"Continue." Jiang Dong raised his hand, signaling Tao Yong to continue.

"Mr. Jiang said just now that he wanted to fire us. I don't think this is what Mr. Jiang is thinking." Tao Yong braved up and continued: "Mr. Jiang wants the seven of us to join different shareholders and come to Mr. Jiang Acting as an eyeliner, doing crime and doing meritorious service, right?"

When Tao Yong's words fell, everyone cast horrified looks at him, even Zhang Qingshan stared at him dumbfounded.

But Jiang Dong stood up, looked at Tao Yong with a smile on his face, and gently applauded: "You are interesting."

"Mr. Jiang's ambition is to completely control Xingmei, so I am willing to take the blame and do meritorious service and become Mr. Jiang's pawn!" Tao Yong respectfully bowed to Jiangdong ninety degrees, "I apologize to Mr. Jiang for my previous temptation. "

Jiang Dong looked at Tao Yong with eyes full of admiration, "You deliberately showed your brainlessness and arrogance, just to let me relax my vigilance, but I didn't expect that such an unexpected episode happened in the seaport fishing village, which made you see my true self." Energy, so you decisively chose to join me, I have to say, Tao Yong, you are a smart person, and I am also willing to give smart people a chance..."

Jiangdong's voice fell to the ground, and the other six shareholders expressed their opinions one after another.

"I would also like to be Mr. Jiang's pawn!"

"Me too!"

"I'll go to Tianjing to work as an undercover agent for Mr. Jiang!"

"I'll go to Shencheng to work as an undercover agent for Mr. Jiang!"

This group of people has already started to scramble to be Jiang Dong's undercover agent, which is completely opposite to the previous attitude of wanting to draw a line with Jiang Dong immediately.

Jiang Dong's deterrent power, Lin Zhong's kneeling, and Tao Yong's surrender all became catalysts, and finally completely defeated the fragile hearts of these leaders!

It is no exaggeration to say that they are just a group of dogs now, begging for mercy, begging for forgiveness, and wanting to be a licking dog with a better future!

"You guys, if the errands are done well, I can consider making you the heads of a city, or even a province. After all, you can be regarded as the founding fathers of Xinxingmei." Jiang Dong smiled lightly.

With Jiang Dong's consent, the heads of the group blushed, as if they wished they could fly to their destination immediately and serve as Jiang Dong's undercover agent.

In fact, they ignore two words, considering...

Jiang Dong only said that he was considering it, not affirming it!

Compared to those six, Tao Yong was much calmer. He had already discovered Jiang Dong's word game, but he didn't reveal it.

Because Tao Yong knew in his heart that any promises made by Jiangdong now were empty promises, and they were only eligible to receive rewards if they completed the task.

As for how to reward, it depends on Jiang Dong's mood.

"Mr. Jiang, I will return to Longjing immediately. To the public, I will declare that I have offended Mr. Jiang and was fired by Mr. Jiang." Tao Yong is a smart man, he knows what he should do now.


"I think so too!"

"I mean the same thing as Manager Tao!"

The other six heads echoed.

"Then, let's act!" Jiang Dong waved his hand, "If you have any news, please contact Zhang Qingshan."

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I will definitely complete the task!"

"Definitely live up to the mission!"

"I am willing to go to the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire for Mr. Jiang!"

The six heads left the table one after another, and began to express their loyalty in various ways.

On the contrary, Tao Yong clasped his hands towards Jiangdong without saying a word, and walked out of the private room first.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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