Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 416 (For Subscription)

A smart person is a smart person, and there is no need to say everything about it.

"Okay, Young Master Chu, I know about this matter, and I know what Young Master Chu means. It's really easy for me to get a lift."

Charles said respectfully.

"You can just ask about this kind of thing. Although our headquarters is in the United States, although our production base is also in the United States, we also have a small-scale production base in this country. Occasionally, we can still produce some good quality small straights. Get out of the plane."

Charles continued.

"Although a small helicopter like this is not worthy of your identity, Young Master Chu, it is indeed a waste of time to bring the helicopter over from the United States. So, if Young Master Chu doesn't mind, you can Do you want to use it first?"

Even a small helicopter can take seven or eight people. If you count the accompanying captain and stewardess who came here today, two small helicopters are enough.

"Well, it doesn't matter if the helicopter is smaller, as long as it can reach the destination conveniently and quickly, that's fine, and don't let the two elderly people in our family suffer.

Charles listened and nodded.

"Okay, Young Master Chu, I will immediately instruct the employees of our branch in Tailing to do this matter. Please wait a moment, Young Master Chu. It will take a few minutes for the helicopter to reach the helicopter at Guman International Airport. where the machine is parked.”

Zhe Ziyu's family was very confused, why did the situation suddenly turn around like this, wasn't it quite unexpected yesterday, why did there suddenly be such a big turnaround today.

Although Chu Jiang did say that Kuba, the person in charge of Guman Airport, would suffer some hardships when he just left the house this morning, but he never thought that things would turn out like this.

"Mom and Dad, the matter of the helicopter has been resolved. We should wait here for more than ten minutes. After a while, we will go to the helicopter take-off level and take the helicopter directly, and then we can directly arrive at the popular island you want to go to." .”

Zhe Ziyu's parents are still thinking about why the situation has changed so much? Why did this group of arrogant foreigners at the airport have such a big change this morning.

Chu Jiang said this.

"Well, Xiao Chu, here, do you have a helicopter here?"

Buying the best villa in the country, the most luxurious villa in this place that has never been before is already a bit of nonsense, and there are two luxury cars parked in the parking lot of this villa.

Chu Jiang really has money and no place to spend it.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Chu Jiang probably has his own helicopter in this country.

Chu Jiang didn't know how to answer for a while, scratched his head, began to think, and began to organize his words.

"Hello, Uncle and Aunt, I am a subordinate of Young Master Chu, I am from the United States, my name is Charles, I am a management member of Boeing Company, and I have a lot of right to speak in Boeing Company, but I am Chu Shao gave me the right to speak in Boeing."

Charles could tell at a glance that Chu Jiang didn't know how to explain. The lady stepped forward and said such words to Zhe Ziyu's parents.

Zhe Ziyu's parents suddenly realized, no wonder why this gorgeously dressed foreigner with extraordinary looks is so respectful to Chu Jiang.

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect Xiao Chu's company to go abroad, and the business has grown so big. We really didn't know.

Zhe Ziyu's father said in embarrassment.

"Uncle, you don't know. It's not that Young Master Chu's business is so big that it has gone abroad. In fact, Young Master Chu has not participated in the operation of our company, but Young Master Chu is the largest shareholder of our company. It is equivalent to The right to speak inside is basically in the hands of Young Master Chu."

The two old people immediately understood a lot about Charles.

It turns out that Chu Jiang has such strong financial resources, no wonder he bought them three villas and converted two of them into farms and pastures. He is so rich, it is indeed reasonable to buy three villas and play with two of them. .

"Xiao Chu, why have you never heard of these things?" Zhe Ziyu's mother asked curiously.

If it is someone else's son-in-law, he would like to reveal all his advantages, all his shining points, and all his proud places, so as to gain the favor of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.


But Chu Jiang is different, Chu Jiang is the complete opposite. Regarding the things or deeds that he is proud of, he has no intention of telling Zhe Ziyu's parents. Someone is causing trouble, and I am afraid that Chu Jiang is the largest shareholder of Boeing Company. Zhe Ziyu's parents will probably never know about it for the rest of their lives.

"Well, that's right, there's nothing to be proud of about this matter, so I didn't plan to bring it up. If it wasn't for the fact that the person in charge of the airport deliberately sought us out, I'm afraid parents and you would No way. Zhe Ziyu looked at the handsome and wealthy man beside her, at the man who loved her and honored her parents, and didn't know what to say.

To be honest, Zhe Ziyu knows very, very little about Chu Jiang, just because Chu Jiang is the largest shareholder of Boeing Company, she doesn't know this, it can be seen that Zhe Ziyu knows Chu Jiang too well not enough.

"How could this be a trivial matter? Boeing is the largest aircraft manufacturer in the world! I'm afraid the staff at Guman Airport respect you so much because they know your identity."

Chu Jiang couldn't deny it.

"Dad, these are irrelevant. As long as we can travel happily and you two can have fun, I will be very satisfied."

After Chu Jiang finished speaking, he winked at Charles. Although it was just a simple look, Charles quickly understood that Chu Jiang wanted to end this topic quickly.

Charles couldn't help sighing in his heart, it was the first time he had seen someone like Chu Jiang. According to Charles, most people in this world want to show their good side and let the world know that they are very, very rich and very, very capable.

But Chu Jiang is the complete opposite, he can't keep a low profile.

This may be the opposite of everything, the richer people are, the more low-key they are.

ps: Today's third update asks for subscription and five readings.

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