Compared to this key, the battle of burning money is simply a trivial matter that cannot be put on the table!

And Jiang Dong's words can be regarded as giving Xu Yang a Shangfang sword in disguise, pushing Xu Yang to the second position of Jiangdong Group, although it is only temporary.

"Don't worry, Brother Dong, I will definitely handle this matter well!" Xu Yang clasped his fists towards Jiang Dong, solemnly agreed, and left the Oriental Bar in a hurry.

After Xu Yang left, Jiang Dong recovered for a long time before his beating heart returned to normal.

Now, we can only look at Xu Yang, no matter how anxious Jiang Dong is, it will not help, as for Lin's...

A flash of inspiration flashed in Jiang Dong's mind, and he thought of another good way. He and Xu Yang worked together, maybe they could really find the secret of the key in the shortest time!

But this method has a premise, that is to win this money-burning battle, subdue the six major families in the city, or make the Dongfang Group the seventh largest force in the city, only in this way can Jiangdong truly deter the Lin family!

After sorting out the excitement and nervousness, Jiang Dong returned to the booth where Zheng Yi and Dao Scarqiang were.

"Brother Dong!" Zheng Yi hurriedly poured Jiang Dong a glass of juice. Zheng Yi knew that Jiang Dong would not drink easily, so he didn't persuade him. Dao Scar Qiang didn't dare to touch the wine glass in front of him, and just drank mineral water there.

"Drinking for most of the day? Are you idle?" Jiang Dong curled his lips and glanced at the wine glasses placed in front of Zheng Yi and the others.

"Brother Dong, you also know that there is only one Sha Kun left in Nanxian District who is struggling to support us, and he is not our opponent at all!" Zheng Yi said with a bold smile: "After we deal with Wei Ding, Wei Ding's manpower, And some small forces have joined us, Brother Dong, don’t you know that our current influence in Nanxian District has definitely surpassed that of Wei Ding back then, even Sha Kun dared not compete with us!”

"You!" Jiang Dong glared at Zheng Yi, "Do you know how to be prepared for danger in times of peace?"

"Uh..." Zheng Yi was stared at by Jiang Dong, sobered up in an instant, quickly put away all the wine on the table, and reprimanded A Le in a pretentious manner, "I told you not to drink it, but you still want to drink it."

"It's what you want to drink." The long hair that cherished words like gold decisively exposed Zheng Yi's lie.

"Hey..." Zheng Yi scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay, let's get down to business!" Jiang Dong also shook his head helplessly, "Last time I asked you to investigate your enemy, how did the investigation go?"

"Brother Dong, we have already found out, or we don't need to investigate at all. We will never forget that group of people!" The bold smile on Zheng Yi's face disappeared, replaced by a cold and chilling intention, " The person who drove us out of Shanghai is the owner of Yunding Manor, known in the world as the cook!"

"Pfft!" Hearing Zheng Yi's words, Jiangdong was unoccupied, and he sprayed the juice out of his mouth.


The boss of Yunding Manor?

This is really a narrow road for enemies!


It can't be said that the enemy's road is narrow, but that the cook did it deliberately!

Zheng Yi made such a big commotion in Nanxian District, waving the flag with great fanfare, how could the cook not know?

That's why the cook directly declared war on Jiangdong in the fishing village of the harbor!

However, Jiang Dong still had a question that he didn't want to understand... The cook is one of the twelve heroes of the Devil's City, how could he possibly get into a fight with a small person like Zheng Yi?

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