Bai Ye's idea gained everyone's support. If the people of the Dark Empire could be allowed to attack the demons in the Demon City, it would indeed save a lot of effort.

The specific situation still depends on how much information Cang Ye can bring back.

One day passed, and there was no news from Yumian and Cangye.

Everyone began to worry, and Deputy King Breen and the Dwarf King were eager to rescue the people.

"It is not yet certain that they are in danger, and taking rash actions will only put them in danger.

Bai Ye stopped the two from going there. In order to divert his attention, he concentrated on studying the Discovery.

Yumian had told him before that the Discovery had a new "two-five-zero" function, but Bai Ye didn't know what kind of function it was.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find anything new. Another day passed, and the devil from the magic city came again.

The Dwarf King and Goblin King enthusiastically stepped forward to fight, and within two rounds they were completely defeated. They couldn't get enough of it.

"While they haven't come back yet, why don't we go and annihilate the demons in the Demon City? I think there's enough time."

"Good brothers, we have exactly the same idea, let's go."

The Goblin and the Dwarf King instantly reached an agreement, picked up their weapons and walked towards the Magic City.

Before they left the village, they were stopped by Bai Ye, who gave them a lesson.

Now they cannot reveal anything about what they are doing in the village, otherwise the people from the Dark Empire are likely to find someone sneaking in.

"Sorry, we were wrong."

The two leader-level monsters bowed their heads to Bai Ye and admitted their mistake.

Momo has been observing secretly. Even if the Dwarf King and Goblin King help repel the demon, this cannot change the fact that they are monsters themselves.

Cang Ye has let down his guard and unconditionally trusts Bai Ye's chosen allies.

After a while, the two leaders were playing with the children.

Although they may look rough, they are very meticulous and take good care of the children. Even Momo is ashamed of themselves.

There are rarely so many people coming to the village, and the children are rarely so happy.

The pleasant atmosphere made Momo finally let down some of his guard.

"They often take care of newborns in Ironforge, and they can play with the children more easily. You don't have to worry."


He responded, but his eyes never moved away from the Dwarf King and Goblin King for a moment.

Bai Ye shook his head and let Momo feel it by himself.

Another day passed, and Yumian and Cangye finally came back.

Cangye looked proud and said that he had figured out the members of the Dark Empire. The leader was codenamed Lingdi. His purpose was to clear away all the monsters in the world and restore the world to its original state.

"Return to the way it was before the game? That's ridiculous."

Bai Ye sneered.

Let’s not talk about how many monsters there will be after the game comes. Even the system has no way of knowing, so how can we restore the world to its previous state?

The dwarf king was a little hurt. He didn't understand why the dwarves wanted to wipe out the dwarves when they had done nothing bad and even helped humans produce more powerful weapons.

The Goblin King looked even more angry. He originally thought that as long as he listened to the Dark Empire, he could learn magic and make the Goblin race stronger. Now it seems like a joke.

"Right now, the Dark Empire is still searching for relatively weak races to exterminate. There are thirty people in this headquarters, ten of whom are captains with abilities, and the remaining twenty are just ordinary people. The leader has not shown up yet for some unknown place. ....."

"It is said that no one in the Dark Empire has ever seen the true face of Emperor Zero, but Emperor Zero is able to know the trends within the organization every time and issue instructions in a timely manner, which makes his subordinates respect him even more."

Listening to Cang Ye's introduction, Bai Ye thought that Emperor Ling must be one of the ten captains.

"Do you know which captain is out the shortest and stays in the base the longest?"

Cang Ye thought about it seriously and said that Zimei, one of the captains, was indeed at the base for a long time and rarely went out to perform tasks.

"Because of this incident, several other captains had disagreements. In the end, it was Emperor Ling's order that finally put an end to the civil war."

Bai Ye nodded, and the rest was pretty much what he expected.

Since the enemy is underground, they must prepare equipment and go underground to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

The dwarf king raised his hand and said that his clan often needs to mine and knows a little about underground activities. He can prepare equipment for the big 2.3 family.

The Goblin King also raised his hand. When everyone looked at him, he blinked and asked what he wanted to do.

One sentence silenced everyone present.

"Just follow us. You will be a very powerful combatant. How long will it take to prepare all the equipment?"

"One day is enough. I haven't been idle these days."

The dwarf king listened to his chest proudly and led several other people to the place where the weapons were made.

Momo looked at the equipment in the room in surprise. She had never seen such good equipment before, and she reached out her hand to touch it lovingly. .

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