Shenhao Sign-in System: Starting From 9 Yuan and 9 Seconds Kill

Chapter 1041 Shenhaodong, is it a waste of fame?

When he was in Wucheng before, Wucheng had already done it for him, otherwise Jiangdong would transfer tens of millions to hundreds of millions at will!

Hearing Jiang Dong's words, Sun Dazhi felt like a thorn in his throat, but he was not reconciled, and offered preferential terms, "Mr. Jiang, we are willing to provide Mr. Jiang with an interest-free loan..."

"Do I owe you that little interest? Besides, I burn so much money that I don't need a loan at all!" Jiang Dong said calmly.

"I... Huhu..." Sun Dazhi was already about to collapse, "Mr. Jiang, interest-free loans are the sweet pastry that the major groups are vying for, and even the six major families of the Magic City will not refuse!"

"That's easy, you just need to understand me as someone who is better than the six big families." Jiang Dong joked.

What level of hero is this riding horse?

Better than the six major families of the Modu?

Sun Dazhi panicked!

But in Jiang Dong's eyes, interest-free loans are a sign of contempt!

Who wants to get a loan?

Brother Dong just has a lot of money!

Could it be that Shenhaodong has earned his name in vain?

and many more!

Do the six major families need interest-free loans?

"Come on, don't talk nonsense with me, I'll deposit another 1 billion for you tomorrow." Jiang Dong thought of one thing, but he had to appease Sun Dazhi first.

"Again? What Mr. Jiang means is that Wu Cheng's money will not be moved?" Sun Dazhi's three views have been completely shattered by Jiang Dong.

"If I don't spend money, I definitely won't move! By the way, you can get me a card, if there is no limit, a card that can be transferred tens of billions a day!" Jiang Dong began to arrange for Sun Dazhi Mission gone.

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, I have the authority to do this, and I will definitely do it!" Sun Dazhi is also the leader of Nanxian District, and Shanghai is not an ordinary place. As a leader, I feel that I have this level of authority, "Is there any other orders for Mr. Jiang?"

The annual deposit amount is linked to the year-end bonuses of Sun Dazhi and his subordinate employees. It is no exaggeration to say that Jiangdong is now the God of Wealth for Sun Dazhi and all his employees. I'm afraid God of Wealth won't make a request...

Jiang Dong has no request for the time being, but there will still be in the future...

"By the way, I remembered one thing." Jiang Dong asked Sun Dazhi with a half-smile, "Do the six major families in Shanghai also need loans?"

"Mr. Jiang, the six major families definitely need a loan!" Sun Dazhi patiently explained to Jiang Dong: "It must be better to do business with other people's money than to do business with your own money? What matters now is cash." Liu, who would think that they have a lot of money? Besides, the bank interest rate is not high, and there is no interest policy. I have worked in this industry for so many years. The richer people are, the less they will deposit money in the bank. ..."

At this point, Sun Dazhi quickly added, "Of course, Mr. Jiang must be an exception."

"You guy, your words are quite pleasant." Jiang Dong curled his lips.

"Hey! I'm telling the truth, how could there be such a saying, the richer the richer!" Sun Dazhi and Jiang Dong chatted, "But this era has subverted this saying , Those Internet celebrity anchors who don’t know a single word are getting rich one after another, this is a kind of irony to the real society, tell me, Mr. Jiang, what should we do to those students and scientific researchers who are studying hard?”

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