Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 157 (For Subscription)

"Well, yes. What's the matter?"

Seeing Ning Rou's nervous expression, Chu Jiang asked curiously.

"It's nothing. I just heard that there is a place to take a shower on the plane. I thought Brother Chu didn't want me. After all, how could there be a place to take a shower on the plane?"

Chu Jiang smiled.

"It's okay, Brother Chu isn't going anywhere, if you can't find Brother Chu, just wait a while, after all, Brother Chu is on the plane, where can he go?"

Chu Jiang smiled and touched Ning Rou's head.

"Brother Chu, I'm afraid of these people~" At this time, Ningtou pointed to the biochemical humans in uniform white uniforms standing on both sides of the aisle of the plane.

"I just woke up, and saw this group of people in white standing here. Although they called me the eldest young mistress, I still felt very scared. When I woke up, I suddenly saw such a large number of people I didn't know." Seventy""

Ning Rou pouted and said.

"Okay, Rourou, you can be on guard against everyone, but as for the people in white, you don't have to doubt their loyalty. They won't have second thoughts about our Chu family. You can rest assured about that."

Although Chu Jiang couldn't explain the origin of these biochemical people, Ning Rou still let go of his guard against these biochemical people after all, Chu Jiang would not lie to himself.

"By the way, Rourou, do you want to take a bath? There is hot water on the plane, and I just had a massage and slept for a while, and I was sweating all over. I guess I was too tired recently, and I broke out in a cold sweat. I think Rourou is better than you." I slept more heavily and was more tired than me, so I probably sweated less than me, right?"

After Chu Jiang said this, Ning Rou realized that her clothes were indeed wet.

"Okay, Brother Chu, then I'll take a shower, the clothes are in the suitcase, I don't know where I put them, I'll go find them~"

As soon as Ning Rou finished speaking, a cyborg in white took out a set of Lolita skirts and walked in front of Chu Jiang.

"Master, the clothes of the young lady are ready, and I have asked the stewardess to pick up the underwear." Seeing the man in white deliver the things, Chu Jiang nodded in satisfaction

"Okay, Rourou, you go take a bath."

Two hours later, Chu Jiang's private plane had already reached the top of Rijin Mountain. Today at the Boeing branch in Rijinshan, all members are very busy, whether it is the workers on the production line or the employees working in the company, they are all very busy, even Charles, the general manager of Boeing, is also very busy .

After all, the big shareholder who went abroad is coming. Although they have heard of this person, they have never seen it, and they don't know when this person became a shareholder of the company. However, as subordinates, they naturally have to serve this big shareholder with all their heart. shareholders.

At the airport in Rijin Mountain, Charles saw a private jet flying in the sky that was not part of civil aviation. Looking at such a large private jet, Charles knew his boss had arrived.

"I told everyone that this welcome party should be held more grandly. Mr. Chu Jiang must not be neglected here. Otherwise, you all know the consequences. Your salary for this month may be in danger."

After Charles explained, everyone immediately responded respectfully. "Yes! Boss!"

Fifty good-looking people who can represent the face value of the employees of the Boeing Rijinshan branch are standing at the arrival gate of a private jet. This arrival gate is built for the people of Chu, but usually there are few Someone came out of it.

Fifty Boeing employees, wearing Boeing uniforms, let passers-by see at a glance that they are Boeing employees.

However, fifty Boeing employees are so solemn to welcome a person, could it be that the governor is here?

Just when Charles had just arranged his formation to welcome Chu Jiang, Chu Jiang came out with Ning Rou. Charles had already understood that the only Chu people who flew from Chu to Rijin Mountain today were Chu Jiang. Jiang was alone, so it was definitely not someone else who exited from this private jet dedicated to the state of Chu, except Chu Jiang.

But Charles was soon shocked.

He didn't expect that the major shareholder of his company would be such a young Chu countryman? Being young is not a problem, the problem is that he is too young, right?

When I was in my mid-twenties, I had just found a job.

This person compares to others, it's really maddening. Besides, beside Chu Jiang, there is Ning Rou, a big beauty wearing Lolita, this beautiful woman from Chu country wears Lolita, let alone, it's not a good feeling......

"Are you Mr. Chu Jiang?"

Charles said respectfully. As soon as he finished speaking, ten men in white clothes surrounded Chu Jiang. Protect Chu Jiang and Ning Rou.

And behind him was a man in white, who kept running out. If you don't know it, you might think it was a robbery at the airport.

"Yes, I am Chu Jiang, what's the matter, are you?"

Chu Jiang didn't know Charles, so he asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Chu, I'm the general manager of Boeing Company in Rijinshan. I sent people to welcome you, not to cause trouble. Don't be too nervous and ask your bodyguards to not be too nervous. Can you tell me? "

Such a big battle naturally startled Charles, and Charles hurriedly explained.

Looking at the uniforms on Charles and the others and the Boeing logo on the uniforms, Chu Jiang believed Charles. After all, there are a hundred biochemical people around me, and it is not easy for this group of people to find trouble for me.

"Okay, don't be so nervous, it's one of your own."

Chu Jiang waved his hand and said, the biochemical man in white around him dispersed.

The appearance of the biochemical man in white not only shocked Charles, but also shocked Charles' employees. The combat effectiveness of so many well-trained and uniformed bodyguards must be incredible.

"What are you doing?"

Charles turned his head and glared at the person behind him at 5.3. "Are you dead? The welcome ceremony that was rehearsed before, just forgot?"

At this time, the employees of the Boeing Company came to their senses. Some opened the firework tubes in their hands, some played the saxophone, some clapped their hands, and some shouted in Chinese to welcome Brother Chu.

Chu Jiang's English is also good, but he couldn't find a good job after graduation, so he spoke to Charles in proficient English.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Charles, these are my servants. This time I plan to fly my fifty planes back from Rijin Mountain, so I specially brought fifty servants who can fly over here to scare you ,I'm really sorry."

Chu Jiang said with a smile, he did not expect that his own words would be so lethal.

ps: Today's second update asks for subscription.

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