On the contrary, the two of them, one tall and one short, stared at Jiangdong intently. The eyes of these two people flashed with killing intent, the kind of killing intent that had really killed people!

"Don't worry, get rid of them right away, and we'll go back to Aman Yun." Jiang Dong squeezed Ning Siqi's weak and boneless little hand, completely ignoring Zuo's father and Li's father.

Ning Siqi covered her forehead while shopping in a very speechless manner, Jiang Dong has such a big heart!

"Boy!" Father Zuo got up angrily, pointed at Jiang Dong and shouted coldly: "You crazy devil, you actually hit my son so hard?"

"Is it heavy?" Jiang Dong curled his lips disapprovingly, "Isn't it just that half of his face has collapsed? You send him to the hospital, and by the way, he can restore his face and make your son more handsome. You should thank me! "

"Fuck!" Father Zuo couldn't help cursing angrily, he has completely lost his mind now, "Brother Gao, abolish him for me!"

As soon as Father Zuo finished speaking, the tall man rushed towards Jiang Dong without saying a word!

This man surnamed Gao is really skilled, with a few taps of his toes, he has already jumped onto the dining table, and a pair of iron claws directly attacked Jiangdong's front door!

I have to say that the skill of this man surnamed Gao has reached Xu Yang's level, and he can barely be called a martial arts practitioner. It's a pity that he met Xiuzhen today...

Jiang Dong just raised his eyelids casually, then quickly grabbed the wrist of the man surnamed Gao like lightning, and pulled the man surnamed Gao back in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Dong stood up suddenly, his shoulders sank, and he sent forward, hitting the man surnamed Gao hard on the chest!



With a muffled sound and a piercing sound of broken bones, the man surnamed Gao flew out backwards!

It took off from the round table, followed the open door of the private room, and finally fell directly into the corridor!

"Ah!" The man surnamed Gao uttered a soul-stirring scream, which was so miserable that it seemed to tear his vocal cords.

The screams in the corridor continued to echo, but in the private room, there was complete silence, and a needle could be heard.

Father Zuo, Father Li, and the short bodyguard all stared at Jiang Dong with shocking eyes, because none of the three of them expected that the man surnamed Gao couldn't even handle Jiang Dong's move, and was almost beaten by Jiang Dong on the spot die!

This kind of visual impact and sensory shock is really terrifying!

"This...Brother Gao can't even take one move from him?" The short middle-aged man came back to his senses and looked around in a panic, as if he didn't know what he should do at this moment.

"How is that possible?" Father Zuo shouted in despair, "Brother Gao is a master mercenary in the Refei Continent, and ordinary special forces are no match for him!"

Zuo's father's words reminded the short middle-aged man, as if he had found a way out in an instant, he hurriedly clasped his fists at Father Li, "Leader Li, I'm sorry, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so I won't accompany you."

Before the words fell, the short middle-aged man had already run away...


What a joke!

The short middle-aged man is about the same strength as the man surnamed Gao, and the man surnamed Gao can't even take Jiang Dong's move, so why should he fight Jiang Dong?

Running is the best choice for short middle-aged people!

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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