Shenhao: I Can Cash Back A Hundred Times

Chapter 477 (For Subscription)

As for the consistent style of the American country, Chu Jiang knew very well in his heart that this group of people never obeyed the rules, let alone in the airspace of foreign countries.

When the Razer fighter jets from the U.S. were following Chu Jiang’s plane, Chu Jiang also began to worry, but the Razer fighter jets from the U.S. never made a move, which revealed a signal that the opponent was not here to kill Chu Jiang. , In this way, my life was saved.

However, Chu Jiang obviously misjudged the current situation, because when Chu Jiang's plane began to enter the sky over Bor, the neighboring country of Dubai, the Razer fighter jets of the United States finally showed their fangs and began to attack crazily.

Da da da!

Hearing the sound of gunfire coming from outside the plane, Chu Jiang suddenly felt a little scared. After all, the plane Chu Jiang was flying in was just a civilian plane, how could it withstand the raging bombardment of Razer and "480" planes? Besides, it is in the sky now, if a bullet hits, the plane may crash.

Thinking of these, Chu Jiang also made a decisive decision, preparing to jump off the plane and escape.

At this time, after making up his mind, Chu Jiang put the parachute on his back directly, and then, under the arrangement of his subordinates, he started to walk towards the cabin door.

However, when Chu Jiang and a few of his men walked to the door of the cabin, it happened that a shell hit the plane Chu Jiang was sitting on without any mistakes.

"No! The plane is going to crash! You have to jump out quickly!"

Seeing that the plane was shot, Chu Jiang hurriedly ran to the cabin door, but because the plane was damaged and under strong pressure, Chu Jiang couldn't even take a step, so he was trapped in the cabin.

And just when Chu Jiang was struggling to jump out of the cabin, the Razer fighter jets from the United States were still shooting wildly, obviously not wanting to give Chu Jiang and the others any chance to escape, which made Chu Jiang feel great about Cai Guo hatred.

But even knowing that the other party had bad intentions, Chu Jiang had no choice but to let the plane fall towards the continuous mountains, and he and a group of his subordinates could only be firmly trapped in the plane.

"Is it really over like this? My counterattack life has just entered a wonderful stage, how can it end like this!"

Seeing the plane descending bit by bit, Chu Jiang couldn't help feeling a little regretful in his heart.

Just when Chu Jiang was full of regrets, the plane finally crashed into a mountain range at a very fast speed.


There was only a loud bang, and the moment the plane landed, there was a huge explosion, which shook the entire mountain range and startled countless flying birds.

At this time, the Razer fighter plane of the United States was still hovering in the air, as if worried, until seeing the plane explode and catch fire, it slowly left the mountain range.

And just as the Razer fighter plane from the United States left, Chu Jiang also struggled to climb out of the wreckage of the plane. At this moment, Chu Jiang's body was already covered with blood, making it almost unrecognizable

However, because he still had a breath, Chu Jiang still did not give up, just crawled like this, and finally climbed away from the danger zone, but at this time Chu Jiang was also exhausted, so he passed out soon.

Time passed like this, and when Chu Jiang woke up again, it was already ten o'clock at night, and the sounds of birds and beasts in the mountains could be heard endlessly, which made Chu Jiang feel terrified.

Chu Jiang lying on the ground originally wanted to get up and look around, but after several failed attempts, Chu Jiang finally chose to give up.

"Oh! God, are you playing with me? If you let me survive, why make me crippled!"

At this time, Chu Jiang could clearly feel that his lower body could no longer move, and he had obviously lost consciousness. If this continued, Chu Jiang was not sure when he would die here.

But just when Chu Jiang was a little depressed and his heart was full of anxiety, finally there was a wave of fluctuation in Chu Jiang's mind, and then the sound of the system rang.

"The system is being upgraded! Please do not operate during the system upgrade!"

Hearing the voice in his head at this time, Chu Jiang couldn't help frowning, obviously not understanding what was going on.

Chu Jiang knew very well about the system on his body, but now it jumped out to upgrade, what the hell is this, Chu Jiang was completely at a loss at the moment.

However, when Chu Jiang was lying on the ground, waiting to see what the system would be upgraded to, suddenly there was a rustling sound from the surrounding grass.

"Huh? Who!"

When Chu Jiang heard the sound, the first thing he thought was that someone was approaching, but when Chu Jiang turned his head to look at the grass, he found ten pythons the size of fish slowly crawling out of the grass.

The boa constrictor opened its mouth while spitting out its core, and hissed at Chu Jiang.

Seeing the boa constrictor approaching at this time, Chu Jiang also subconsciously wanted to escape, but when Chu Jiang just wanted to move, he realized that he had been disabled.

"Oh! It's really a leaky house and it's raining all night! It seems that the heavens are really playing tricks on me!"

Seeing that he couldn't move, Chu Jiang finally gave up struggling, but just as Chu Jiang gave up struggling and let the boa constrictor approach, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind not far away.

Just when the sound of the breaking wind sounded, Chu Jiang also saw a slender black shadow rushing towards the boa constrictor, and the next second it was directly inserted into the boa constrictor's eyes, so that the boa constrictor had no time to react , was shot through the head, and was then firmly pinned to the ground.

"Hiss! What an accurate arrow!"

It was only at this time that Chu Jiang saw the scene in front of him clearly through the faint moonlight, so he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

While Chu Jiang sighed, a slender figure also appeared in Chu Jiang's field of vision, and began to walk towards Chu Jiang slowly.

"Who! Don't come here, or don't blame me for being rude!"

2.5 Chu Jiang didn't know who the other party was, so he had no choice but to threaten the other party, but no matter what Chu Jiang threatened, the man ignored him and went straight to Chu Jiang, and then stopped.

At this moment, when Chu Jiang was staring at the man vigilantly, the man also squatted down suddenly, and then directly pulled Chu Jiang up from the ground, and then took off towards the grass like holding a dead pig.

It was also when the figure approached Chu Jiang that Chu Jiang smelled a fragrance from her body, which made Chu Jiang confirm that the other person was a woman.

It's just that Chu Jiang has no way of knowing who the woman is. Since he can't move at this moment, he can only let the other party drag him away from the wreckage of the plane. As for where to drag him, Chu Jiang has no idea.

ps: Today's second update asks for subscription.

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