"What you said is right and wrong. The rise of Internet celebrities is an inevitable phenomenon. Although I don't like them, the country will definitely introduce policies to rectify them. And how many of the students you mentioned are approved. What about scum in human skin? In a sense, those Internet celebrity anchors and those scum in human skin are all scum!"

"Yes! Mr. Jiang is right! What a wise saying!"

"Okay, let me ask you again..." Jiang Dong immediately stopped Sun Dazhi's flattering behavior, "What is the annual deposit amount of your party?"

"We don't have many branches in Nanxian District, 3 billion, but there are more in the other districts, the highest is almost 5 billion!" Sun Dazhi didn't know why, but he still told Jiangdong the truth.

"Okay, I got it, I'll save money for you tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, Jiang Dong hung up the phone directly. As for how happy Sun Dazhi on the other end of the phone was, it doesn't matter about Jiang Dong, because Jiang Dong passed this unexpected episode. , Thinking of another bureau.

"Brother Dong, do you have any ideas?" Dao Baqiang sneaked a sneak peek at Jiang Dong. Although he hadn't been with Jiang Dong for a long time, he knew that Jiang Dong would never chat with a bank president like this for no reason. For a long time, there must be something!

"I have an idea, but now is not the time." Jiang Dong responded to Dao Scarqiang while checking the text messages on his mobile phone. The 1 billion transfer from the Wucheng Branch of Longguo Bank has already arrived. "Let's go, go to Xingmei."

"Okay!" Dao Baqiang stepped on the accelerator hard, and the Mercedes-Benz G63 sped away immediately.

An hour later, Jiang Dong had successfully appeared at Xingmei Cinemas in Dongpu District.

How to describe the grand occasion in front of Jiangdong?

Inside the entire Xingmei theater chain, there has been a long serpentine queue, even in the corridors of the shopping mall. The number of people who came to watch the movie is so large that Jiangdong's scalp is numb!

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?" Jiang Dong secretly gasped.

"Brother Dong, we are now offering a 10% off fare, which is no different from free admission. It would be strange if there are fewer people!" Dao Scarqiang was eager to try, "It's been so many years, I haven't seen a movie with Ayu, how about Taking advantage of the lowest movie ticket price in history, watch one?"

"See how promising you are!" Jiang Dong glared at Dao Baqiang, "Go, bring me Zhang Qingshan!"

"Okay!" Dao Scar sneered, and with his strong body, forced his way into the Xingmei Theater.

After more than ten minutes, Dao Baqiang and Zhang Qingshan struggled to squeeze out from the Xingmei Theater.

The suit on Dao Baqiang's body has been squeezed into folds, Zhang Qingshan is even more exaggerated, his tie has been squeezed...even the tie can be squeezed, this shows how popular Xingmei must be!

"Mr. Jiang!" Zhang Qingshan's hair was disheveled, and there were dark circles around his eyes. It was obvious that he hadn't rested at all during this time.

"How's the situation?" Jiang Dong looked at Zhang Qingshan's frowning expression and asked curiously.

"Mr. Jiang..." Zhang Qingshan grinned wryly, "After we reduced the ticket price to 10%, the loss has exceeded our imagination. When the ticket price was 50% off, the eight theaters in Shanghai lost about 4.8 million a day. But now, the daily loss of funds has exceeded 8 million!"

"A loss of 8 million in one day? It's not bad! Not much!" Jiang Dong curled his lips, expressing his pettiness.

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