After Tao Yong, the six sect masters also left one after another.

In a blink of an eye, only Jiang Dong, Ning Siqi, Zhang Qingshan, and those three unconscious dandies were left in the private room.

"Mr. Jiang..." Everyone left, Zhang Qingshan let go of his words, and he was even complacent because he became Jiang Dong's confidant, "Let me confirm again, our goal is to take down the entire Xingmei, yes Bar?"

Zhang Qingshan still can't believe it, although Xingmei is sunset, but after all, it is a listed company with a market value of 5 billion, and one person monopolizes all the shares, Zhang Qingshan really can't believe it.

"Look at your potential." Jiang Dong glared at Zhang Qingshan, "What's the point of taking down the entire Xingmei? I want to take down the Longguo cinema world!"

"This..." Zhang Qingshan's hand trembled, he couldn't hold the water glass firmly, and almost fell to the ground.

"Didn't you mention Xingmei's two major problems before?" Jiang Dong said casually: "In terms of resources, the entertainment company under Dongfang Group can help you solve them, and you can rest assured about internal conflicts. Now Xingmei, the magic capital, is yours." You have the final say, you don't have to report to me, as for Xingmei as a whole, at the latest three months, I will help you to be the president of China Film Xingmei."


Zhang Qingshan finally couldn't hold back, and the water glass in his hand still couldn't escape the fate of being broken.

"That's promising!" Jiang Dong curled his lips.

It's normal for Zhang Qingshan to be frightened, after all, not everyone has a system.

Xingmei's market value is 5 billion. For Zhang Qingshan, that is an astronomical figure that is out of reach, but for Jiang Dong, it is just a five-day check-in.

Having a system is so arrogant!

Zhang Qingshan laughed awkwardly, Jiang Dong ignored him, turned to look at Ning Siqi, "Siqi..."

It was only then that Jiang Dong discovered that Ning Siqi, who had never said a word from the beginning to the end, had not yet come out of the shock that Jiang Dong had brought her. It's like going on an out-of-body fugue.

"Siqi!" Jiang Dong couldn't help raising his voice, and finally brought Ning Siqi back to reality from the fugue.

"Ah! You called me?" Ning Siqi stared blankly at Jiang Dong.

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Dong pinched Ning Siqi's pretty face and said.

"No..." Ning Siqi shook her head, and couldn't help muttering: "Unexpectedly, Dongfang Group is also yours?"

"There are so many things you can't think of! Get to know it slowly! I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it once I've said it all at once!" Jiang Dong waved his hand, "Come on, let's eat, the food is cold."

The three of them began to savor this expensive seafood feast.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door of the private room.

Zhang Qingshan yelled "Please come in", the door was pushed open, the fat manager pushed the dining car himself, walked in with a charming smile, and glanced at the three top dudes who were unconscious on the ground with lingering fear.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Zhang, and this beautiful lady, because of our hotel's dereliction of duty, I have come here to make amends." The fat manager's attitude is called humility. The guys kept bending at a forty-five-degree angle, giving people a feeling that they were going to kneel at any time.

"Hey!" Zhang Qingshan laughed coldly, "What kind of drama is the fat manager singing? This time, you won't be helping others?"

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