"Mr. Zhang was joking, and I was forced to do nothing!" The fat manager said flatteringly, "No, after the matter is settled, I will come to apologize immediately, and my boss will arrive soon..."

"Speaking of your boss, I don't think I've met him once?" Zhang Qingshan snorted coldly.

"My boss is nicknamed a cook, but I've never seen it before..." The fat manager flattered him, "I also hope that Mr. Jiang and Mr. Zhang, there are a lot of adults, regardless of past suspicions, just let me go as a fart!"

The implication of the fat manager's words is, don't let him wear small shoes in front of his boss and cook, otherwise, he will be completely ruined.

"I wanted to climb a high branch but I didn't. Now I want to stay in the fishing village in the harbor and continue working?" Zhang Qingshan sneered: "You think well?"

"Mr. Zhang was joking..." The fat manager didn't even dare to breathe, so he could only smile apologetically.

"Don't worry, if your boss comes here, I will definitely suggest that your boss fire you." Zhang Qingshan smiled and said coldly: "You, you can get out now!"

"Mr. Zhang! Don't!" The fat manager's feet softened, and he knelt down directly, completely losing his previous arrogant appearance.

"Get out!" Zhang Qingshan was really affected by Jiang Dong, he stood up directly, kicked the fat man to the ground, picked up the food from the dining car and threw it at the fat man.

Unknowingly, Zhang Qingshan also started to become violent, but it would be weird if a fat man didn't get beaten.

After beating the fat man hard, Zhang Qingshan also vented his anger, and the fat man rolled out of the private room with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Pay attention to your image, there is no need for such a small person to face him in person." Jiang Dong began to point out Zhang Qingshan, "There must be a pattern."

"Yes! Mr. Jiang! I'm impulsive!" Zhang Qingshan responded to Jiang Dong submissively.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Dong is now a god in Zhang Qingshan's eyes!

Not to mention Jiangdong's previous performance, but after the Dongfang Group's identity was revealed, Zhang Qingshan was already full of admiration for Jiangdong.

After all, no one dares to give back to the society by burning money, let alone declare war on the Qin family!

"I'm not blaming you, I just want to tell you that if you just started to fight against Lin Zhong and these three guys, then there's nothing wrong with it, understand?" Jiang Dong followed suit.

"Is that so..." Zhang Qingshan frowned and pondered, as if carefully savoring every word Jiang Dong said.

"Hee hee!" Ning Siqi on the side couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckled, and whispered to Jiang Dong: "Why do I feel that you are teaching him to do bad things?"

Jiang Dong smirked, "Doing bad things? Don't worry! We'll finish dealing with the matter here, let's go back to Aman Yangyun and continue doing bad things."

"Oh! I'm ignoring you!" Ning Siqi pinched Jiang Dong hard, turned around and started fighting with the blue lobster.

While a few people were chatting and laughing, the door of the private room rang again, and this time it was not a knock, but a push!

I saw that two middle-aged men in suits and ties entered the private room angrily, accompanied by two middle-aged men in suits and ties, one tall and one short.


"Little Han!"

The two men ran to Zuo Long and Li Han, who were lying unconscious on the ground, their shouts were so miserable that they could even be described as heartbreaking.

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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