Finally, the Goblin King and the Dwarf King all entered the village, and everyone began to discuss.

At this time, Ye Li revealed that the village was often harassed by demons from the Demon City. Their energy was focused on the demons and they had no time to care about other things.

"This group of harmful people is actually near us. I want to work with everyone to eliminate the harm to the people."

Ye Li is a person with a strong sense of justice. He must be duty-bound to do things like this to eliminate harm for the people.

Momo grabbed Ye Li's arm, looked at him worriedly, and signaled him not to go forward.

"The village cannot live without you. If we must go on an adventure - I will go too."

Since Ye Li came to the village, everything in the village was under the command of Ye Li. There was no way for the village to leave Ye Li, and Mo Mo was even more worried that Ye Li would never come back.

Ye Li put his hands on Momo's shoulders, saying that no one in the village could be left behind, and he would definitely come back safely.

"Don't be so pessimistic. The information hasn't been found out yet, so you are too impatient."

Bai Ye complained mercilessly.

Momo and Ye Li looked away in embarrassment and stopped talking. noodle

The next important thing is to find out the other party's personnel structure, mode of action and other information.

"It is impossible to obtain any more intelligence. We have been exposed and cannot continue the investigation."

Yumian shook his head. He had been collecting information as much as possible, but the other party's confidentiality work was too good, and all his partners had been exposed.

In order not to cause trouble to the dwarves, Yumian did not dare to send any more people to investigate.

Bai Ye smiled proudly, as long as people blended in with them.

"Now it's your show time."

"Me? This is too dangerous, no, no, no."

Cangye waved his hand and refused. He didn't want to go to such a dangerous place. If he was discovered, he would definitely not be able to come out alive.

The Dwarf King and Goblin King also expressed doubts about this. They didn't think Cangye had any special abilities.

This time Cangye came to fight. He could say that he was not good, but others could never say that.

"Isn't it just to go to investigate information? I can definitely do it. Just look at it."

"Yumian, go help him."

Yumen and Cangye left the room.

The Goblin King and the Dwarves also questioned why a thin human was assigned to go there. It would be better to let the two of them fight directly.

The other party will definitely be scared to shit when they see him, and he might even surrender directly.

"Human beings will indeed be scared when they see you, and they will also want to kill you."

Momo mocked coldly, she had not yet completely accepted the two of them.

The Goblin King didn't like hearing what Momo said very much, and he wanted to fight if he showed his weapons. Momo was not willing to be outdone, and the atmosphere became tense again.

At this time, the door was opened and a strange man walked in.

"Who and how did they enter the village?

Momo held the dagger and stared at the opponent warily.

Ye Li also braced himself, worried that the other party was from the Dark Empire.

Yumian walked out from behind the man and simply asked Bai Ye for his opinion.

"Yes, you can't tell at all. What are his abilities? Can he protect himself?"

"Chameleon can blend into the surrounding environment so that the opponent cannot detect its existence. Although it is not very practical in combat, there is absolutely no problem in escaping."

Cangye explained proudly that he was very excited when he imitated the chameleon's ability. He had another escape skill.

0……Please give me flowers…………

After the conversation between the three of them, Ye Li finally came to his senses.

"He is Cangye."

"That's right, Cangye is an actor with rune abilities. Although he is not the strongest in combat, his investigation ability is unrivaled."

Bai Ye proudly explained to everyone that this was the main purpose of bringing Cang Ye here.

Now both the Goblin King and the Dwarf King were impressed and apologized for their previous contempt.

With everyone's praise, Cangye is more confident and makes everyone wait for his good news, which will definitely bring everyone the freshest information.

In order to protect Cang Ye, Bai Ye asked Yu Mian to protect him in secret.

Just like that, Cangye and Yumian left again.

The other people were on standby in the village. While on standby, Bai Ye asked Ye Li about the latest situation in the magic city.

Since the last king was beaten away, riots broke out in the Magic City. The devil took the opportunity to occupy the Magic City, and the people in the Magic City became slaves of the devil.

Not only that, the devil also attempts to expand outward and annex surrounding villages.

Now only their weak village is struggling to persist. If it weren't for the help of the Candle Dragon Sword, they might not be able to persist until now.

"It's all my fault. In a moment of excitement, the king flew away."

"This has nothing to do with you. Even if there is no demon invasion, the hearts of the people in the Demon City have long been rotten. There is no need to save them."

Although he said this, he could feel Ye Li's unwillingness.

After all, the Demon City is a place that Ye Li once risked his life to protect. Now that it is occupied by demons, he will definitely feel uncomfortable.

"Perhaps demons can also help us defeat the Dark Empire."

Bai Ye's eyes have turned and he has come up with new ideas. .

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