Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times


603 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Jiang was dawdling in Shanghai, and one day when he went to buy buns, he activated the 100-fold cashback system.

No matter what he buys, he can get a hundred times the cash back.

A cage of crab roe buns is 150 yuan, if you buy it, you will get a cash back of 15,000 yuan!

A mobile phone is 10,000 yuan, if you buy it, you will get 1 million yuan in cash back!

A bottle of Romain Conti in 1991 costs one million yuan, if you buy it, you will get a cashback of 100 million yuan!

A large villa in Dongjiao No. 1!


Five hundred million? I can not afford it? !

Bought it, bought it all!

Cashback: xxx billion yuan!

Since then, Chu Jiang has lived a life of shopping!


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