Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 601 The Battle Between The Dragon And The Tiger

"Smiling tiger?" Chu Jiang looked suspicious, "What's the reason.

Seeing that the tiger was still fighting with the giant python and didn't notice them, Master Liao explained the origin of the smiling tiger.

The smiling tiger is an ancient spirit beast that can spit out human words, and can even penetrate into the depths of people's hearts through his eyes. These are just some basic functions, the most important thing is that it can grow wings, has the ability to fly, and it can laugh, and its smiling face has a hallucinogenic ability that can kill people.

In ancient times, this smiling tiger originally grew up in the dense forest of the human world, and did not disturb each other with humans.

One day, a boy lost his way in the forest and was attacked by a wolf. The white tiger repelled the wolf and rescued the boy. At this time, the boy was seriously injured, his left hand was bitten off, dripping with blood, and he seemed to be dying.

The white tiger flew the boy on his back to a nearby village, put the boy on the ground, and told the villagers to give him medical treatment immediately. But the villagers did not listen to its words and heal the boy. Instead, they were terrified when they saw a tiger that could speak human words, and they gathered all the people with weapons to drive Bai out.

The white tiger didn't bother, turned around and left, while the boy lost too much blood and was powerless to recover.

The villagers were very indignant, saying that the white tiger ate 133 people. If it is not eradicated as soon as possible, it will endanger everyone's safety sooner or later.

So the villagers organized themselves and broke off the white tiger's wings while the white tiger was sleeping soundly.

The white tiger woke up in pain, and instinctively shot several villagers to death. The villagers fled in a panic, and the torches in their hands fell to the ground, igniting the forest.

The white tiger's wings have been broken, unable to fly, and it is in the sea of ​​fire.

It was originally a spirit beast. Although it was buried in the sea of ​​fire, its body has the ability to regenerate.

The fire subsided, the white tiger was reborn, and went down the mountain to take revenge.

It was night, and there was a burst of laughter in my sleep.

On the second day, the village was silent and there was no movement, even the farm animals were already stiff.

"But I don't know why, but I met a smiling tiger here."

After finishing the story, Master Liao sighed.

I didn't expect this tiger to have such a sad story. Chu Jiang thought to himself.

Looking at the fierce tiger in front of me, it is really frightening to be able to torture such a big boa constrictor so miserably. It seems that they had better hide it better. This tiger has such a relationship with human beings, and it is best not to be killed by it. If you find it, otherwise, you will have to be swallowed.

"System Activation Mission: Subdue the White Tiger."

" Chu Jiang's mind went blank, he couldn't imagine what he heard, and he was already dumbfounded.

Looking at the white tiger's huge body, sharp claws, sharp teeth, and huge wings, Chu Jiang thought in his heart how many ways he would die if he got close. It's getting colder.

The blue sky giant python has been tortured to the point where its body was completely shattered, and its originally incomparably hard and invulnerable scales have basically been cut, bleeding continuously.

The white tiger broke open the snake's belly with its sharp claws, removed the snake's gall, swallowed it in one gulp, and threw the giant python on the ground, just right, under the big tree where Chu Jiang and Master Liao were hiding.

The violent impact broke the towering tree abruptly.

In order to avoid the broken branch, the two hurriedly dodged, which undoubtedly exposed their whereabouts in front of the white tiger.

The giant python is dead, which may be a relief for it.

And what about them? Whether they want to face the cruelty of this smiling tiger, and whether they can escape from birth, the two of them murmured in their hearts, and they stood still and did not dare to act rashly. looking at them.

It stayed like this for a long time, so quiet, the atmosphere made the hairs stand on end, but no one moved, Chu Jiang didn't even dare to swallow his saliva.

"Hi, Brother Tiger." Such a quiet atmosphere was really frightening, and Chu Jiang really couldn't stand the tiger's stare, so (ahea) made a relaxed greeting to the smiling tiger.

Smiling Tiger bared his teeth and let out a low growl, "What are you waiting for!"

This smiling tiger can really speak.

"Road.....passing by.....Let's go now." Master Liao said without confidence. Before, he suggested to come and see what is here. I didn't expect such bad luck. Just met this ancient spirit beast.

Seeing that Baihu didn't respond, the two of them moved quietly, trying to slip away.

Seeing this, without saying a word, the white tiger stretched out two paws and grabbed the two of them, spread its wings, and flew up.

At this time, the two of them had already lost their souls, and they fell into the hands of a huge beast. I really don't know what their future fate will be.

When they came to a cave, the two were thrown in, and fell to the ground in all directions.

This hole is very large and deep, but the inside is very bright.

The two looked into the cave carefully, and found that the cave was full of Ye Ming pearls, which were round and plump, which made people's eyes shine. They were all money.

There is a pile of things piled up in the corner, and from a distance, it seems to be some jars and the like, but it is not very clear.

The white tiger roared at them, scaring them back again and again.

It seemed that Baihu's original intention was to let them enter the cave, and when he saw that they had entered, he did nothing else.

The two retreated to the corner, tripped over something under their feet, looked down, and saw a pile of bones.

Yes, all human bones.

In an instant, the two of them froze, and their hearts were full of thoughts.

Although it is said that this is an ancient spirit beast, but nowadays, it cannot be manipulated like this, it has to wait for the opportunity to get a chance to escape.

The two squatted down pretending to be honest, while carefully observing the white tiger's movements.

The white tiger didn't do anything else. After entering the cave, it fell asleep on its stomach with its eyes closed. The exit was just blocked by its body.

I looked around and couldn't find another exit.

What does this smiling tiger mean by arresting them here and locking them up? Could it be that he was full just now and is planning to keep them until tomorrow?

If that's the case, they might as well take advantage of the tiger's sleep and make a sneak attack so they can escape!

Master Liao motioned to Chu Jiang, asking him if he would do it now.

Of course Chu Jiang wanted to go out too, he didn't want to join the pile of bones behind.

But he suddenly thought of Baihu's previous story, could this be a test for them?

Maybe the people behind him had the idea of ​​sneaking up on him, and that's why they angered Baihu?

Just as he was thinking, Master Liao saw that Chu Jiang was not moving, and thought that he was afraid and did not dare to make a move.

So Master Liao moved first. .

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