Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 373 (For Subscription)

Zhe Ziyu realized when she saw Chu Jiang take out this bank card. Although Zhe Ziyu is good at reading, it has something to do with her willingness to work hard and endure hardships.

To be honest, her brain was not very useful, so she didn't turn around all at once.

"Chu big brother, this card?"

Zhe Ziyu was interrupted by Chu Jiang when he was about to say something.

Zhe Ziyu knew what Chu Jiang meant, and Chu Jiang told her not to speak, Zhe Ziyu naturally obeyed obediently.

"Mom, from now on I will respect you as my own parents. To tell you the truth, I am an orphan. I have never experienced the love of my parents since I was a child. Since I came here, I like I fell into this feeling, so I want to honor you with Tzuyu.

Chu Jiang continued.

"Mom and Dad, you want to go to Tailing. I have already planned this matter. It will be the day after tomorrow. I still have some things to do in these two days. After I have dealt with everything, we will go there for vacation. It just so happens that I He and Tzuyu are equivalent to 07 going on a honeymoon, what do you think?"

Chu He is very busy, Zhe Ziyu's parents know this, Zhe Ziyu usually explains why Chu Jiang doesn't come often.

"Xiao Chu, you are too polite, how do you treat us? Don't we two old things still not understand? The reason why my disease can be cured is entirely because of you, if it is not because of you donating so much to the hospital I have made so much contribution to the medical cause of our motherland, my illness will not be cured so easily."

When Zhe Ziyu's mother was ill, Dr. Ye and Dean Sun explained Chu Jiang's situation to the two old people.

Although I didn't say too clearly, after all, Dr. Ye and Dean Sun didn't know much about Chu Jiang, they only knew that Chu Jiang was rich.

The description of Zhe Ziyu’s parents also shows that no one in this country has invested so much in the medical industry in the past 5,000 years. Among other things, at least in the medical industry, Chu Jiang and Chu Jiang’s family members have never From now on, you will enjoy the most advanced treatment.

It doesn't even cost money to go to the hospital for medical treatment.

"Xiao Chu, not only did you feed me well, but you also bought us such a big restaurant and three such big villas, which we didn't plan to do, do you know? Because before we knew When you prepared these things for us, they were already in our hands."

Zhe Ziyu's mother took Chu Jiang's hand and said earnestly.

"As for the dowry money, we can't ask for it at all. You have paid enough for our family. We will collect the dowry money. We really can't hold our heads up in front of all relatives."

Zhe Ziyu's family advocates the kind of down-to-earth life that strives to stand up and be a human being.

"Yes, Xiao Chu, in the future, don't mind us so much. The gift money is used to consider the man's family and your family situation. We don't worry at all, so let's forget about the gift money."

The same goes for the compromise.

"Mom and Dad, I know what you mean, but this form has to go around, and the bride price must be given. And there is not a lot of money here."

Zhe Ziyu couldn't help but interrupt Chu Jiang's words.

"Chu big brother, don't want it anymore. We can't take this card. The money in it is too much. If you want to charge a symbolic fee of more than a hundred thousand, 200,000 is enough. There is no need for so much."

Zhe Ziyu hurriedly said, if he didn't report the information now, he turned around and took this bank card. When he went to the bank to withdraw money, he found that there was so much money, and he had to teach his daughter a lesson.

Chu Jiang interrupted Ziyu.

"Don't talk nonsense, parents, don't listen to what Ziyu said, the money here is just a formality, a symbolic gift, and parents should not pay too much attention to it. "Where is the password? It is your daughter's." Birthday."

Chu Jiang said with a smile.

Zhe Ziyu's parents also thought it was quite reasonable when they heard it. Anyway, the bride price should be accepted as a token, just to make it auspicious!

"Okay, then let's take it symbolically."

Originally, Zhe Ziyu's parents thought that there was at most one or two million in it, but after their daughter asked, this card was like a hot potato, and there was no way to hold it in her hands.

Because the amount inside is really too big.

"Chu big brother, don't fool your parents, I know you are doing it for your parents' good, but there is a whole billion in it! My parents will definitely not accept it."

In the end Chu Jiang thought of a way to get Zhe Ziyu's parents to accept the card.

So what can I do? It must be the big fat grandson!

"Mom and Dad, tell me! After Ziyu and I have a child, don't you want to take care of your child? If the child wants something, if the price is very high, you can't buy something for the child, just come to me. And Tzuyu will be working in my company after a while. Tzuyu doesn't have time either."

Speaking of the big fat grandson, Zhe Ziyu blushed, "He lowered his head and stopped talking.

"This, Xiao Chu said, is quite reasonable."

After Zhe Ziyu's father and Zhe Ziyu's mother looked at each other, they said in unison.

They are quite old, money is not of much use to them, but they have to think about their big fat grandson.

"So, parents, you can keep the money. If you don't say anything else, you can buy some things you like. If you feel that there is a lack of servants at home, you can also hire some servants. You can do what you want Things, when do you spend the money, I will send it to you again."

What Chu Jiang said was really too much. Zhe Ziyu's parents wanted to record these words, or the current scene, in a video.

When Zhe Ziyu's parents were poor, they were especially disliked by relatives at home. After all, no one asked if the rich in the mountains had distant relatives living in a poor city.

The greatest pride of Zhe Ziyu's parents is not Zhe Ziyu, but this son-in-law.

When they were impoverished, their relatives were unwilling to pay for medical treatment, and they were unwilling to borrow some money to support them.

Now it’s all right, I’m rich, and every day, many relatives come to ask how their health condition is recently, and some relatives will ridicule: How can this house be given to you? At most, you can live there for a while . We have seen a lot of rich second generations who turn their faces and deny people like this.

Now, Zhe Ziyu's parents want to show this scene, what happened today, to those relatives of Putao, what is confidence.

ps: Today's first update asks for subscription.

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