Everyone's appearance fell into Jiang Dong's eyes, and at this time, Jiang Dong also sternly shouted, "Now, I officially announce that the seven of you have been fired."

The seven heads looked at each other, and it took a long while before they woke up from the shock of being fired.

"Mr. Jiang! Don't!"

"We are loyal to Mr. Jiang..."

"Xingmei, the capital of magic, has come to this point, we have no credit but also hard work!"

"That's right! Mr. Jiang, give me a chance!"

The seven masters begged bitterly.

This time, it was the same Tao Yong who didn't say a word, and kept looking straight at Jiang Dong.

Jiang Dong didn't pay attention to the leaders, but instead looked at Tao Yong with great interest.

"Mr. Jiang..." Tao Yong finally spoke, his tone was unprecedentedly respectful, "Mr. Jiang is definitely not an ordinary person who can make Lin Zhong kneel down!"

"And then?" Jiang Dong looked at Tao Yong with a smile, "Do you have anything to say?"

Tao Yong stood up silently, picked up a glass of mineral water, and said with a very respectful attitude, "Mr. Jiang, I, Tao, was blind and didn't know Mr. Jiang. I, Tao Yong, used water instead of wine, and begged Mr. Jiang's forgiveness." !"

After finishing speaking, Tao Yong drank the mineral water in the water glass, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said in a low voice, as if he had made up his mind, "Mr. ..."

After saying this, Tao Yong glanced around at the other six heads, and finally set his eyes on Jiang Dong, "I am actually an undercover agent arranged by Jin Dongxu in Shanghai, and the purpose is to disturb this place and give Jin Dongxu a chance. Complete the north-south alliance and annex the magical city Xingmei!"

When Tao Yong said this, everyone in the audience was surprised, of course, except Jiang Dong.

Jiang Dong has long known that there is an inner ghost in the head of the sect, and he is the most suspicious of Tao Yong.

It's just that Jiang Dong didn't expect Tao Yong to admit it voluntarily, and he admitted it in public, which made Jiang Dong very comfortable.

Because, Jiang Dong suddenly discovered that Tao Yong is a smart man, and his skill in conspiracies and tricks is even deeper than that of Zhang Qingshan!

"Since you are open and honest, let me reveal some news to you..." Jiang Dong said with a smile: "I am actually the real head of the Dongfang Group!"

When Jiang Dong said these words, the strangest atmosphere of silence appeared so far!

Eastern Bloc!

The hottest new star in Shanghai recently!

Almost the entire business world is discussing the Eastern Group, because it dares to declare war on the Qin Consortium!

Including Zhang Qingshan, the eight masters held their breath and stared intently, they were completely dumbfounded!

After a long while, I don't know who was choked by his saliva, and let out a violent cough, and everyone came back to their senses one after another, and their expressions were also extremely wonderful, which can be shown by human beings. The expression on these eight faces at this time is simply everything that one expects to see!

"Mr. Jiang, since everyone has talked about it, then I have something to say." Tao Yong suppressed the shock in his heart, paused, and continued: "I have seen a future from Mr. Jiang that is limitless. Jiang’s future, so I want to rely on Mr. Jiang, I am willing to return to Longjing, and become Mr. Jiang’s undercover agent buried next to Jin Dongxu, because I believe that Mr. Jiang definitely not only wants to own the magical capital Xingmei!”

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