Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 94 (Please Customize!)

A black Lafa worth tens of millions parked next to a Lamborghini Bull worth tens of millions, instantly attracting all the passers-by.

"Damn it, Rafa, Da Niu~~ I'm a bit messy!"

"The life of the rich is really enviable!"

"It seems that there are only a few Lafa in Haidu? The black Lafa is really cool!

The black Rafa is really conspicuous, so many people will come forward to take a photo with Rafa with envy and hatred.

In the coffee shop, Feng Wei was not in a hurry, but he was rather curious about what kind of person Wang Jinxi was talking about about the young master, who could be so generous.

"Jinxi, this place is nice! It's quite quiet!"

Chu Jiang walked in, but Wang Jinxi didn't pay attention because his back was facing Chu Jiang.

Hearing the voice here, Wang Jinxi suddenly stood up from her seat, looked at Chu Jiang and smiled sweetly, "Master!"

Feng Wei was also sitting there, but when he heard Chu Jiang speak, he stood up, "Hi, I'm Feng Wei, chairman of Tongyuan Logistics!"

"Hello, Chu Jiang!"

Chu Jiang nodded to him, motioning for Feng Wei to sit down and talk.

"Chu Shaohao......"

Feng Wei also called out Young Master Chu with great interest, he understood how huge the identity gap between himself and others was.

Don't say that he is an independent chairman or something, compared with others, he is really not even a fart as a chairman.

"I've read the contract, we've already signed it here, and we'll just wait for Young Master Chu to sign it!"

Feng Wei cautiously pushed the contract in front of Chu Jiang, and Chu Jiang just glanced at it. After all, this acquisition contract was made by his own lawyer team, so naturally there is nothing wrong with it.

Wang Jinxi handed the signature pen to Chu Jiang by mistake, and Chu Jiang slickly signed his name on the contract.

"Give me the bank account number!"

As soon as Chu Jiang finished speaking, Feng Wei wrote out his account number and handed it to Chu Jiang.

Chu Jiang took over the account, operated it on his mobile phone, and then directly called the bank to explain.

The bank didn't hesitate to receive Chu Jiang's call, and quickly helped Chu Jiang solve the transfer project.

Although large transfers need to make an appointment with the bank in advance, but after all, he is Chu Jiang, a top customer with an account balance of more than 200 billion, who would dare to offend him at the bank?


Chu Jiang received the deduction notice from the bank, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and he gestured an OK gesture to Feng Wei.

Feng Wei also lowered his head and looked at the SMS alert on his phone, and sure enough... 800 million cash has already arrived.

"Sure enough, big people like them are different, 800 million! Such a large amount of cash transfer can be settled directly with one phone call!"

Feng Wei watched Chu Jiang operate like this, and was quite envious.

In the past, some of his own company's transfer projects, let alone 800 million, were hundreds of thousands, and they had to wait for two or three days!

"Thank you, Young Master Chu!"

Feng Wei stood up and also bowed slightly to Chu Jiang to thank him.

How should I put it, although the current logistics market is huge, 80% of the business has already been seized by Fengshun, Xiaobaigou and other top logistics companies.

As for Ren] Tongyuan, although it was the first few logistics companies established, due to lack of funds, some first-class logistics companies were established.

"I believe that Tongyuan Logistics will definitely develop and grow into a top domestic logistics company in the hands of Young Master Chu.||!"

Feng Wei said this because they added an item in the contract, that is, even if Chu Jiang acquires Tongyuan Logistics, the name cannot be changed in the future.

Wang Jinxi had already told Chu Jiang about this matter, and Chu Jiang said that the problem was not serious, so he agreed to them.

Tongyuan Logistics is indeed not bad, at least the reputation is very good.

"How about this, Feng Dong, I am short of manpower here, and you are specialized in logistics, or, in the future, Tongyuan Logistics will still be managed by you?"

Feng Wei is a talented person. When he started his business, he really belonged to the situation of starting from scratch. Moreover, he has worked in the logistics industry for more than ten years and has rich experience.

Feng Wei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Chu Jiang would leave him to continue managing Tongyuan Logistics.

"Young Master Chu, I might..."

Although Feng Wei didn't want to leave Tongyuan Logistics, he also had his own considerations.

But before he could say his refusal, Chu Jiang said directly, "If you agree to stay, I can provide Tongyuan Logistics with a complete set of brand new logistics equipment!"


Feng Wei was taken aback when he heard what Chu Jiang said, he didn't understand what Chu Jiang meant.

"Let's put it this way, I'm going to add a hundred Boeing 747s to Tongyuan's logistics channel!"

When Chu Jiang said this, not only Feng Wei was stunned, but even Wang Jinxi who was sitting on the side was stunned.

One hundred?!


You know, if a logistics company wants to develop and grow, it is very important to own an aircraft.

Why is Fengshun so powerful?

It's not because they own 52 planes alone!

But except for Xiaobaigou who can compete with Fengshun in the industry, who can have this strength in other logistics companies?

But if what Chu Jiang said just now is not a boast, if he really invests in a hundred Boeing 747s, then it is not impossible for Tongyuan Logistics to surpass Fengshun!

But, it's a hundred Boeing 74s!

