Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 465 (For Subscription)

After listening to Jiao En's narration, Chu Jiang showed a satisfied smile.

"Well, everyone is from the same country, so don't be so polite, although you really didn't give me any real help, but you still sent me back to my home.

What Chu Jiang said was the day he first arrived in Guman. Chu Jiang encountered Kuba's difficulties. Even though Kuba threatened Jiao En with work, Jiao En still sent Chu Jiang to the place where Chu Jiang wanted to go with the idea of ​​helping his countrymen.

Of course, some people will say that it is not normal for Jiao En to help Chu Jiang when he is so rich? Everyone will hug Chu Jiang's thigh, okay?

But this is not the case. When Jiao En chose to help Chu Jiang, he faced pressure from his immediate boss. Jiao En's immediate boss threatened Jiao En that if he dared to help Chu Jiang, his job would be lost. !

Moreover, at that time, Jiao En didn't even know how much ability Chu Jiang had, whether he knew that he was going to help, Jiao En didn't know.

Under such great pressure, Jiao En helped Chu Jiang this week with the mentality of helping his compatriots, and finally realized that Chu Jiang is a very, very extraordinary person, whether it is status, number one, or what he has. The financial resources of 487 are ridiculously strong.

Therefore, Chu Jiang felt that Jiao En was a very good person, so he gave Jiao En some help within his ability.

"Young Master Chu, you have really helped me a lot. It is really a trivial thing for me to send you home, but your help to me can change my life, Young Master Chu

Really very very thank you. "

Chu Jiang didn't think these polite words meant much.

"I don't need to say polite words, but you, work hard in the future, create a good atmosphere for this airport, and don't have any racial discrimination. This is the last thing I want to see. And I don't want to see it either. People who come to our country get squeezed by other people in other countries."

Chu Jiang then said on the phone.

"I help you because we are from the same country. I also hope that you can help other people in our country. If you see people from our country being discriminated against and bullied in Thailand or other countries, I hope You can stand up bravely. After all, we are people of one country, and we must be brave (ahbg) to unite.

When other people said such words, Jiao En might feel that this person was a person who only pretended to be dignified, but when he said this sentence from Chu Jiang's mouth, Jiao En didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Jiao En has already checked what kind of person Chu Jiang is.

Because he has not returned to China for too long, Jiao En is not very clear about the current situation in China, but after consulting the information, Jiao En knows that Chu Jiang is not only a super rich man now , not only has a very powerful company in hand.

Moreover, Chu Jiang is a very good person, a very kind person.

The mobile phone company that Chu Jiang is now producing is very, very good, and the price is very, very low. This is completely doing charity, and when releasing this mobile phone, he still cares about the health of the people all over the country and needs to buy this mobile phone Enough time for exercise is required.

Although 21 days is not too much time, but 21 days can make people develop a habit. Chu Jiang is based on the idea of ​​letting Chu people develop a good living habit. Usually you will take time to exercise.

Although it does not say that it can help Chu people develop a good living habit 100%, but it can still play a role to some extent, and it can still contribute to the health of the people of this country.

Apart from these things, the fact that Chu Jiang invested in an orphanage has been made public. Chu Jiang has been traveling abroad for a month, and he has become a key care target in China. Everyone in the country is paying attention to this young man.

A lot of domestic media, even state agencies, and state leaders are watching this young man, wondering what good things this young man will do next, and what this young man will do for this country contributed.

"Young Master Chu, I will definitely remember your words firmly. We are all from the same country. I will definitely remember what Young Master Chu said, and I will definitely help people in our country."

Being able to get this answer, Chu Jiang was already very satisfied.

In fact, many people have a patriotic heart and are particularly willing to help their compatriots. But because all kinds of things are likely to make it have a firm idea, the original firm idea is just dispelled.

After some people extend a helping hand, they will have a great impact on their own lives. After some people extend a helping hand, not only do they not get the gratitude they deserve, but they get ridiculed by the helpee.

After some people choose to lend a helping hand, the person being helped is like a bloodsucker and relies on the person who extended the helping hand. Anyway, there are too many things. Anyway, now I am willing to help for free There are too few other people.

Chu Jiang helped Jiao En. Jiao En has been wise enough for his whole life, and he will definitely be a helpful and selfless person in this life.

Although only one person is very insignificant compared with the world's more than 6 billion people, Chu Jiang's actions have brought more love to the world.

"Well, I am very satisfied to get this answer from you. You don't have to worry too much about the things I help you, and you don't have to take it too seriously. Anyway, you live a good life and do your job well. Work, if you have the ability, you will contribute to the country, that's fine."

After a few words of pleasantries, I hung up the phone.

"Xiao Chu, is that Xiao Jiao calling?"

Zhe Ziyu's parents still have a deep impression on Jiao En. After all, this young man is very helpful, at least he is a patriotic person. What people who travel abroad hope most is to meet their compatriots, and always have common topics with their compatriots. Traveling with their compatriots can always feel the warmth of others.

"Well, he called to ask if we have arrived. It seems that he is still very concerned about our itinerary. He is probably ready to pay attention to whether we will go to Tailing again at any time."

Chu Jiang said with a smile.

Chu Jiang didn't see this as a kind of surveillance.

ps: Today's first update asks for subscription.

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