Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1006 Young and frivolous, the winner is king

In less than a minute, the two masters brought by Zuo and Li fled.

This change really caught the two of them by surprise.

After a long while, the stunned Zuo and Li woke up in shock. However, after waking up, the two of them no longer had the arrogance they had before.

Father Zuo pointed at Jiang Dong tremblingly, without any confidence in his words, "You are Jiang Dong? Aren't you afraid of the Zuo Group's revenge?"

"Zuo's Group? I've never heard of it! Is it awesome? Even better than Qin's?" Jiang Dong curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Qin Yun was beaten twice by me. Do you think your son is better than Qin Yun?" Multiple heads or something else?"

"I..." Father Zuo was speechless for a moment.

He had heard some rumors about Jiang Dong and the Qin family, but he didn't understand the overall situation. After all, Zuo's group was not among the six major families. There were some things that Zuo's father could not touch at this level.

Taking another step back, Jiang Dong beat Qin Yun twice, and now he is still eating and drinking here alive and well, and beat Zuo Long, what can Zuo's father do to him?

Zuo's father was defeated, and Li's father continued to fight.

"Jiangdong, I'm Li Linhai." Father Li declared his family name, and said in a cold voice, "I don't have any influence in the world, and I don't have any financial support, but I am the leader of Dongpu District, and I have heard about you. Your coming to Dongpu District means that you want to develop in Dongpu District, but don't worry, with me here, there is no place for you in Dongpu District!"

Zuo's father was manipulated to death by Jiang Dong, but Li Linhai was different from them, Li Linhai was truly powerful!

"I don't have a place in Dongpu District? That's easy!" Jiang Dong was still full of disdain, "I disabled all the major consortiums in Dongpu District, causing the economy and trade in Dongpu District to decline exponentially. You The performance of the company is not good, and it is estimated that I will be dismissed. Then I will go to your hostile camp. Any urban area, commercial area, or Luzui area can be invested. I will bring Xingmei and Let's go over with the Dongfang Group, do you think the big leaders over there will spread out the red carpet and put up fireworks to welcome me?"

"I..." Li Linhai wanted to curse now.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Dong's words directly hit Li Linhai's sore spot and vital point!

Li Linhai thought about it, and suddenly laughed, "Jiangdong, young people are young after all, too aggressive, it's okay to be young and frivolous, but there must be a limit to being crazy, okay?"

"I don't know what it means to be young and frivolous, I only know that the winner is king!" Jiang Dong was so arrogant, at this moment, he seemed to be the omnipotent master!

Faced with Jiang Dong's aura, Li Linhai couldn't help being taken aback, it was the first time he had seen such a confident young man!

Not to mention young people, even Zuo Fu, a veteran in the business world, was overwhelmed by Li Linhai in terms of aura, but this Jiang Dong, who was obviously younger than Li Han, was able to counteract Li Linhai in aura. It even boosted Zhang Qingshan's aura, making Zhang Qingshan no longer afraid of Li Linhai...

This son is definitely not something in the pool!

If there was no such thing as Li Han, Li Linhai really wanted to win over Jiangdong with all his heart.

It's a pity that the only son was beaten to the point of disfigurement, Li Linhai wanted to seek justice for Li Han no matter what!

"Humph!" Li Linhai settled down and snorted coldly, "Do you know how many consortiums there are in Dongpu District? Do you think you can beat them all up? Don't say anything else, let's just talk about the six major families. Which one can you deal with? I heard that your Eastern Group and the Qin Consortium have declared war? You can deal with the Qin Consortium first, then come and shout at me!"

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