"Shut up you trolls! The chairman of Dongfang Group is giving back to the society. If you have the ability, don't go until Xingmei is free!"

"Upstairs is correct!"

"Just look at the Dongfang Group. They gave the martyr who saved and sacrificed a lot of money, and arranged for the martyr's family. How can such a person full of positive energy become the king of beeps when he gets to the mouth of the trolls? "

"I advise the trolls to keep their mouths on the ground, and don't let the violence on the Internet intensify!"

"I support Dongfang Group and Magic Capital Xingmei!"

"A big guy who speaks so down-to-earth, I can't find a reason not to support him!"

"The chairman of Dongfang Group is the real capitalist with feelings!"

In line with the purpose of spreading positive energy, the Internet heroes quickly silenced the trolls.

Not only that, but the fame and reputation of the Dongfang Group reached a new height with the help of the network prawns!

At this time, Jiang Dong personally went off to fight against the trolls...

Jiangdong soon released the third Weibo.

"You trolls, if you have the guts to private message me your name and the last four digits of your ID card, Xingmei, the capital city, will refuse your admission, and you will be blacklisted in any field after the Eastern Group, including your relatives , will also be blacklisted!"

"Just ask if you dare?"

"I will educate you today, there is a price to be paid for cyber violence!"

"Don't think that you can spray casually on the Internet!"

As soon as the third Weibo was issued, the trolls were instantly speechless, and the Internet heroes who supported Jiangdong immediately gained the advantage and began to counterattack frantically.

I'm afraid that the only piece of net pure land in the entire Dragon Kingdom should be Weibo in Jiangdong at this time!

Ten minutes later, Jiang Dong posted a fourth Weibo, "After ten minutes of waiting, I found out that the trolls are just the kings of mouth, and no one dared to private message me in the background. You said, you guys are here for 50% off A troll whose movie tickets are all over his waist, how can he have the courage to use the keyboard to point the country?"


"Go away, brainless scumbag!"

"The trolls only dare to bark on the Internet. If you leave the network cable and keyboard, they are useless!"

"I support the chairman of Dongfang Group! The Internet is not a place outside the law!"

"Proposal for a set of cyber laws."

"The mouth is actually an invisible knife that kills people!"

While the Internet heroes are celebrating their victory, the group of capitalists who think they are standing at the top of the pyramid are fidgeting...

After Qin Yuanyang finished reading Jiangdong's second Weibo, his whole person became bad.

He never thought that there would be such an arrogant person in the world, but this extremely arrogant guy is still targeting Qin's Lightspeed Theater!

Involuntarily, an ominous premonition rose in Qin Yuanyang's heart...

In addition to Qin's consortium, the entire theater industry and the entertainment industry have also been fried.

Various consortiums, enterprises, bosses, and heroes all began to contact each other. It was Jiang Dong who made their relationship closer, and there was even a trend of cooperation, including the private phone calls between Qin Yuanyang and Qin Yuanhang, which were almost blown up. up...

According to the current situation, it is a certainty that the departments, industries and entertainment circles will unite to deal with Jiangdong, but just when everyone thought that the "Anti-Jiang Alliance" was about to be established, something happened again...

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