Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 359 (For Subscription)

The seven young kidnappers heard the elder brother calling for help. Thinking about the 20 million ransom that was about to be received, he immediately rushed towards Chu Jiang, regardless of whether there were other bodyguards around Chu Jiang.

But Chu Jiang was completely unmoved here, how could he bring only one Biochemical Society? He was not that. That kind of fighting master is not a Taoist immortal, Chu Jiang came to deal with him, but he is a kidnapper!

The seven young kidnappers rushed towards Chu Jiang. Just as they arrived in front of Chu Jiang, Bai Ying flashed in front of them again. Then the seven young kidnappers were beaten to the ground in an instant.

The strength of the biochemical guards was quite strong. I said they lacked arms and legs, at least one or two of their bones were broken.

Immediately, the cry of Zeng resounded throughout the cave, because the special structure of the cave caused the echo to be particularly loud, so the screams echoing in the cave were also deafening.

"I think they are a bit noisy, so shut their mouths up." Chu Jiang said lightly, although the whole cave was filled with screams, it was impossible to hear what Chu Jiang was saying, but the biochemical man in white The way to receive Chu Jiang's order is telepathy.

When Chu Jiang felt that the screams of these people were a bit noisy, the white-clothed cyborg immediately tore the kidnapper's clothes, crumpled them into a ball and stuffed them into the kidnapper's mouth.

It's hard to imagine that the mouths of the seven kidnappers were gagged in an instant. After all, I was going to tear the clothes of these kidnappers into cloth strips, crumpled them into balls, and then stuffed them into their mouths.

It only took two seconds for the biochemical guard to perform this series of actions.

"Okay, master."

After completing Chu Jiang's order, the biochemical man in white knelt on one knee and spoke very respectfully.

"Well, very good, this matter is well done and very efficient." After speaking, Chu Jiang looked at Cao Ying.

"If you have the ability of medical first aid, go to Cao Ying. Although she only suffered some skin trauma, but it is quite serious. A little girl has such a serious skin trauma. Whether it is infected or not is another story. If you don't deal with it in time, the future scars will be hard to get rid of"||. "

After the biochemical man in white received the order, he respectfully replied "Received" and walked towards Cao Ying.

"Third Young Mistress, leave it to me to take care of this, and you can rest." The biochemical man in white said to Wang Jinxi very respectfully.

"Well, later."

Wang Jinxi retreated to Chu Jiang's side, watching the cyborg in white treat Cao Ying's wound.

Don't say that this white-clothed biochemical is really powerful. The white-clothed biochemical didn't do any difficult disinfection work, and simply put his hand on Cao Ying's wound.

Now, here comes the magical place.

There are many wounds on Cao Ying's body, which were very painful at first, and some places were still bleeding continuously, but now, all of Cao Ying's wounds are not painful, and the bleeding has stopped.

Is it so simple to put your hand on the wound to stop the bleeding? This is simply unbelievable. Cao Ying didn't have the energy to sigh these things now, but because the pain disappeared, her body was very tired, and she quickly fell asleep.

"Master, the treatment is over. I have carried out a simple disinfection and hemostasis, so that the possibility of scars will be much smaller in the future." The biochemical man in white said, knelt on the ground again, and stood by.

"Well, it's very good. Then we'll do this. She's safe anyway. Let's leave first. I don't want to get too involved in this matter, or it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. So, tie up this kidnapper leader later.”

After Chu Jiang finished speaking, he looked at the leader of the kidnappers in the hands of another biochemical man in white.

"Boy, you don't do this kind of thing less often? Why do you just do some outrageous things? Why do you want to take hostages when you say you kidnapped? It's really too much. She's a girl who just graduated. She is in a state where flowers are like jade. At your age, how much shadow will it leave behind for you?"

Chu Jiang said these words earnestly, but the leader of the kidnappers didn't respond, he just stared at Chu Jiang with terrified eyes as if he was looking at some monster.

The leader of the kidnappers didn't think Chu Jiang was a monster. He thought that Chu Jiang's biochemical guards in white were real monsters. This person was able to command such a terrifying monster. His seven younger brothers were subdued in an instant, and then gagged their mouths.

Knocking down his little brother, and then gagging his little brother, if you don't count the time in between, this series of operations took a total of five seconds.

Five seconds, knocking down seven people and gagging seven people's mouths is definitely not something humans can do.

So now the leader of the kidnappers only has panic in his eyes. He doesn't know what Chu Jiang said, if he listened to it or not.

"Hey, young master, the kidnapper must have been frightened, it's useless for you to tell him so much."

Wang Jinxi looked at the kidnapper leader with disdain and said. How can a big man beat a woman? Moreover, seven big men are bullying a little girl. This is too much. How these kidnappers died, and how ugly their death was, they deserved what they deserved.

"Well, tie up the leader of the kidnappers and throw them in this cave. Make sure to tie them firmly, but it doesn't matter whether you accept it or not. You have to keep someone in this cave to ensure Cao Ying's safety. Wait until the police or Cao Ying You can leave after your parents arrive."

Chu Jiang couldn't explain to the two biochemicals.

This time (getting good) Chu Jiang considered very, very comprehensively. If the group of kidnappers still had accomplices, it would be better for the kidnappers to leave just like that.

"Okay, young master, do you have any orders, young master?"

Chu Jiang continued.

"Use the kidnapper's mobile phone to send a location to Cao Ying's parents, and let them come directly. As for me, we are in charge of calling and asking how to solve the specific situation. The police are definitely worried about the safety of Cao Ying's parents. , will definitely follow, and there is no need to worry about their safety."

Biochemical man in white: Yes! Young Master!

Chu Jiang and Wang Jinxi left the cave.

"Young master, Cao Ying already liked you very much. Now that you have saved her like this, she must like you even more. What should I do with Xu Shao after she recovers someday?"

ps: Today's first update asks for subscription.

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