

[Small ecological module: a small ecological circle containing different environments, live creatures can be put in, detailed parameters can be set, and it needs to be solidified on a certain position or item before use. 】

This is something I have never heard of at all, but Chen Chen can get a rough idea by reading the introduction. He probed into it, and a space of 100*100m appeared in front of him, the size of which was exactly one hectare.

Inside the space is a flat grass, about fifty meters high, with no sun, but plenty of sunlight.

"This is equivalent to dimensional space," Chen Chen said to himself while looking at it: "Solided on the item... I don't know if a ring can be used."

When he saw this thing, he immediately thought of the space ring in the middle, and it was enough to put living creatures. In the future, he could put the bees in it and release it when he needed to fight.

There was still half an hour before the next wave of distorted beasts, and the players were all rescued. Chen Chen brought the remaining bees to the forging room and began to make distorted iron rings.

This little thing was quickly made by him. The ring was quite satisfactory, and there were some water-like patterns on the surface. He took out a small ecological module and chose to use it.

【Ding! The cured item is too small, please re-select the item. 】

Seeing the message that popped up, Chen Chen scratched his head, then tapped again, and soon a metal bracelet was ready.

This time, he didn't do anything fancy, he made a standard round shape, with a smooth and excessive circle around the meat, and a cylindrical cut surface was reserved for the outer circle.

After he chose to use it this time, the system did not issue any prompts, and the module was directly integrated into it.

The bracelet also has a system introduction.

[Space ecological bracelet: The distorted iron material is strong and durable, and it is integrated with the lawn ecological module, which can accommodate living creatures. 】

Chen Chen tried to use it, and found that this thing can be controlled by his own mind. A single thought can open up the space, which is similar to the item space, and does not need to use spiritual thoughts or consume attribute energy.

Unlike the item space, the bracelet cannot be taken at will when collecting items.

The bracelet can open portals of different sizes according to one's own thoughts, but it cannot store items out of thin air. At this time, you have to use the power of divine sense or attributes. When you take it, it consumes energy, and moving items in space also consumes energy.

However, none of these matters to Chen Chen. Whether he is pretending to be a round boy or a bee, he can let them in by himself without having to bother himself.

He can also easily set the parameters of the space ecology, whether the sunlight is bright or dark, the air circulation rate between the interior space and the outside world... It takes a little time to turn this world into a paradise for bees.

"This thing came in time, it will be much more convenient to go out and fight in the future." With a sigh, he quickly returned to the hive.

Now that the giant golden bee has the size of a calf, if he enters the battle space, it will be very troublesome to pack this thing in a box, and he can't bring a few.

At this moment, there are hundreds of giant golden bees left beside him, and after an order, these golden bees all flew over, and then disappeared half a meter in front of him.

After studying the bracelet for a while, Chen Chen put it on his hand and stopped paying attention.

Taking advantage of the relatively relaxed time now, he sat cross-legged and began to absorb the newly traded ashlar.

From just now to now, another 4,500 square stones have been traded, and after the explosive growth of information, it is now approaching calm.

"This is probably the last thing in everyone's hands that survived, and there shouldn't be so much later." Chen Chen thought about it, and then spent more than ten minutes to absorb all these square stones.

At this moment, he still has one hundred and fifty Great Golden Ring Bees left to trade, and as time goes by, many players have appeared for help.

He stood up and waved, and a large green light enveloped the large golden bee eggs. "The golden bee can only catalyze another 3,000 bee eggs. The eggs are almost exhausted, and the next step is to catalyze the bee."

The beeba can adapt to the wild, but it has a short lifespan and a large food intake, so it is not suitable for breeding too much, but these two fighting bees are the only remaining bees that are still useful to him. If there are not enough bees later, the consumption will be too high Gotta nurture.

Soon 2,700 large golden bees were catalyzed by him. They either flew or lay on the top of the hive. They seemed to be very powerful and had an aura that covered the sky.

With these golden bees, the rescue ability is definitely not lacking for the time being, so he sent a message to the others.

[Chen Zhen: The number of giant golden bees has increased. I will take care of the rescue. You should deal with the beast tide first. 】

Those who can rescue other players are all capable of fighting. Seeing this news, many people soon put aside their affairs and killed the remaining mutant beasts to prepare for the next round of beast tides.

