Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1011 The Twelve Heroes of the Demon City

Inside the Porsche.

Ning Siqi blamed herself and said, "Dongdong, did I cause trouble for you?"

"What trouble did you cause me? They asked for it themselves!" Jiang Dong comforted Ning Siqi, "Silly girl, don't think too much, this matter has nothing to do with you. Some people make mistakes and they need to be punished." As a human being, sometimes you can't be too kind, and you can't be too considerate of others, it's easy to hurt yourself, understand?"

"Yeah." Ning Siqi didn't say much, just nodded lightly, absent-mindedly followed the BMW 760 in front, and walked through the night in the magic city.

Jiang Dong knew that Ning Siqi would not be able to pass this hurdle in a short time, so he didn't mention it again, and casually sent a message of prestige to the rich man.

"Cook, have you heard of it? The owner of the seaport fishing village claims to have many hotels under his name." Jiang Dong is very curious about the identity of the cook, but apart from the rich man, it seems that no one can find out the identity of the cook.

To say that this rich man is worthy of being the person in charge of the ghost organization in Shanghai, the news network did not blow it out. In just a few minutes, a piece of information was sent to Jiangdong's mobile phone.

"Cook, one of the twelve heroes of the Devil's City."

"The Twelve Heroes of the Devil's City are all big men who have been famous for a long time in the Jianghu. Although they have not asked about Jianghu affairs for many years, there are still legends about these twelve big men in the Jianghu. It's just that ordinary people don't know it at all. Only people with high grades or real status have heard of it.”

"The Twelve Heroes of the Demon City..."

"Shen Fist and Iron Palm Crazy Hao."

"A gentleman with a golden sword and silver gun laughs."

"Cook Judge Du Ershao."

"Mr. Chu Erpao, a carpenter."

"Among them, the lunatic Hao with the fist and iron palm, and the gentleman with the golden sword and silver gun smiled. These six have disappeared for many years, and among the last six, Chu Erpao has also withdrawn from the arena. It is said that he has lived a secluded life. Only cooks, judges, and sirs , Carpenter and Du Ershao are still showing their true colors."

"This cook behaves perversely. He never plays cards according to the routine. No one knows what he wants to do."

"One thing to say, the chef's skill must not be underestimated, otherwise it would be impossible to rank seventh among the twelve heroes!"

In the end, the rich man added this sentence, "Mr. Jiang, you must be confronting the cook, right?"

After reading the prestige sent by the rich man, Jiang Dong calmly responded to a line of text, "I met him just now, it seems that he is planning to touch me."

"Lying grass!" The rich man typed these two words directly, and also added a horrified expression, "Mr. Jiang, this matter is not trivial. I will try to find a relationship and see if I can reconcile."

"Reconciliation?" Jiang Dong responded puzzled: "If he wants to fight, then fight. What is reconciliation?"

"Mr. Jiang, you don't know the energy of the Twelve Heroes. Wei Ding and Sha Kun from Nanxian District are younger brothers in front of the Twelve Heroes!" Is there any gangster family in Dongpu District that dominates? No? That’s because there are twelve heroes in Dongpu District, so no younger generation dares to take the lead! Dongpu District and Nanxian District, which is poor in comparison, It's not in the same class at all, Twelve Heroes, I don't like places like Nanxian District!"

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?" Jiang Dong didn't particularly believe what the rich man said.

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