Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 329 (For Subscription)

"Well, Miss Hong, you have a lipstick on your desk, why is that?"

When a lipstick is broken, I can’t help but make people dream about it. Why did the lipstick break? It also broke on the table. Women shouldn’t have trouble with cosmetics.

Miss Hong smiled and said.

"It's nothing, it's just that Young Master Chu's voice startled me just now, I couldn't hold it steady, I was putting on makeup just now.

Sure enough, after Chu Jiang took a closer look, he realized that Sister Hong's lipstick was very casual today.

"Um, that's a bit embarrassing. I actually scared Sister Hong and made Sister Hong lose a lipstick. I will pay Sister Hong another one."

Chu Jiang's words made Sister Hong instantly elated. If it wasn't for the most basic reservedness of a woman, if Chu Jiang was not around at the moment, Sister Hong would definitely laugh happily.

"How dare this family..."

Sister Hong said with a shy face, blushing.

Dude, I learned a lot today.

They have never seen such a shy form of their boss, and they have never dared to imagine that their boss will have such a posture.

People? Are you not a strong woman? Why are you becoming the kind of delicate body and easy to push down now? Boss, please be more real, okay?

Although the guy wanted to say this to his boss very much at the moment. But out of a strong desire to survive, he held back.

"Sister Hong, I will give you a set when you come here for dinner another day, but I have something else to discuss with Sister Hong for coming here today."

Chu Jiang paused and continued.

"I want to invite Sister Hong to my house. I wonder if Sister Hong would like to?"

Chu Jiang asked seriously.

What? He invited me over to his house? Fuck, this is going too fucking fast. The old lady has no defense at all!

I didn't even buy the most basic protective measures that should be used. Who would have thought that our progress would be so fast.

Sister Hong made up a lot of pictures in her mind, and the peach blossoms on her face became more obvious immediately, her cheeks were flushed and she was extremely shy.

"Originally I didn't want to go out, but since the department has invited me, then I'll go~."

Sister Hong answered the question shyly.

"Okay, then I will tell Sister Hong that there is a party at my home tonight. This party was supposed to be a party for my company's employees, but many friends who are close to me came, so I said I also remembered to invite Miss Hong to my party."

Chu Jiang was a little shocked, why did Sister Hong's expression change so quickly.

Obviously just now he was still full of shyness and shame, but now he has an expression of disbelief, as if he saw the expression of an old sow going to heaven?

"Miss Hong, don't you want to join my party?"

Seeing Sister Hong's incredible expression, Chu Jiang asked tentatively.

"No, no, Young Master Chu, I will definitely go to this party on time today.

There are 10,000 mud horses galloping in Sister Hong's heart at the moment.

Wow, my God, what the hell is this? My wife is ready to be pushed down, ready to be pushed down, my wife is already ready for this handsome guy to confess to me

Wow, how is this all so real?

Sister Hong suddenly felt the feeling of falling from the sky.

"Well, since, since Sister Hong is willing to participate, then I feel very honored. By the way, I still want to thank Sister Hong for what happened yesterday."

Chu Jiang continued.

"Sister Hong, although I am very rich, you know this very well. But I don't have many friends in Haidu, and it is the most honored thing in my life to have such a good friend as Sister Hong. I hope Our relationship can only get better and better.”

Sister Hong originally planned to say that what happened yesterday was only her own responsibility. After all, Chu Jiang was her guest, and it would be embarrassing for Sister Hong to see her guest being bullied.

"Okay..." But those few words after Chu Jiang made Sister Hong's face turn red again.

"Then look forward to Sister Hong's arrival tonight, if there is nothing else, I will leave Sister Hong first.

Sister Hong couldn't say anything now, and what Chu Jiang said just now made her think too much.

Hope our relationship will get better and better.

Wow, is he hinting at me?

Not so well, I am a woman who is nearly 30 years old, you want me to confess to a boy who is younger than me, well, although I am older, I am not that active.

But there is no way, who made me more mature than him, forget it, let me confess.

Just when Sister Hong realized it, Chu Jiang had disappeared.

"Where is the person? Where is the person? Where did you go?"

Sister Hong yelled at her staff.

"Boss, Young Master Chu bid farewell to you just now. But you didn't talk to Young Master Chu at that time, maybe Young Master Chu felt a little embarrassed, and then left after saying hello to me.

The employee said timidly.

"Damn, why didn't you tell me? No, why didn't you wake me up just now? I was thinking about something else, why didn't you tell me? You make people think I'm very rude! If people What if you think I'm very rude and don't get along with me?"

Sister Hong's angry appearance is really very scary.

"What if my life's event is delayed? Are you responsible?"

Although Sister Hong is a woman who is nearly 30 years old, she is a woman in her 30s, but she is very well maintained. She doesn't look much different from a girl in her early 20s.

And Sister Hong is even more beautiful, because she has a unique temperament of young women that (Li Zhaohao) those young girls don't have.

"Boss, if you, I can do it if you want."

When Sister Hong heard her staff's answer, she immediately lost her temper.

"I'm good at fucking you, right? Do you dare to eat my mother's tofu? How dare you make fun of me [You really don't want to do it, do you? If you don't want to do it, pack up and get out!"

Miss Hong roared angrily.

Generally, when you see your boss like this, then your boss is probably not far from getting angry, and all employees will choose to retreat at this moment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry boss, I was wrong, boss, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm going to go, I'm going to work now!"

After a series of apologies, the staff hurriedly left Sister Hong's office.

"Isn't it? Is it real or not? I'm interested in the sound effect of Miss Hong."

ps: Today's first update asks for subscription.

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