When Qin Yuanyang saw Jiangdong's second Weibo clearly, he forgot all about elegance and calmness, and stood up from the sofa directly, swearing indistinctly.

"Lying grass! Jiangdong is looking for death! What do you mean by riding a horse? How dare you play like this? In a few days, the theater industry and the entertainment industry will attack you, and you will die without a place to die!" Qin Yuanyang's veins burst out, like an angry tiger.

What happened to Jiangdong's second Weibo?

There is a lot of content, but it is very exciting...

"Regarding the price reduction of Xingmei in Shanghai, it was indeed ordered by me."

"I just want to ask you people, what does my price reduction have to do with you? I am willing to lose money to benefit the society so that everyone can see the latest movies, and has nothing to do with you? If you don't accept it, you will also lower the price!"

"I am not only targeting Qin's Lightspeed Cinemas, but also all of you, including the big names in the entertainment industry and the theater industry. If you don't agree, let's start a price war. Whoever loves you is the grandson!"

"I dare to give 50% off today, 40% off tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow I dare eight theaters to be free at the same time, and even give away breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you don't agree, let's meet in real life and quarrel online?"

"Also, I'm going to kill Qin's Lightspeed Theater this time, and those who don't like me can go together, and see who can consume more energy than whom!"

"As for the actors in the entertainment industry, don't quarrel here. They have nothing else in their eyes except money? Anyone who cooperates with Shanghai Xingmei should see that they have contracts, and those who need Xingmei to lose money directly Find Zhang Qingshan, and I will just pay for it!"

Jiandong's remarks directly detonated the Internet, and even the entire Dragon Kingdom!

Can a person be so arrogant?

Has it started a full-scale war with the Longguo theater industry and the entertainment industry?

And you have to challenge two fields with your own strength?

It is absolutely unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future. Even Shuangma and Zhang Yiming dare not play like this!

But what is Jiang Dong afraid of?

His current property is too small, and all of them can be regarded as invulnerable.

The Eastern Group only has insurance and entertainment, insurance is still burning money, no one is competing, entertainment is self-examination and self-examination of tax evasion, "Dragon Tooth" is a big IP that can make money without losing money, and now there is another If you have your own theater chain, there is even less room to start.

To put it bluntly, this is called barefoot who is not afraid to wear shoes!

However, Jiang Dong, who is temporarily barefoot, has a system that can get 1 billion scary gods for signing in a day!

So what is he to be afraid of?

If you don't accept it, come and touch it in reality, and you're done!

Jiangdong's second Weibo, because of the Internet explosion, comments and reposts have reached a terrifying level of tens of millions and millions of times, and the traffic of the entire Weibo app has also broken through history and entered a new era. A whole new level!

"Lying grass! Are you so arrogant? Declare war on the entire department, industry and entertainment industry?"

"I'm afraid this guy doesn't know how to write the word 'death'?"

"The peerless Bee King is none other than him!"

"Wait for this peerless Bee King to be slapped in the face!"

The trolls started to leave comments under Jiangdong's second Weibo.

There are yin and yang in the world, and there are trolls, so there are heroes.

In the face of the crazy trolls from the trolls, stay rational, and Internet heroes who have a very positive outlook stand up...

【Wanben Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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