Even if you want to buy it, you still have so much money, but Boeing is not your family, how could you sell you a hundred if you said you want a hundred?!

"Of course, in addition to these one hundred Boeing 747s, we will also assume the latest technological logistics channels!"

Chu Jiang smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said something softly.

He had already been reminded by the system before, and sure enough, the 100 times cashback system did not give him 80 billion cash back, but gave him 100 Boeing 747 planes and a complete set of black technology logistics channel construction plans!

What's more, this time the system gave him an extra infrastructure team of as many as 1,000 people, all equipped with black technology!

Roughly the same as the news report that Chu Jiang saw before, the logistics channel of black technology is to build an underground maglev channel.

Of course, the little white dog is just a conception, and they can only be a conception until they can't solve the problem of laying underground maglev channels.

However, Chu Jiang's is not just a simple idea.

The reason why black technology is called black technology is because it can perfectly solve problems with the smallest cost.

If the little white dog is allowed to lay the underground maglev channel, the average cost per kilometer may exceed one billion meters of gold, which is simply not something a private company can afford.

However, if Chu Jiang is allowed to build this kind of underground maglev channel, not only the cost can be reduced to 100 million Chu Yuan per kilometer, but the construction speed can reach a terrifying speed of laying 100 kilometers a day!

After all, it is an infrastructure team equipped with black technology, and its speed is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary infrastructure teams.

Let's put it this way, this kind of magnetic levitation channel will go deep underground about 300 meters, and will not have any impact on the ground buildings.

Moreover, neither the design ideas nor the workers who carry out infrastructure construction can be achieved by current technology.

That is to say, as long as Chu Jiang's project is supported by the above, he can start working immediately.

It only takes a day or two to lay a 100-kilometer channel a day, and such a logistics channel can open up the logistics channels of the entire Haidu!

At that time, the speed of logistics will increase by more than a little bit.

It can be said that if you are in Haidu, as long as you place an order, your courier will be delivered to the courier point in your community in about half an hour!

Faster than you can order takeout!

Moreover, because it is a black technology that surpasses modern technology by nearly two hundred years, the energy consumption of channel transportation can be said to be extremely low!

An average express delivery of 100 kilograms is transported for 10,000 kilometers, and the energy consumption is almost one kilowatt-hour, and it may be even lower.

The transportation cost is greatly reduced, and the express delivery fee can also be greatly reduced.

Let's put it this way, in the past, if you sent something a thousand kilometers away, the basic express fee alone would cost thirty or forty yuan.

The heavier the item and the farther it is received, the higher the price.

For those who are already working, sending some daily necessities to the place where they work will cost hundreds of dollars at once, let alone those students.

However, if Tongyuan Logistics can complete the establishment of maglev logistics channels across the country in the future, it will be able to make a fuss about express delivery costs.

For a one-hundred-kilogram express, if the average charge for transporting a thousand kilometers is at least three hundred yuan now!

The shipping time is at least two days!

In the case of Tongyuan Logistics, the charge for express delivery of 100 kilograms and 1,000 kilometers can be reduced to 200 yuan!

Shipping time only takes half a day!

Fully achieve the effect of sending today and reaching today.

If this is the case, let alone Fengshun, little white dog, no one can stand it!

If Tongyuan Logistics is fast and cheap at that time, there is no reason for people not to use Tongyuan Logistics!

When Feng Wei heard Chu Jiang briefly talk about the logistics channels of black technology, he was instantly stunned!

The same is true for Wang Jinxi who is sitting on the side. If Chu Jiang is not his young master, if these words are spoken by another person, the master Jinxi will definitely think that he must be crazy!

This kind of black technology is simply unheard of!

Of course, Wang Jinxi also noticed one thing, that is, the real money (of Zhao Hao) needed to invest in building such a logistics channel across the country is absolutely astronomical!

"Young master, although I have never heard of the black technology you mentioned, but you also said just now that an average construction of one kilometer requires at least 100 million Chu yuan... If such a logistics channel is laid across the country, it will be impossible Tens of trillions or even tens of trillions of Chu Yuan?!"

Wang Jinxi no longer dares to doubt her young master's financial strength, but......

A project of tens of trillions, or even tens of trillions of Chu Yuan, is beyond the reach of national strength!

Even, with the power of the whole country, if we want to build such a logistics channel, I am afraid that it will be impossible to complete it in five to ten years, right?

As for relying on private power, Wang Jinxi directly denied it. It is impossible for this to be an infrastructure project that a private company can complete!

Even if the young master's money can't be spent at all, it's unlikely... no, it's simply impossible!

"Such a large project does not have to be completed in one or two years!"

Chu Jiang also understood Wang Jinxi's meaning. The corners of his mouth turned up, and he said with a slight smile, "I reckon, within five years, such underground maglev logistics channels should be laid all over the country!"

"Within five years?!"

When Feng Wei and Wang Jinxi heard Chu Jiang say that within five years, they couldn't help but blurt out.

Because, in their view, a large project of this magnitude would still take five to ten years if it was undertaken by the whole country!

If it's just personal strength, it's impossible to have it for fifty or sixty years!

PS: please customize!

Currently: 2 Feng 2.

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