For the rest of the time, Chen Chen was like an old man fishing, sitting and watching the situation and handling various things of the player.

Generally speaking, for players who ask for help in the second round, Chen Chen will wait until all three rounds are passed before recovering the bees.

After trading to his side, he will use his profession to quickly analyze the situation of each bee. If there is no combat power, he will directly remove it. If there is no venom, he will replenish the vitality water. If it is too cold, let them lie on the radiator...

After a player asked for help, he traded the conditioned battle bee.

After the number of bees is sufficient, these bees also have a lot of room for circulation. Until their fifth round of beast tide starts, the golden bees are still enough.

Before the beast tide came, he came to the observation room ahead of time.

From a distance, you can see forty-six elephant aberrations rushing towards the snow below, and there are fifteen flamingos in groups in the air farther away.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party was not approaching, Chen Chen quickly shot arrows, the arrows were like meteors falling from the sky, killing eight elephant aberrations.

After receiving the attack, the elephants became even more mad, roaring and screaming and rushing towards this side. At the same time, they also changed their formation. The three largest aberration beasts rushed in front, and the rest of the aberration beasts approached each other. Whip it down.

Chen Chen also discovered the difference between the three elephants, and he immediately shot five perception arrows to investigate their situation.

The flamingo also flew closer, and he also shot an arrow into the air.

The information came quickly, and to Chen Chen's surprise, there were actually three fifth-level aberrations in the elephant team, two flamingos, and the rest were fourth-level aberrations.

"Catch the thief first to capture the king!"

Chen Chen took out the energy storage arrows (arrows forged with wood attributes), poured the power of Jinxing to the extreme, and then let go and shot an arrow!

This arrow is the strongest means of killing him at present. He is confident that the stabbing arrow can seriously injure or kill the fifth-level aberration beast.

But things seemed a little unexpected. After the arrow approached the fifth-level distorted elephant, the elephant swung out its thick trunk and collided with the arrow.

The expected situation did not happen, the arrow did not pass through its nose, shot into the brain bone and smashed its brain, but broke out after it penetrated the nose of the mutant beast. It broke, but it didn't hurt its roots.

Before he could think about it, the flamingo also flew into his perception range, and he opened his bow and arrow again, and Jin Rui's arrow flew out.

call out!

The arrow cut through the sky and fell into the deep space, but it did not touch the fifth-level flamingo flying at the forefront at all.

After the arrow was shot, the flamingo flapped its wings violently and turned into a red light and rushed forward for a while, and the arrow passed through its original path in the next moment.

After that, the flamingo chirped, as if mocking.

This time, Chen Chen had a clear perception. The moment the arrow was fired, the abnormal radiation in the body of the normally flying flamingo violently rioted, acting on its wings, increasing its speed a lot.

"Is this the ability of the fifth-level aberration beast? You can simply use the accumulated distortion radiation in the body, and the elephant's trunk before is probably the same!"

Thinking in his heart, Chen Chen's hand was still in a hurry, he took out the arrow again, injected the power of Jinxing a little, and shot it out, and then directly replaced the energy-storage arrow, no matter whether it was full of time or not. to direct shot!


The second arrow hit the flamingo accurately, and this time the other party died and fell directly before wailing.

Moo! ! !

boom! boom! boom!

After the two arrows, the aberrant beasts also crossed a distance of 300 meters. More than 40 elephants gathered below and destroyed the wall of the shelter with their trunks.

They are extremely powerful and can be controlled flexibly, and their destruction efficiency is also extremely high.

The flamingo also flew over, and its long legs directly grabbed Chen Chen over the steel bars of the window, which scared him to back away quickly.

Chen Chen Yixian took five arrows, injected the power of Jin Xing and shot them all, killing all the flamingos that were attacking the window directly.


There was another crisp sound, and another fifth-level flamingo flew over. It stepped directly on the steel bar and slammed it together, and it broke the steel bar with the force of its flying!

Seeing this situation, Chen Chen's scalp was also numb, so he quickly pulled the bow, and finally shot an arrow when the opponent was about to fly away, hitting one of its wings.

