Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1033: The Mystery of the Key (Part 2)

"According to Brother Dong, I took this key and went to Mrs. Lin for help."

"It was nothing at first, and everything went smoothly. Lin Yi also specially appointed Uncle Gui, Lin's big housekeeper, to assist us in investigating the key."

"But the accident happened to Uncle Gui's expression after he saw the key. How should I describe it? Shocked, even shocking! That's almost what it means!"

"Although Uncle Gui quickly hid his emotions, I still caught him. I'm sure Uncle Gui must have this key!"

"I didn't get Brother Dong's order, so I didn't dare to make a decision on my own, so I continued to investigate..."

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Dong interrupted Xu Yang, "When did you give the key to that noble uncle?"

"Two days ago, that is, the day before yesterday!" Xu Yang replied without thinking.

"Two days ago... Lin Yi's attitude..." Jiang Dong seemed to understand something, but there was no definite proof yet.

Lin Zhong was almost sentenced to death by Jiang Dong yesterday. Under such circumstances, Lin Yi did not turn against Jiang Dong, but went back to discuss with the family leader...

Jiang Dong had long realized that Lin Yi's actions were abnormal. Even if Jiang Dong or the Dongfang Group could be of use to Lin, it wouldn't make Lin Yi make such a concession, right?

After all, Lin Zhong is the direct descendant of the Lin family, and Lin Yi's own cousin. Even if Qin Yun wanted Lin Zhong's life, Lin Yi would not hesitate to turn his face in public. It was a matter of Lin's face, so naturally Lin Yi would not take it easy. back down.

But the actual situation is that Lin Yi gave in before Jiang Dong...

Although Jiang Dong didn't have any definite evidence, he was almost certain that Lin's attitude was definitely related to the if that suddenly appeared in front of Uncle Gui!

As Xu Yang said, the secret hidden behind this weapon is no small matter!

"Go ahead." Jiang Dong cleared up the train of thought in his mind, and asked Xu Yang to continue.

"Yes." Xu Yang nodded and continued: "With the assistance of Mrs. Lin, after two days of investigation, we have found the store that made this key. The locksmith who made this key back then is still alive, and the old man recognized this key, in the old business district of Dongpu District!"

"Tell me in detail, where is the old business district?" Jiang Dong was extremely nervous, and even clenched his fists uncontrollably.

"The old man doesn't know exactly where it is. He only knows that Dongpu District was newly developed at that time, and several shopping malls were built, and this key was one of the door locks purchased by those shopping malls!" Xu Yang said. The voice couldn't help but lowered a little, "I have narrowed down the scope to three shopping malls in the past few days, namely Qin's, Du's and Lin's, and these three shopping malls are too old and are currently facing demolition!"

"Huh..." Jiang Dong let out a heavy breath. Since he got the system, he has never been so nervous. "Check it out right away, I want you to narrow down the scope!"

"Yes!" Xu Yang nodded heavily, "The purpose of my coming to Dongfang Bar is to ask Brother Dong for instructions on what to do next. I was about to call Brother Dong when Brother Dong came."

"Go!" Jiang Dong waved his hand, impatiently wanting to send Xu Yang away, "Whether you are short of money or lack of people, just tell me that you can buy any property and people under my name anytime, anywhere Unconditional deployment!"

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