This is completely a threat from Chiguoguo!

Jiang Dong didn't take Lin's seriously at all!


Crazy to boundless!

Lin Yi's hand trembled for no reason, and he calmed down, he still opened the door and walked out of the private room.

"Let's go too." Jiang Dong stood up and said indifferently: "All the people who should come have come, and the atmosphere here is indeed not suitable for eating. Why don't you go to a roadside stall."

"Okay!" Zhang Qingshan obeyed Jiang Dong's words, without further ado, he got up and opened the door of the private room for Jiang Dong and Ning Siqi, and invited them out respectfully.

This matter has already come to an end, but when Jiangdong walked out of the fishing village in the seaport and walked into the parking lot, he unexpectedly ran into an interesting person...

This man looked to be about forty years old, and his vest, shorts, flip-flops made him stand out, and he was standing in front of Ning Siqi's Porsche 911, as if he was looking at the car.

The three of Jiang Dong approached suspiciously, and looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously.

"Little brother is Jiangdong, right?" The middle-aged man with a square face and beard stretched out his callused right hand, intending to shake hands with Jiangdong, "Your humble cook, the owner of this hotel, or in other words, many hotels in Modu. It is my property."

Jiang Dong didn't shake hands with him, just stared at him without saying a word, because Jiang Dong felt a dangerous aura from him.

"Hey..." The cook withdrew his right hand without any embarrassment, "That fat man who offended my little brother has already been thrown into the sea by me to feed the fish."

As soon as the cook said this, let alone Zhang Qingshan and Ning Siqi, even Jiang Dong was taken aback.

So Shen Jiang feeds the fish?

Too arrogant?

Jiang Dong secretly remembered this person in his heart, but he said lightly: "Really? That's really a pity!"

"Are you sorry? You don't regret it at all!" The cook raised the corner of his mouth, showing a sullen smile, "I give you face, so you have to give me face too?"

"How to say?" Jiang Dong frowned, it seems that this guy is not a good person.

"Fatty died, I gave you face, but Fatty's death made me lose a right-hand man, what should I do with this matter?" The cook looked at Jiang Dong with a half-smile.

"Right-hand assistant?" Jiang Dong recalled Fatty's face and couldn't help laughing.

Now the matter is very clear, the cook is an enemy and not a friend, and he came here to find trouble, and use Fatty's life to exchange him for being famous as a teacher, which is very in line with the style of a gangster!

"Are you doubting my vision of people?" The cook said displeased.

"Well, I'm very suspicious." Jiang Dong didn't talk nonsense, since the relationship was made clear, there was nothing to talk about, what the other party wanted to do, Jiang Dong just followed.

"It's useless for you to doubt!" The cook said decisively: "I have written down this matter. I haven't figured out how to get justice with you. Wait for my news!"

After leaving these words, the cook walked out of the parking lot unsteadily.

"Is there something wrong with this person?" Zhang Qingshan couldn't help muttering.

"Don't worry about him, let's eat first!" Jiang Dong didn't want to cause too much psychological pressure on Zhang Qingshan and Ning Siqi, so he changed the subject directly, and let the two continue to treat the cook as ordinary people.

Afterwards, Zhang Qingshan got into the BMW, Jiang Dong and Ning Siqi got into the Porsche, and the two cars drove away from the seaport fishing village one after the other.

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