At this time, the opponent just used the ability to accelerate, one of the wings was abolished, the force was immediately uneven, and the flamingo's body spun directly.

Seeing such a good opportunity, how could Chen Chen let it go, the water dragon arrow swept up, directly controlled it firmly, and then killed it with two Jin Rui arrows.

However, Chen Chen didn't let up the threat from the air. In this short period of time, the elephants below had already destroyed the wall by three meters. It won't be long before their entire bodies can penetrate into it.

Shooting ten arrows in a row and releasing ten water tornadoes, let these water tornadoes interfere with the movements of the elephants, and the snow spear wind and blade formation will run at full strength to make it as difficult as possible.

The Tesla-Zhangjiao Formation also operates, mobilizing all the power of the shelter to attack the elephants closest to the interior.

The Hundred Ghosts and Fog Killing Array was also activated, but instead of dealing with the elephants, they attacked the flamingos that harassed and controlled the air.

The qi and blood of the deformed elephant is too strong, unless the ghosts are dispatched, other ghosts will be sent to death.

The electricity of the lightning circle is not enough to kill the fourth-level distorted elephants, let alone the fifth-level ones, but as long as they are paralyzed and their mobility is greatly reduced, they will block the front and the elephants behind will basically be unable to destroy them. Shelter.

The lights in the breeding rooms of the various cultivation rooms in the shelter are now off, and the electricity in the more than 200 graphene batteries is also called up. After that, the transformer boosts excessively to the lightning array, and the array applies it to the aberrant beast.

Guided by the water tornado, Chen Chen launched the arrow frantically, and after turning a corner, pierced into the body of the distorted elephant.

When the three five-level elephants at the head discovered this situation, they shrank the group of elephants, and let two-thirds of the elephants block behind them, blocking the arrows with their trunks.

But these elephants are only level 4. Although their bodies are tyrannical, they cannot break the Qianjun Arrow and Jin Rui Arrow. Especially after they are injured, Chen Chen will shoot the vitality arrow to speed up the passage of their lives and harvest the aberrant beasts. life.

Chen Chen, the flamingo flying above, would also take care of them from time to time. Chen Chen shot them as soon as they approached the window. After three minutes, there were only more than 20 elephants left outside the shelter.

"Master, the power of the shelter can only keep the formation running for fifteen minutes." Xiao Luo reminded aside.

"okay, I get it!"

Chen Chen's voice was still calm. At this moment, besides continuing to shoot, he had no choice but to drag the elephants to death.

It's definitely not a problem to get through this round, but it's hard to say for the next round, it depends on the recovery after the war.

The exchange of players on the forum has not stopped.

At first, the hostile players kept taunting Chen Chen for dragging his time, and there was no follow-up.

Later, he quickly defeated the fourth round. After the alliance player refuted and explained the reason, the hostile player said that Chen Chen was asking for trouble by forcibly raising the level of many players. When he killed so many people, he suffered retribution at this time.

"You deserve it, let you level up, let you rescue the player, you can't take care of both ends!"

But soon, news came from the alliance that the safety of the alliance members seemed to be guaranteed. Many people passed through the three waves of beast tides safely. There was nothing to help, so they came to line up with these players.

The hostile players were already addicted to spraying at this time, and they began to talk about things with points.

"Don't compare, let's talk about when you will get the first place in the rankings. The points of the fifth-level shelter actually lost to the fourth-level Qingwei King, and there is still a face to say here."

"That is, strength is the foundation, and kindness without strength is just stupid."

" Brother Chen's points will naturally increase quickly after he is busy with the task at hand. Li Qinglan's points have not risen for a long time. I think he has given up fighting."

Soon, Chen Chen's points began to rise, from the original 3257 to 4807 within ten minutes, and returned to the top of the ranking list, surpassing Li Qinglan by more than a thousand points.

Dan Qing entered the painting: "It's such a short time again! I should be on the list!"

"This time the rest time is only more than half an hour, or to quickly resolve the battle, what do the trolls say?"

"Is there a possibility, I just assume that Brother Chen's combat power is actually very strong, and he doesn't need time to buffer in order to achieve the purpose of quick kill?"

Chen Chen himself didn't have the time or disdain to refute those people on the forum, but as time passed, he directly swelled those people's faces with actions and facts.

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